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Whitley Eyestone

Heather Fink
Composition 106
26 January 2016
Unspoken Rules
Unspoken rules within a social group, helps to establish one group from another. Michael
Ignatieff helps people understand that through his observation: To belong is to understand the
tacit codes of the people you live with. Peoples nature is to group together and to try and fit in
with others like them. In general, there are two social groups, the good kids and the bad kids.
Each group is identified by their own tacit codes, and a person can discover the tacit codes by
observing the way a social group communicates and interacts.
People can gather tremendous amounts of information by observing the way a social
group communicates. Any observer can easily understand key tacit codes of a social group
because of the communication level. Social groups that speak negatively, tend to treat each other
negatively. They display less respect and do not genuinely enjoy spending time with other
members of their social group. The negativity put out from the group makes the overall dynamic
of the group tense, and each member is hostile. Between each member, they communicate
gruffly and often use curse words. Little is known about the others personal life, which is taxing
for the social groups dynamic. On the other hand, groups who are more invested in each others
lives and respect each other and enjoy time spent with other group members. Positive social
groups seem to know and understand what is at the forefront of attention in each others lives
because they share information about their private lives. Those group members spend immense

amounts of time with each other because they genuinely enjoy spending time with their social
Social groups help people understand the tacit codes from the interactions between the
group, and to outsiders. The speech and interaction of a group seem to come hand-in-hand.
People who do not fit in as well often drift towards a negative social group for solace. The lack
of respect in the group is infectious, so they treat each other as poorly as possible. Negative
social groups influence members to have a negative outlook, making it so other social groups
avoid interacting with them. Whereas the positive social groups respect themselves and each
other. Many subgroups of positive social groups are willing to interact with them because they
are kind and enjoy other's presence. They are much more welcoming than other groups and
people want to be around positive people.
Michael Ignatieff accurately explains belonging within a group, and how tacit codes
affect the relationship between social groups and its members. Tacit codes set different social
groups apart through the ways they communicate and interact. By studying those traits about a
group, a person can learn how to fit and thrive amongst a group.

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