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FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016

Your articles look at moral reasons for being
vegetarian or vegan which is a very
interesting mix and unique . . .
Tim Barford - founder VegFestUK

APRIL 2016 - ISSN 2053-4426

UK and FRANCE - e-mail:

Vegetarian Week
as supermarket giant boosts events national profile





suitable for our vegetarian customers.


So were delighted to be sponsoring



Lucky Friends Gazette

readers can scoop top prizes
thanks to our advertising

organizers, the Vegetarian Society,

Lynne Elliot, chief executive at the

the move is set to considerably boost

Vegetarian Society, thanked Tesco

the profile of the event.

and the events three other sponsors.




Vegetarian Week.

National Vegetarian Week 2016 and

In what can be seen as a coup for

look forward to the festivities in May.

It comes as vegetarianism and

In a statement she said: We are

veganism grows apace in the UK so

really pleased to have these four

much so main streamers like the big T

official sponsors on board for National

want a piece of the action.

Vegetarian Week, 2016.

There is also no doubt that the store

National Vegetarian Week begins

has high expectations of the event for

on Monday, 16th May and runs until


Sunday, 22nd.



turnover is par for the course every

penny spent must be justified in terms
of value-for-money and return on

The event is all about celebrating

food, stories and traditions.
Phil Lynas, owner of Cranks, one of





Jason Tarry, Chief Product Officer

swinging start back in the 60s weve

at Tesco said: Were passionate

always been passionate about proper

about food and providing quality, value

food, vegetarianism is at the heart of

for money produce year round, and

what we do at Cranks.

that includes a wide variety of food

Continued on page 3

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016

Missing French
boy could be in
Special report by
additional reporting

Lucas Tronche

A MISSING French teenager could be being

he was with them, in good health and not to

held captive abroad, including in the UK,

worry. They received another message last week.

In a heart-rendering reply they beg to be able

police have said.


to contact their boy direct. We need a sign

anguished parents have pleaded with his

direct from our son. Could you ask him for just a

kidnappers for direct contact with their boy after

written message or a message on our answering

receiving a mysterious email from them.

machine. It's been a year since he left us. Our






Lucas 16, vanished from his home in Bagnols

suffering due to uncertainty is unbearable. We

sur Ceze in the Gard, France in March last year.

need to be fully reassured. The moment will

A police spokesman at Montpelier where a

come when we fully accept that Lucas has

special unit has been set up said: "There's a

decided to lead a new life somewhere. We trust

possibility that he could be abroad including the

him fully. Please tell him we love him, they say.

UK. Hes been missing for over a year. His

Since he went missing volunteers have

parents are continuing to be hopeful. We have

scoured the area and dozens of posters have

neither found him nor a body."

gone up in shops and restaurants.

Lucass parents Nathalie and ric Tronche got

an email from his captors some time ago saying

Think you can

tell a story from
a string of

To find out more and to help in the hunt go to:

Nathalie and ric Tronche

A string of bananas

We pay well for

tips and copy;
write in to us at:

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016



Tesco backs Veggie Week

Continued from p.1

Richard Stoker, managing director and founder of

Good Full Stop Bars in Devon, another sponsor,
said: Im often asked why I became a veggie to
which I mischievously reply that its so long ago Ive
And fourth sponsor, Julie Nisbet, managing
director of Strathmore Foods, said the event was
the perfect way to promote the continually
increasing variety available on a meat-free diet.
The Vegetarian Society influences, inspires and
supports people to embrace and maintain a
vegetarian lifestyle. Being vegetarian is a choice
that is kinder to animals, to people and to our living
planet, the society claims.
Established in 1847, it claims to be the oldest
vegetarian organisation in the world.
Visit for more information.
Visit for more
details and visit the societys online Kitchen Table.

GIVING allergenic foods to infants from three

three months of age may be effective in food


months old may prevent allergies in later life

allergy prevention if the recommended quantity of

allergenic foods there was a two-thirds reduction in

a major new report has claimed.

allergenic food was consumed.

overall food allergy.

The study, for the UK Food Standards Agency

(FSA) which has been published in the prestigious

The report backs up many others which have






Professor Gideon Lack, principal investigator,

said: The results of the analysis of infants who

come to the same conclusion.

New England Journal of Medicine, has found that

Common allergenic foods are egg, milk,

managed to consume the recommended amount

introducing allergenic foods to the infant diet from

peanut, tree nuts, wheat and soy; as well as

are most striking for peanut and add to the growing


body of evidence from our other studies, that early

items such as fish,

introduction of peanut prevents the development of

and shellfish.

peanut allergy in both a high risk population of



children with eczema and in a general population.



Dr Michael Perkin, St Georges University of



London co-principal investigator, said: We have

breastfed and had

gained huge insights into what may be necessary to



help protect infants from developing food allergies.



What do you think? Would you give your baby



three months with

those solely breast-

allergenic foods?

duced to allergenic

Just a tiny bit

higher on the

foods early.

THE SALESIAN community is looking for cleaners

fed and given foods

at six months.


allergy was lower in





for its newly upgraded facilities in Battersea, south

notably goes on to

London but applicants must be prepared to go that

make it quite clear

bit further than just keeping the place spic-and-span.





The job description on the Catholic institutes

duction of all the


website reads: To maintain and implement a

foods was not easy

consistently high level of hospitality e.g. fresh

but it was safe.

flowers, clean carpets and furnishings, pictures

Among the infants

who did manage to

straight, condiments in visitors rooms, sensitivity to

individuals needs, etc.

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016


by Parvis Rusthum

GAY INDIAN men are being

sexuality is still punishable by

is looking for an Indian screening

The films lead actors and director

urged to come out in support

life imprisonment.

after having to be filmed in secret

have brought out a video in support of

because of its gay storyline.

the LGBT movement against Section

of their rights as the country

The call comes as a ground-

looks again at its draconian

breaking film with a gay theme

legal system where homo-

was released recently and another

Loev, an Indian love story between two men

The Bollywood film Aligarh is a

377, (which outlaws homosexuality in

biopic of a gay Indian professor

India) by encouraging people to come

who died under mysterious

out and discuss and accept homo-

circumstances after being

sexuality more openly.

suspended from the Aligarh

In the video, actor Manoj Bajpayee,

Muslim University for his

who plays Siras, declares: We are free


only if we can come out and live

Caught in a sting operation Dr

without fear. And director Hansal

Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras said:

Mehta says: The closet is a lonely

"I am happy because I have been

place, come out.

judged in a wrong way. I myself

declare that I am a gay person.
I am the same person, with
[the] same qualifications, features
and personality."

Meanwhile Loev, directed by

Sudhansu Saria, is an Indian love story
between two men.
It had to be filmed in absolute
secrecy because Saria feared that if
cont. on page 5


89a Cronulla Street, Cronulla Beach, NSW, Australia. +61 409 700 511

A model strikes a
Yin Yoga pose

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016


VEGAN body builder, and all round

FG policy is to meet our readers so

heart throb, Robert Webster, took

that they can put a face to their favourite

time out of his sweaty gym workout


recently to pop in to say hello to his

favourite magazine.
His welcome visit came at the
VegFest Brighton where he flexed a

This recipe serves six so go ahead and invite some

On hand to do just that at the Brighton

conference centre were Silvia Majorska

Silvia managed the Friends Gazette

stand while Marijan played the role of

banner and the admiring crowds.

roving ambassador digging out potential

have to eat meat to be fit and healthy.

As well as Robert hundreds of
readers new and old stopped by to say
hello or sign up for the first time.

butter and cheese with vegan options.


and Marijan Surez.

bicep or two, in front of our advertising

Robert is living proof that you dont

friends round. Theyll love it. You can substitute the

readers as she attended a variety of

Knob of butter
1 kg floury potatoes e.g. King Edwards, peeled and
thinly sliced
500g parsnips, peeled and thinly sliced
200g pack baby leeks, sliced

talks and lectures.

Friends Gazette will be on stand S21
at the Bristol VegFest next month.
See our ticket competition inside.

450 ml hot vegetable stock

Preheat oven to 170 deg. C, gas mark 3. Butter a twolitre ovenproof dish. Layer the vegetables in the dish,
seasoning lightly as you go.
Pour the HOT vegetable stock over the top of the

COME OUT CALL cont. from page 4

homosexual acts. The section was

people learned of its content it could threaten

decriminalised in cases of sex between

its production.

consenting adults by the High Court of Delhi

He told the BBC recently: Getting any sort

of permit, given we didnt have money, we

on the 2nd July, 2009.

Supreme Court of India on 12th December,

to complicate things beyond a certain point.

2013 which held that amending or repealing

of tuberculosis while the film was in postproduction.

Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code

to brown. For a main course just add some vegetarian

sausages and sprinkle grated cheese on top.

parliament, not the judiciary.

On 2nd February this year at a hearing in
the Supreme Court the three-member bench
headed by the chief justice of India T.S.

during British rule.

Thakur said the complete section would be

the order of nature", arguably including

bake for 1.5 hours or until vegetables are tender.

Section 377 should be a matter left to

dates back to 1860 and was introduced

It criminalises sexual activities "against

ground black pepper. Cover with buttered foil and

Remove the foil for the last 20 minutes to allow the top

That judgement was overturned by the

were just relying on favours. I just didnt want

Tragically, lead actor Dhruv Ganesh died

veggies. Dot with a little more of the butter and add

reviewed afresh by a five-member

constitutional bench.


FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016

Breakfast in Beas
deputy chief minister of Punjab
since 2009.
Badal is also the president of

Nehru-Ghandi family, a political

Dal (SAD) and the son of Punjab

dynasty at the very heart of Indian

chief minister Parkash Singh

politics since Independence.

His grand-mother Indira and

SAD is the sworn political

enemy of Congress.

father Rajiv were assassinated

while serving prime ministers.

Dhillon made a point last July of

He holds a masters degree in

visiting Sikh activist Simranjit

Philosophy from Trinity College,

Singh Mann, 70, then being


treated for a heart condition in

Under his leadership, the Indian

hospital in Punjab's second city,

National Congress Party was

Chandigarh, as reported in the

hammered in the 2014 poll when

July/August 2015 editon of FG.

the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

TOP INDIAN politician Rahul

nationalist parties in their

Gandhi has met with holy man

heartlands, such as the Punjab.

Mann once stood accused of

The rise of these parties

conspiracy to assassinate Rahul's

next year's Vidhan Sabah

resulted in Congress being driven

grandmother Indira Gandhi who

(national assembly) elections.

from power in the 2012 elections.

was gunned down in 1984 after

The top secret meeting took

Rahul Ghandi, 45, is a scion of the

Sikh political party Shiromani Akali


Gurinder Singh Dhillon ahead of


and allies including the Shiromani

Akali Dal (SAD) swept to power.
Both ran on traditionalist/quasireligious platforms.

Gandhi stayed overnight and

she had imposed a national state

place at the Radha Soami

attended a religious gathering the

of emergency. All charges against

the Uttar Pradesh police at Bhatta

Satsang Beas ashram in the

next morning, press reports say.

Mann were later dropped.

Parsaul village after he turned out

Punjab, north west India which is

headed up by Dhillon.

Before that he tucked into a

Mann told reporters at the time

In May 2011 he was arrested by

in support of agitating farmers

strictly lacto-veggie breakfast and

that Dhillon had expressed deep

demanding more compensation for

In India, the group, known as

then went on to Dhillons private

concern over the plight of Sikh

their land being acquired for a

RSSB, has a following of millions,

residence for a two hour closed-

political prisoners.

highway project.

mostly low-caste Dalit Sikhs.

doors meeting.

Gandhi, vice-president of India's

Pictured: top, Rahul Gandhi;

Dhillon, who maintains a neutral

Congress Party, is on a mission to

stance politically, is related by

try and win back support from

marriage to Sukhbir Singh Badal,

Catholics should try to

influence society for
the better bishops say
THE CATHOLIC church is urging its members

Rahul stood with the farmers for

below, a Vidhan Sabah in

over 15 hours as they were

Chandigargh; below left,

demanding their rights.

part of the RSSB centre.

In an official letter read out in churches this

month Scottish bishops urge their flocks to join a
political party saying: It is the duty of every
Catholic to try and influence society for the better.
After giving details on the voting system, the

It will also have responsibility for legislation

regarding abortion in Scotland.
Labour has warned that Scotlands newlyacquired power on abortion could leave women
with fewer rights and the ruling Scottish Nationalist

in Scotland to get political in a veiled attempt

letter continues: As well as existing powers

at influencing the debate on abortion.

over education and health, the parliament has

Unlike Scotland, abortion is illegal (except in

been given more control of the economy, with

medical circumstances) in neighbouring Eire,

greater ability to raise and lower taxes.

where the Catholic church is highly influential.

Voters go to the polls next month to elect 129

new Scottish Members of Parliament.

Party has vowed not to change the present law.

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016

With a
little help
from our

Welcome to Nutural World, where we

aim to create the best range of 100%
nut butters. With no sugar, oil,, salt or
any artificial additives, we offer
pistachio, pecan, hazelnut, Brazil nut,
almond, coconut and many more.
Use coupon FG11-15 to get free delivery
in the UK for orders over 10.

FRIENDS GAZETTE is a free and independent magazine/newspaper

and we intend to keep it that way.

To do so we need the support of advertisers.

Our current advertisers include some of the top producers in the
vegan/vegetarian world from spring water to vegan marshmallows.
We dont believe in touting for testimonials, many of which end up


being paid for. However here are a few compliments which have
come our way, without asking, in the course of business.
Thanks everyone. SW
I believe that the FG is of a very high standard and I would like my brand
to be associated with it.
Mordechai Chachamu - Nutural World
Perhaps I could offer a selection of our products to Friends Gazette for

Your market - our readers

you to review.
Julian Lucas Plamil Foods

Real journalism

Happy to see the result of our collaboration as a whole now!

News not propaganda

It looks great.
Caroline de Filipis Bute Island Foods

Exclusive stories
Investigative reports

Love it!

Human interest

Ananda Ananda Foods

Selected advertisers
Your articles look at moral reasons for being vegetarian or vegan which is
a very interesting mix and unique . . .

For our 2016 media pack simply email:

Tim Barford - founder VegFestUK
Have seen the advert. Looks good and I'm enjoying reading the articles.


I have given it to my dad to read. Thanks again.

Lady Hummingbird - vegan jewellery


Thanks for the ad. It looks good. We are always happy to do business
with Friends Gazette.
Salique Khan - Diwanas Brick Lane

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016

Christmas comes early

for FG chocoholics

Product review
by our readers

HUNGRY FG readers got together recently to put a

well-known vegan brand to the test and celebrate
Christmas a few months early.
Plamil founded in the 60s to provide an alternative to cows milk now
produces a wide range of pure vegan products including chocolate bars,
chocolate spreads, baking chocolate, egg-free mayonnaise, carob bars,
organic soya milk and even ethical aprons.
In our independent test four varities of the companys chocolates were
at the mercy of our choccoholics taste buds who could award up to five
hearts per product, according to preference.
Out of the sugarfree, orange, mint and organic cayenne flavours
orange came up tops with a heartfelt 13; with mint running a close
second with 11 and sugarfree nine. The cayenne (chilli) flavour scraped
in last with just three.

Taste buds at the ready; (l-r) Solange Egea, Marie Cayol, Gerard Egea,
and Pierre Cayol make careful notes.
Whacking in with a further two hearts, artist and anthropologist Pierre
Cayol commented: The mint marries well with the chocolate taste.
And retired philosophy professor, Gerard Egea, Solanges partner said
of the mint variety: A good combination of the two elements.

Solange Egea, a retired careers adviser, gave the mint the full monty

For Marie Cayol, an eminent writer on American Indian culture and

(or minty) with a heartfelt five, saying: The mint flavour is well-balanced,

philosophy and Pierres partner, it was the chocolate orange which stole

though a little sweet.

her hearts all five of them!

Giving the product the full shebang, she said: This is a classic! The

In the habit - Benedictine monks

wear black hooded robes

orange taste goes perfectly with the taste of chocolate.

For her, the mint chocolate scored a miserable one heart. I dont like
the mix of mint and chocolate, she declared.
But when it came to the cayenne (chilli flavour) she was the only one
who rated it with a rosey three, all the others couldnt find it in their hearts
to give it any score at all!
Full results as follows: Chocolate Orange: 13; Chocolate Mint: 11;
Sugar free: 9; Cayenne: 3.
To have your product considered for testing by our readers contact in the first instance.

and the contenders are (l-r) - Plamils no added sugar, organic

cayenne, mint chocolate and organic orange - all delicious!

Mark your email: product testing.

A model strikes a
yin Yoga pose

There is no charge for this service.

LIFE IS JUST . an easy but substantial read

Life is Just ... by Nigel Lesmoir-

successful but dysfunctional

Lauren, represent intellectual and

bonds, struggles, guilt, and

Gordon is set in the swinging 60s.


intuitive youth trying to


The story starts with a

The prose is evocative and

mysterious death in 1931, which

engaging. The characters are

will grab your attention and keep

realistic and well developed.

you guessing until the end.

Fast forward to 1962,

disentangle from their fathers

conservative mind.
The darker side of that era in

Lesmoir-Gordon also deftly

terms of mental illness and

There are some parts of the

narrative that are slow for me, but
the overall pace is good.
Readers who grew up through

highlights the growing spiritual

homosexuality and the way they

the sixties, especially in

Cambridge, and we meet Freddy

interest in Eastern religions and

were viewed in those days is well-

Cambridge, will be able to identify

Wheatcroft, who has just been


explored and thought-provoking.

with the story intimately.

appointed Dean of St. Andrew's

College, and the rest of his

Freddys twin sons, Mark and

Life is Just ... is an easy yet

Dominic, as well as his daughter

substantial read about familial

All in all, this is a solid read

from Lesmoir-Gordon. (SbA)

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016

Lee Kirk helps us decide
STUNNING is the best way to

the road infrastructure and

describe both Runion and

maintenance, as well as living

Mauritius; set like jewels in the

standards, is well below Runions.

azure waters of the Indian ocean.

One can feast ones eyes on the

Saving grace? Being five million

years old Mauritius has many more

lush green rugged mountains

beaches and coral reefs on which to

stretching as far as the eye can see.

enjoy plenty of lazy sunny days and

There are more impressive

waterfalls than you can point a stick at

tropical nights.
One point of interest not to be

and the giant lilypads at the

missed is La Vanille Rserve des

Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens in

Mascareignes in the Rivire Des

Mauritius are a sight not to be missed.

Anguilles, Mauritius.

Runion is a much younger

There you can see some great

volcanic island than Mauritius and

examples of the islands giant

only a comparatively small part of the

tortoises imported from grandparent

coast has white sand and coral reefs.

stock in the Seychelles in 1880s at

No matter. The inhabitants are

warm, friendly and welcoming with

the behest of none other than

Charles Darwin himself.

low crime rates as compared

with South Africa where

us at
Meet us at

crime is more of an issue.

Runion is not only very
much a part of France, but
part of the European

th/28th nd

Common Market and,

strangely, the Euro Zone.
Its citizens enjoy an oldage pension and free health
care benefits that mainland
France enjoys and are the
envy of the nearby Indian
Ocean countries.
France has obviously
spent billions on infrastructure with top class
freeways, roads, rubbish
collection etc.
Its like being in a parallel,
tropical France.
Mauritius has 52% Indian
population and hasnt had
the money thrown at it by the
British that Runion has from
France, so it's the slightly
scruffy sister to Runion.
Uncollected rubbish and
poor housing is evident and

FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016


FG est Charlie et Paris - April 2016

A knight of the spirit


Translations by FG in-house team

promotional tee shirts as competition prizes.

Just answer this question.

MERCI, merci, merci Steve pour apporter

ce sujet sur FG. (Death in the afternoon FG March 2016).
L'indiffrence des Francais a ce sujet
est choquante. Les animaux ont aussi des
droits: ceux d'tre traite humainement.
Ce qui n'est pas le cas dans les
corridas. Combien de temps faut-il pour
changer "les traditions"?
Les corridas sont le dernier espoir pour
gagner de l'argent pour certaines
personnes dsavantages et c'est
peut tre une des raisons pour ne pas les
supprimer, sans parler du gain
pour l'conomie locale.
Ce n'est pas la premire fois que je
signe une ptition contre les corridas.
Marie-Michele Bailey
Surrey, England

THANK you so much for carrying this story

in FG. (Death in the afternoon - FG March
The indifference of the French to this
subject is totally shocking. Animals have
the right to be treated humanely.
That just isn't the case with the
bullfights! How long will it be before
anything changes?
Bullfighting is the last hope for some
disadvantaged members of society to earn
money and that maybe why its still going
on, to say nothing of boosting the local
This isn't the first time I've signed a
petition against bullfighting!
Marie-Michele Bailey
Surrey, England

Je signe une
ptition, tu me
pourquoi ?
SIGNER une ptition, se dlecter de ce qui
nest pas issu de lexploitation pure et
simple dautrui, sintresser davantage ce
que lon consomme, devenir vgane,
sengager au sein dune entreprise qui
partage ses valeurs
Peu importe ce que lon dcide de faire,
peu importe qui et comment : chaque
geste compte. Chaque voix qui slve est
une rvolution en soi.
Il me semble indispensable aujourdhui
de devenir acteur de ce monde que lon
compose. Les traditions sont parfois
simplement de mauvaises habitudes.
On sait au fond de nous que cela nous
dessert, mais on continue sans plus se
poser de questions. Jusquau jour o
lon dcide de ne plus se complaire dans
sa propre ignorance, et jusquau jour o
lon dit stop !
Je moppose videmment la corrida.
Cela na cependant pas toujours t si

FG has teamed up with top Vegan food

company Bute Island Foods to offer two of their

Mon Dieu! Elles

existent encore!

My God, is it really
still going on?


Is the Isle of Bute on the
Firth of Clyde,
the Firth of Forth,
or the Forth of Fifth?
First two correct answers out the hat will win a tee shirt
The 100% cotton Fruit-of-The-Loom tee shirts, usually
costing 12 each, come in small, medium, large and extra
large for men and women. Please state preference with

vident mes yeux. La chose est bien

vendue et savoir cela est mme rassurant.
Comment pourrions-nous cautionner pareille
barbarie, sinon quen tant capables de lui
trouver des attraits acceptables ?
Jusqu ce jour, o lon ralise. On ouvre son
cur, on accroit son empathie.
Que fais-je cet autre tre vivant que lon
torture pour la beaut du spectacle ? Lui, que
ressent-il ?
Caroline de Filippis
Isle of Bute - Scotland

Team Bute Island Foods in their tees - somewhere in Scotland

GETTING into Europes top vegan show has never been

so easy! Just answer this simple question to be in with a
chance of winning four tickets to Bristol VegFest next
month! (Two per day).
Amongst other things Bristol is famous
for its glassware (see pic).

I signed the petition you asked why?

I'm happy not to be involved in the
exploitation of other animals. I'm becoming more
interested in what I eat.
To be a vegan, getting involved in the heart of
a company that shares my values; it doesn't
really matter what you decide to do or how.
Every action counts. Everyone who takes a
stand is a revolution in themselves.
To me it seems theres no choice today but to
do something positive in the world in which we
live. Traditions are so often just bad habits.
We know in our heart of hearts that it's not
good for us but we carry on regardless until .....
we decide to break out of our ignorance. Then
we say: Stop. Obviously I'm against bullfighting.
But my eyes weren't always open.
Bullfighting is so cleverly sold it somehow
reassures you. How else could you bear such
barbaric behavior. Until one day you wake up,
open your heart and find your compassion.
What am I doing to this other living creature
that's being tortured for the thrill of the fight?
What's the bull going through?
Caroline de Filippis
Isle of Bute - Scotland

Whats it called?
Bristol Navy,
Blue Bristol, or
Bristol Blue.
Answers to:
First correct answers out the hat
will win prizes. Mark your entry Vegan for the show
tickets and Scheese for the free teeshirts.
Only one prize per entry, per competition.
You can enter both competitions.
The editors decision is final.

JOIN 3,000
LOGO (left) TO
TO JULY 2013

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