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The Aspiration to Become a Doctor

My curiosity in medicine began during my sophomore year in the secondary school when I
had the opportunity to help the son of my favourite Science teacher, an adorable but
courageous 10 year old boy who had been diagnosed with stroke. Truthfully, this was my
turning point and also the earliest journey into my ambition of becoming a doctor.
Reminiscing on that experience, I was more than happy to help him to complete his physical
exercises focussing heavily on his gross and fine motor skills. This one of a kind experience
was the one I treasured above others.
The dedication in improving the lives of others is indeed very appealing even to me. Some of
this experience was not taught within the classroom walls which transpired the importance of
sound human capitals in real life situation. In fact, the boy had taught me that the person who
cares is equally as important as the person who listens. It was this experience that enriched
my passion for science which I took as an advantage to engross myself with the knowledge
especially on how does the nervous system works and controls our body. In fact, this is what I
expect from Khazanah Watan scholarship to widely open up the opportunity for me to realize
my dream by studying abroad.
Without any doubts, I have always perceived studying in foreign colleges as the time to
renew my vision, adopt new insights and above all to explore more diverse and innovative
ideas in medicine. What could be better than traveling to a foreign country such as United
Kingdom than to learn about their ideas and technological breakthroughs? Besides, what
equally held my attention are the opportunities to avoid ethnocentrism, to expand my
horizons, and to appreciate everything the world has to offer me.
As any other teenagers, my ideal family is the sole comfort I can always turn to. Coming
from a working class background, my parents have worked hard to give me a good education
and are still sacrificing everything for me. We dont have everything, but I do know that we
always have each other. Hence, knowing that I can never thank them enough, I strive to fulfil
my dream as an appreciation for their endeavour. I devoted my time and energy for academic
accomplishment just like during my primary and secondary school years. To this day, my
sweetest primary school memories so far were when I came up on the stage a few times as the
top scorer and handed them the trophies, as my astonishing achievements can never be
accomplished without their blessings.
With the same perseverance in the secondary school, I was awarded the Anugerah Bonda
several times. Again, my heartfelt gratitude was to Allah and my beloved parents who had
never fail to support me through thick and thin. Owing to the fact that I have excelled in
academic competence, my class teacher had opened up another door for me to strive in cocurricular activities. Based on his guidance, I enrolled for Silat lessons and had indirectly
added up to my co-curriculum certificates and achievements. These were how I repay my
familys kindness and for them, now I channel my passion towards social and scientific
studies and pursuit the vibe to strengthen my desire to become a doctor.
Khazanah Watan, idealistically is known for its credible reputation in offering lifetime
opportunity for students like to me to pursue their dreams. The scholarship is indeed a
valuable ticket to develop my full potential in medic, which without it I can only dream of.
The funds allocated would open up doors of golden opportunity for me to learn everything
about medic, to immerse myself with the abundance of knowledge and definitely to copy the

foreign professional expertise so I can further develop them to bring back as a contribution to
both Khazanah Watan itself and the general population of Malaysia as a whole.
Another positive perspective of studying abroad is the chance for me to become a small
ambassador that represents Malaysia as a developing country in the eyes of the world. I can
become the bridge that purports the importance of collaboration between Malaysia and
United Kingdom, for instance, in matters involving medical innovations or even colloquial
information sharing that will surely benefit Malaysians in the long run. Indirectly, our
medical experts in Malaysia can improve and vary our methods of treatments towards
patients, so that more diseases can be easily cured.
After I went through the ups and downs in my life for 18 years, I believe that I possess all the
qualities that make me a very worthy recipient of the Khazanah Watan scholarship. Being a
doctor is noble but I have always perceived this profession as much more than that. Being
honest and truthful is undeniably important but on top of that is the willingness to take up
midnight calls knowing that someone, somewhere is in dire need of my help. This is the
dedications and motivation to do what is right, beyond the call of the duty. I believe this was
the silver lining behind my duty as a prefect while in school. I must always do the right things
and sacrifice many others without having ulterior motives. Due to this, I am more than
convince that I will do the same in my future career.
The satisfaction that I get from knowing that I have made a difference in someone's life is
immeasurably precious and worthwhile especially when there is no other hope to turn to. If
the opportunity of becoming a doctor is mine one day, I will definitely do my utmost best to
reach out for them. I am sure that the satisfaction is beyond what money can buy.
As a whole, I would really be thankful for this one of a life time opportunity if I would be
chosen as the recipient for the scholarship. I promise that I will continue to apply the same
diligence to my collegiate studies as I have to this point and making the education and
services towards others as my top priorities. I will represent your organization well during my
years in the college and beyond, and an utmost thank you in advance for your consideration.
(1035 words)

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