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The Phone Rang

12 March 2016, 12 P.M. at the office. Silence. Will and John were focused to
investigate their new case, a crime scene. They were impatient for a call from
their boss. The witnesses were waiting on the hall. The phone rang: but it was
only their mate Luke, the officer that was investigating the house. He gave
them the address, and told some details about the crime. Shocked, they
slammed the phone on the table. Luke told them that they found the
murderer who killed Miss Hemmings, searching for the safe deposit to steal
more money. The assault started. They made a persecution again in the
house to search if there were another criminals. They didnt find anyone but
they did find an envelope. While the detectives were unfolding it, Luke called
for an emergency at the center, asking for help.
Will and John got new witnesses at the center. Will interrogated all the
people, but it was useless, because he didnt get any clues. John was mad,
Luke havent called since 5 P.M. After a couple of hours, the phone rang. It
was Luke, who told John that the criminal didnt want to speak without his
defense attorney, and that he was wearing a mask that they couldnt got off
his face, so they couldnt identify him. He also said that his mask was really
creepy, it was a human face that looked very innocent. After an hour they
sent Misss Hemmings body to autopsy and they found fingerprints on the
envelope, which contained thirty thousand dollars. They sent us the
fingerprints to scan at the office. It was him, it was the murderer, and his
name waswaitIT WAS A WOMAN. John rescanned the fingerprints over
and over, only to find out that the fingerprints really coincided to a woman,
and her name was Lisa Hemmings, Misss Hemmings sister. It was a shock for
everyone. John called Luke fast to tell him, he was shocked too. Luke
informed him that the mask eventually came off the criminals face. And
surprisingly, yes it was a woman, more exactly, recognized as Lisa
Hemmings. So the analysis was right, it really was Misss Hemmings sister. So
the officers took her to the justice. At first, Lisa made a stand against the
cops telling them that she had an alibi and she was staged, thing that of
course, was a lie. So finally the officers took her to the judger and the trial
started. After the judger heard the story, Lisa was declared convicted.
The phone rang. It was Rose, Johns boss, telling him to wake up because he
has a case to investigate and he is late for work. John was confused. He
looked at the clock and it was 12 P.M. , March 12.The he realized it was only a
dream. At least the waited call from the boss arrived, when eventually the
phone rang.

Rchit Adriana, Gimnaziul George Cobuc, Clasa VIII-B, Profesor Ognean


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