Com Day Company Invite

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West Lafayette, IN 47906 Phone: 317-696-7627


February 7, 2015
Bohlsen Group
201 S. Capital Ave., Suite 800
Indianapolis, IN, 46225
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing you in regards to the Purdue University Chapter of Public
Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). PRSSA is a professional
organization for public relations majors, along with all other communicationfocused majors, at Purdue University.
The mission of PRSSA is to obtain education and skills concerning our future
careers as public relations practitioners. Our organization embodies fifty-two
communication students and maintains a reputation of excellence and
professionalism on campus. As leaders of PRSSA we want to aid our
members with knowledge and skills that they will need in order to be
competitive in the job market.
This year PRSSA along with Brain Lamb School of Communications will be
hosting Com Day on our campus in West Lafayette, Indiana on Thursday,
April 2, 2015, from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.
We have researched your company, and have found many aspects that
would pertain to professions our members and communication students are
aspiring to be. We would like to formally invite a representative from your
company to attend Com Day to network with communication students.
Com Day has a standing tradition of providing students with an enriching
experience from experts in several different avenues of communication. We
feel this event would be worthwhile to your company because it enables

professionals to network with students who will soon be a part of the

communication workforce. Com Day is a wonderful opportunity to meet
bright communication students who are excited to obtain internships and
Com Day will be held in Lawson Computer Science Building starting at 8
a.m. till 11:30 a.m. where we will be hearing different professional speakers
about their careers in communication. Then lunch will be held in the West
Faculty Lounge, which is in the Purdue Memorial Union, at 12:00 p.m.
Following lunch will be our last speaker, and that will conclude the
presentations. The Career Fair will be held in Anniversary Drawing Room
from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We will have tables set up for your company
where students can network with you. This will conclude Com Day.

If you can attend Com Day, and send a representative to the Career Fair
please contact (your name) at (your email). Also, if you have any questions
or comments please contact the above email. Thank you, and we look
forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Brittany Kaelin
Head of Professional Committee

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