ECP 21 Giraldyne Semaña October 2009

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Giraldyne D. Semaña

Mrs. Myrna T. Miñoza


According to NASPE, outdoor activities

are an integral part of the early childhood
 There should be weather permitting for
children to spend some time outdoors.

 The equipment on the playground

should be inviting, challenging,
durable, and safe.
 The playground must be fenced and
provide built-in limits.

 Adults must always supervise

children’s play while they are outdoors.
Some general areas of play are:
 Climbing equipment (monkey bars)
 Sand (sand box)
 Playhouse
 Paved area for riding toys (tricycles and
 Shaded Area for opportunity to get out of the
 Developmentally appropriate basketball hoop
 Additional equipments: hula hoops, balls,
and riding toys, slide, and swing.
 Garden plots that the children plant and care
explorations offer
opportunities not
available inside
the classroom.
“To plant a single pumpkin seed in the
garden and watch it grow, to dig in the
earth and uncover one very wiggly red
worm, to gaze at a spider on a tree branch
as it spins an intricate web, to catch
snowflakes on the tongue, to watch a
hummingbird sip nectar from the crimson
phlox, to catch a flashing firefly in a jelly jar
– a whole wide world is waiting for young
children just outside the door. (Hillman,
1995, p.57)”

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