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Amber Nicole Capps

NUEN 650
September 17, 2015
There are four different methods of uranium enrichment: gaseous diffusion, gas centrifuge, and
aerodynamic enrichment. Gas diffusion uses molecular diffusion to separate the gas from a two-gas
mixture. The UF6 is pumped into the filters called barriers. The enrichment in gas diffusion happens when
the lighter UF6 diffuse faster through the barriers than the heavier UF6 gas molecules. In gas centrifuge
UF6 is inserted inside of a cylinder. The cylinder will rotate at a high speed. The rotation of the UF6 will
create a centrifugal force, which results in the gas occupying a thin layer next to the rotor wall. The
heavier 238UF6 molecules during this process will move closer to the wall than 235UF6 separating the two
isotopes. Aerodynamic enrichment relies on the used of a high-speed gas using UF6 moving through a
small radius that creates a pressure gradient similar to a centrifuge. This process requires multiple stages
to produce enriched product for a reactor.
SILEX is the separation of isotopes by laser excitation. SILEX process is currently a much faster
way to create enriched uranium. In respect to proliferation the use of SILEX is of high concern. SILEX
plants would be smaller and will use less energy than centrifuge facility would. It could also enrich
uranium to weapons in fewer steps than the gas centrifuge and does not produce any distinctive chemical
or thermal emissions that could potential lead to the discovery of the plants location. The creation of the
enrichment facility using the SILEX process will either have a negative impact on the US relations to the
NPT. The NPT purpose is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology that could be used to
create weapons. If the construction of this facility is to continue there will need to be a policy created to
ensure that this facility will be monitored.

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