Mesopotamia Project

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Assignment: An alien came to Earth 5,000 years ago,

inspecting the area that we callMesopotamia. When he

returned to his planet, he decided to make a travel brochure
to invite others to Earth. Because he was treated nicely, he
wants to besure that his family knows that Earthlings were
civilized. How is the alien goingto convince his planet that
Mesopotamians had the 8 elements of a civilization?

How: You are creating a travel brochure for your alien

culture. You need to make sure you do the following:

1) Be sure you prove that Mesopotamia had each of the 8

elements of civilization.

2) Be sure that you explain how each element of

civilization helped the Mesopotamians to RISE
grow stronger, not become weaker.


3) Organize your travel guide into 8 sections

one for each characteristic.

4) Lastly, Use capital letters, punctuation, and THREE (3) of

the terms on the back.

Terms: Use 3 of these terms in your brochure

a) civilization

d) empire

b) city-state
e) Hammurabi
c. ) monarchy
the 10 Commandments

g) monotheism


h) polytheism
f.) Sargon the Great i.)

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