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The Practice of law

Helen Casillas

From the start

From an early age we are always told to dream big, to dream of becoming a
doctor, teacher or a lawyer. Typically we will go along with these choices, just
because becoming a lawyer, or a doctor sounds promising.

We are often told if we take these career choices we will make huge amounts
of money. Honestly, who wouldnt want to make large quantities of money?
The problem with that thinking, knowing nothing about the subject in reality.
What classes do I have to take to become a lawyer? What do I actually have to
do? The harsh reality is theres a lack of information. Younger generations and
current ones need to know and be informed in what the practice of law really
entitles, what it means to actually become a lawyer and how.

First Step

The first step in becoming a lawyer obtain a bachelors degree. A bachelors

degree typically takes four years of study. In these time, you will need to
complete at least 120 semester credits which typically around about 40
college courses.

The bachelors degree will probably be the smallest educational requirement

for an admission to law school.

Theres really not a particular field of study required or recommended by the

American Bar Association at this level. The American Bar Association notes
that students have been gaining admission to law school from nearly every
area of study. These can be ranging from political science to mathematics.
Although Common undergraduate majors for students who plan to go to law
school include Political Science, Business, Economics, and Philosophy.


Some advice for undergraduates planning to study and go into law school
after their bachelors degree, participate in mock trials. Being an
undergraduate, students can possibly be given an opportunity to participate
in a mock trial. The benefit of participating in a trial are the students will
gain actual experience of what its like to work as a trial attorney. They offer
the chance to develop a better understanding of the judicial system and help
them develop strong critical thinking skills.


Another thing they could do, get an internship at law firm, by becoming an
intern the potential student can get a glimpse into the environment. They
would also get experience to be able to know someone who already went
through the studies and process they will have to do. Other extracurricular
activities that could even get you started and ready in high school are: joining
the school debate team, working in a student government, or writing for a
school publication paper as a newspaper or yearbook.


Applying to law school will be a long process. The Law School Admission Test
(LSAT) may actually be needed to be taken nearly a whole year before getting
admitted and starting law school. School applications will be needed to be
filled out and in some instances writing a personal essay and obtaining letters
of recommendation can be helpful. Something important to keep in mind
admission to a law school can be highly competitive. According to the Law
School Admission Council most applicants can and will apply to at least four
law schools just in case because of competition.

LSAT continued

Alongside with a Bachelors degree, the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is an
important and required factor of the admission process to law schools. The
LSAT measures the acquired reading and verbal skills that law schools can use
as one of several factors in assessing applicants. This process will be similar
to that as of the SAT testing seniors do in order to apply to universities.
Admissions officers use the scores from the LSAT as a way to review the
knowledge and quality of each applicant. The test itself includes five multiple
choice question sections and also an unscored writing sample. The LSAT
measures the skills of critical areas of future legal work that are necessary to
be understood by the applicant.


After finishing their bachelors degree, some students may choose to continue
their education, while others may choose to gain professional experience in
other fields prior to actually enrolling into law school. There are several
things students should know that will present them as a better applicant. In
addition to overall GPA, undergraduate coursework, and LSAT scores, other
admission factors that can benefit are or may include community service
hours, any organizational affiliations, and or recommendation letters. These
written recommendation letters can be preferably from professors. A great
resource where students can check and research the law school application
process more in depth is The Law School Admissions Council it offers
resources helpful to potential students and applicants.


The Juris Doctor (JD) is the degree that is mostly known nationwide for
practicing law in the United States. Students have to keep in mind only
certain schools offer these educational opportunities. Prospective students
need to be informed of the faculty, the areas of study, the tuition cost, and
the institution curriculum prior to even applying. There are many ranging
specialties that are within legal practices. The students should really select a
program that will offer a focused standard in what their area of interest. An
example can be, students may choose to concentrate in some areas more
than others. Examples include criminal, environmental, tax, or even family
law. Normally, students can complete their Juris Doctor in three years of fulltime study. This degree will be way more intensive than a bachelors degree;
this process more relaxed and controlled at the pace of the student.

Bar exam

Most states do actually require that lawyers to graduate from specifically an

ABA-approved law school and that they pass the state bar examination prior
to qualifying into that state. Although individually each state does set up its
own testing rules, the bar exam is typically around a two day process. The
first, day one will be spent completing the Multistate Bar Examination. While
day number two focuses more on writing topics and questions that tend to
cover many legal matters. In addition to even the bar examination; the state
board of bar examiners themselves also do and will consider the applicants
educational background. Other contributing factors such as the character, and
ability the applicant has to represent others in legal matters. Its important to
analyze this prior to offering full legal licensure to the applicant.

Continuing your education

There are multiple opportunities for lawyers to be able to advance in their

careers. Freshman lawyers generally start out as associates. They work very
closely with a lawyer whom has experience in the field. After a period of time
of practice which can actually take up to years, attorneys can actually
phonetically rise to become partners in a Law firm. While others may actually
choose to open their own law firm. Some students actually choose to move
beyond practicing law, and become a judge. Lawyers can still also pursue
continuing their education at both the masters and doctoral level degrees.
The Master of Law (LLM) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are actually two
well-known common choices for lawyers whom are interested in careers
involving academic research.


Something important potential students need to recognize, lawyers really do

all kinds of work on a full-time basis. Many will actually even work longer
hours during the evenings and weekends as their caseloads will require them
too. Most lawyers do work in an office setting, some do travel for meetings
and case trials. Each specialty for the lawyers are different, which can place
them in different environment. An example is how some individuals choose to
become trial lawyers, there job is to negotiate a person's innocence or guilt in
a courtroom.


There are plenty of misunderstandings and misconceptions of studying law

including the admission process. Many students have the wrong understating
of what the admission committee actually looks for in their applicants. Main
factors that are used to review their application actually include how
students explain their own personal academic interest in the subject itself.
The committee wants to make sure the applicant is ready as applying for law
school and getting accepted is very competitive as mentioned before.


Personal interests and extra-curricular activities stated in their personal

statement also makes an impact on the application review. Typically an
admissions committee will look for those strong willed individuals who are
curious and diligent. They are looking for those who show interest in learning
more about the world around them. A degree in Law is not necessary narrow
path it actually does prepares graduates for a wide range of careers and
opens several doors.


Research shows how there are actually a lot of different areas of law that a
potential student may be interested in practicing. Some of the most popular
choices include the position of being a prosecutor or public defender. Either
of these types of lawyers work in the criminal court, they represent either
the state or people who cannot afford to have a lawyer represent them in
court. There are also many private law firms that handle criminal defense.

The right choice

There are several ways to be able to choose the right law school. One is you
can look at Law school rankings these can be found as easily as looking them
up online. These rankings are actually becoming more and more important to
incoming law students as they are looking to find the right school for them.
All law schools in the United States are ranked according to several factors
and certain criteria. This criteria includes the quality, and rankings by lawyers
themselves, selectivity, placement success, and bar passage rate.

Law school

The higher ranked the law school is, the more likely they are to put a student
into a law position following graduation. Which is why it is important to make
sure that the law schools are researched by students. Finding the schools that
interest you personally and also have the quality education that will you know
will help you and benefit once the profession is entered. Research does show
how many of the biggest Law firms around the United States actually hire
directly out of the law schools that rank high compared to others. The firms
then tend to look to select the top students in each class to go work for them
as summer associates which can many even eventually turn them into full
time employees.

How long will it take?

Students that are wishing to become attorneys often do ask the question,
"How long does it take to get a law degree? Well that answer does vary
depending on the path of law the student has chosen to take. Law school
programs are typically three years. It is important to remember that, unlike a
student's undergraduate degree, law school does not allow a student to
choose their own time and way. Law students are mostly required by most law
schools to complete the law program in about three years. Sometimes under
special certain circumstances, an extension may be permitted for the student
but that usually is not the norm.

Hard work pays off

Although becoming a lawyer is extremely hard work it can be and is very

rewarding in many different ways. Becoming a lawyer is important, and it is
also intellectually stimulating. It is something that is challenging, and will
always be changing time after time. It can open doors to many successful
directions in life. Lawyers help people in many different ways they change
lives, and have even made history and great advances. There is a limit to
another few other professions that could have such broad potential as
becoming a lawyer. As a lawyer, the opportunity is given to try and help shape
future laws. Not only that but be able to provide legal services that help
ensure that there is equality in the criminal justice system.

Professional life

Everyone does have to make decisions about balancing their personal and
professional lives. Like many other professions, a law career will and can be
demanding. Thankfully techniques for helping and coping will be taught at law
school. After graduating from law school, you will be able to apply timemanagement abilities and other new learned skills to your professional and
personal life. Honestly earning a law degree can help students put in control
their life. Law schools truly do encourage students to explore the many fields
and specialties available as there many options that can be taken. Another
extra is how there really isnt a strong commitment that has to be made to
studying a particular major or focus area while in law school. Once the law
school's core curriculum is completed, there is actually the chance of freedom
to take a variety of courses. From there if there is a certain interest in the
field of law that you ant to pursue. There is a chance to be able select courses
in that focus area.

How do you know?

There not really a person whom you can say there are the lawyer type of
person. As a lawyer, there is plenty to choose from an example can be
choosing to prosecute accused criminals. Or choosing to advise corporations,
negotiate real estate deals, help and work to protect the environment or
even help arrange adoptions, even teaching law can be an option. A legal
career is a broad path that can actually provide an opportunity to help other
individuals, the government and even businesses. There is a crucial role that
can be played into the criminal justice system as well, becoming a lawyer
really does offer many opportunities that should be heard of and understood
a difference can truly made by an individual.

You have choices

Going more into a lawyers choice of legal studies and fields is extremely
varied as the world itself. No matter what is seen daily on television, the
practice of law is not just all courtroom drama. Some, or well many
practicing lawyers actually rarely get to even see the inside of a courtroom.
Others do not even practice law, choosing instead to work in different
businesses, or government based and other law-related fields. It all depends
on what appeals to you as an individual. The possibilities truly are infinite no
matter what at the end of the day there is always a choice that can be made.

My own opinion

Personally always hearing of studying law and thinking it would be simple and
easy gives the wrong idea. Since hearing about how it provides a good income
and it would provide a good future. The statement above is not entirely true,
growing up most of the time we hear people telling us to become doctor or
lawyers because its so easy and a good choice but that is not entirely true
there is more to it than what it seems. There are many misconceptions about
going to law and studying it and they need to be addressed. On the other
hand there are many benefits from studying law and pursuing a career in it.
This paper illustrates what it truly is and how the process actually works.

A career in law has proven to being beneficial but with that come hard work.
Nothing in life is free and guaranteed if you really want something there
needs to be input put into it. Law requires both absolute command of the
details of legislation and cases, and a wider view and spectrum of how
different areas engage and what they can actually achieve. Law school also
gives the law student a different lens through which to view the world
differently. The decisions and assumptions you make become colored by their
potential legal consequences. All law degrees are not created equally. In fact,
depending on where you choose to study, there are many different types of
law degrees available. Law school requires an immense amount of work, but
it is very intellectually stimulating if you care about being stimulated.

From this research I have learned that I actually am on the right path to
studying law. I have been competing in my high school debate team for the
whole time I have been in high school. Not only that but I am the varsity
captain for my division, and I am in several other extracurricular activities
that help. Currently I am interning at a law firm this opportunity has offered
a once in a life time experience. I am thankful to have a mentor and others
who are willing and available to help me on my path to become a lawyer.

Works Cited

Armstrong, Susan, and Michelle Sanson. "From Confusion To Confidence: Transitioning To Law
School.Queensland University Of Technology Law & Justice Journal 12.1 (2011):21-44. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.

Baron, Paula. "Sleight Of Hand: Lawyer Distress And The Attribution Of Responsibility. Griffith Law Review
23.2 (2014): 261-284.Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

Larcombe, Wendy, Pip Nicholson, and Ian Malkin. "Performance In Law School: What Matters In The
Beginning?." Legal Education Review 18.1-2 (2008): 95-122. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

Levi, Ron, and Mariana Valverde. "Studying Law By Association: Bruno Latour Goes To The Conseil Dtat.
Law & Social Inquiry33.3 (2008): 805-825. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

Prigge, George W. "Life Lessons For A Law School." University Of Toledo Law Review 42.3 (2011): 649-656.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

Williston, Samuel. "The Case Method Of Studying Law." Harvard Law Review 43.6 (1930):972-974. Academic
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Vaughan, Steven. "Law As Engineering: Thinking About What Lawyers Do." Legal Studies 34.2 (2014): 353
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