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Aaron Crane

Rowan, Rachel
Sociology Assignment
1. Of the three theoretical perspectives, which one would you prefer to use if you were a
sociologist and why?
If I was a Sociologist I would most likely use Symbolic interactionism. The reason I prefer
Symbolic interactionism over the others is because of its simplicity. I am one that appreciates
understanding and understanding never comes in one form of perfection or one form of
negativity. It is always equal and provides you with the ability to use your agency. Symbolic
Interactionism seems to be the least unbalanced out of the three. Take Conflict theory for
example. Everything works around conflict or negativity. If we take Functionalism we see
the opposite. We see how everything is woven perfectly together and one action will gain a
reaction. I believe in choices and seeing how people make their own. I think Symbolic
interactionism is also the most interesting. It is something that I can physically see happening
today. Therefore, I understand it more and I appreciate it more.
2. What is the difference between good and bad sociological research? How can biases be
I think the difference between good and bad sociological research deals with the researcher
himself. In order to acquire good research, the sociologist must have a good design or plan
that doesnt deal with too many variables. This makes measurements easy and accurate. They
also have to have a reliable Hypothesis that supports their design. If they have a strong
design and are able to take accurate measurements, they should be able to keep their own
bias from entering into the picture. A lot of good research comes by being closely related or
involved with your research. This is good but creates it hard for most to eliminate their own

bias. The best way to tell if it was good or bad research is if you can recreate their exact
3. What two agents of socialization have influenced you the most? Can you pinpoint their
influences on your attitudes beliefs, values or other orientations to life?
I believe that one Agent of Socialization that has had a major impact on me is my Faith or
Beliefs. It all connects to symbolic interactionism. I have been socialized into believing in a
God. I know that this has changed the way I view people, friends, school, etc. It has impacted
every piece of my life. I act differently because I have been raised to understand what is right
and wrong. Another Agent of Socialization that I think has had a huge influence on me is my
friends. They impact me whether I know of it or not. If you are doing something with your
friends it is normal and accepted by all of you when in general it may be unacceptable. They
influence my language, my attitude, how I react to situations and so on. They have made me
a lot of who I am today.
4. Are you a member of any subcultures? Which one(s)? Why do you think that your group
is a subculture and not a counter culture?
Like I mentioned before I believe in a God and I am a part of a religion. I believe that being
religious within itself is a subculture but being more specified and saying that I am a
Mormon I feel is an even smaller subculture compared to the prior. The reason I feel it is not
a counter culture is because it generally has the same beliefs as all the others. Also we do not
suppress other people and their beliefs and what they hold dear to them. Counter cultures, to
me at least, seem degrading and jealous.

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