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Date: April 11, 2016

To: Cynthia Raisor

From: Amber Nicole Capps, PSAA Graduate Student
Subject: Audience Profile Memorandum
Action Requested: Visit E-folio and make recommendations on updated sections
ePortfolio Purpose
The purpose of this memo is to explain how earning my Master in Public Administration
has provided me with important skills that I will need to use as a policy analyst. The
ePortfolio will provide the reader with details about my academic experience, learning
outcomes, projects, and internship that have been achieved while attending the George
Bush School of Public Service & Administration. It is a showcase of my skills and will
present the reader of why I am qualified to work as a policy analyst.
Target Audience
My ePortfolio is targeting future employers who work as policy analysts in nuclear
security related fields. These employers are searching for policy students who possess
strong analytical skills, strong research and quantitative background, and a have thorough
understanding of nuclear security and safeguards. As a policy analyst in this field I will
need to understand the technical implications in the future behind a policy that I might
want to implement. However not only will I need to have strong analytical skills I will
need to be able to evaluate, review, and monitor policies to determine the impacts and
benefits they will have.
What Do They Do?
Policy analysts are tasked with adjusting or implementing new public policies to replace
or create new regulations and laws. They either work at the state and local level of
government or the federal level.
What are They Looking For?
The employers for this particular field are always looking for people with a strong
quantitative and policy analysis background. Future employees also should have an
understanding of how nuclear safeguards work and the technical terminology. Employers
also would like employees to have good communicative and leadership skills. Policy
analysts need to have the ability to gather, analyze, integrate, and report on quantitative
and qualitative data.
My Experience
As a policy analysis student at the Bush School I have written numerous policy memos
and briefs. I have also written several technical reports while taking classes in the nuclear
engineering department. These skills have proved useful and have increased my
knowledge over the nuclear fuel cycles, and safeguard implications in the field of nuclear
security. As a graduate student I have also been presented with the opportunity to
network and meet with people and professors who have worked in various positions

either at PNNL, DOE, NNSA. These professors have provided insight to the particular
classes that I have chosen to take.
Concluding Comments
I plan on pursuing entry-level positions either in the form of internships or working at a
national lab. Through my ePortfolio the skills that I have learned while attending the
George Bush School of Government and Public Service will be reflected throughout the
various sections. These sections will prove why I will be such a valuable asset in the field
of nuclear security.
The link to my ePortfolio is
If you have any additional questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
Amber Nicole Capps

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