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Action Plan and Reflection Chart

Assess your practice using the self-assessment for this component. Consider your strengths and areas of
need. Take a closer look at the elements in this component. Look over the tools for the selected
component and choose strategies that you are committed to trying in your classroom. Then in this chart
record what happened. If there was a change, what evidence indicates the extent to which the strategies
were successful? Think about what you might do differently to continue to bring about further growth in
this component.
Name: Angela Anderson
Description of work assignment and responsibilities: I teach 6th grade language arts at Ballenger
Creek Middle School. This year, my classes consist of three merit level classes and two honors/HAL
Areas of Component Strengths: I have strengths in the area of establishing a culture of learning and
respect within my classroom, organizing my classroom space, and building rapport with students.
Areas of Component Need(s): I felt that my classroom procedures could be improved, as well as my
management of small group work, in order to make my lessons run more smoothly and therefore,
more effectively. I hope to see an increase in focused instructional time.
Goal: To develop procedures to improve management of small groups, to clarify and streamline
procedures for class transitions and materials management, to increase instructional time
Develop specific procedures
for small groups (Focus on
literature circles)

What will I try?

1. Give each
group a
card that
explains each

How did it go?

1. This went fairly
well and I did
see students
making better
use of their
time and being
more actively
involved in the
Students were
referring to
their texts and

What will I do differently?

1. I still think that I
need to model each
role more
specifically for
students so that
they better
understand the
steps of the process
for which they are

2. Develop a
rubric for
members to
assess their
as a group

Teach procedures for


1. Post specific
(step by step)

discussing their
work instead of
just reading the
work they had
2. The rubric had
results. It gave
students the
opportunity to
share specific
with me about
how the group
together that I
may have
missed in my
observations. It
also decreased
the amount of
tattle taling
that I heard
because they
felt that they
had a
place to express
their concerns
about the work
of their group.
1. This is
Students know

2. I have already
added a question at
the bottom of the
rubric that asks Is
there any other
information that you
wish your teacher to
know? I am also
considering taking
the time to teach
this rubric so that
the students clearly
understand what
each score would
look like in action.

1. I need to scaffold
this so that
eventually, students
do not need the

at the
beginning and
end of class

2. Teach
procedures for
entering class,
turning in
work, moving
into groups

where to look
for instructions
every day. They
know exactly
what they
should be doing
and if they
forget or ask
me, I just direct
them to the
board. This has
put the
on the students
and enabled
them to be able
to handle the
2. This is also
working well,
although I
found that once
I implemented
procedures, I
did have devote
time to really
teaching them
and having
practice them.
When a
procedure was
not working, I
involved the

specific instructions
for procedures that
remain the same
every day. I think
that by mid-year,
they should only
need these
directions posted
for the specific
instructional tasks
of that day.

2. I would like to find

ways to involve the
students more in
procedures in order
for them to feel
more invested in the
classroom running
more smoothly.
When they were
involved in problemsolving for our one
faulty procedure,
they really took
ownership of the
procedure they
helped develop.

Teach procedures for

managing materials

1. Provide clear
spaces for
materials for
class, student

2. Teach
students how
they will get
and put away

3. Establish

students in
and we then
had to practice
the new
1. This has been
working fairly
well. I feel
more organized
this year and I
think student
feel more at
ease knowing
that they do not
need to ask me
for materials
that they may
have forgotten.
2. I spent a lot of
time going over
the rules of how
we handle
Chromebooks in
the classroom
and students
have been
wonderful in
for getting
them at the
beginning of
class, logging
on, and showing

1. Next year, I will

clearly define when
it is appropriate for
students to access
materials in order to
cut down on class
disruptions. It is
great that they
know where to get
materials, but not
great when they are
getting and
sharpening a pencil
during class
2. I need to find a way
to make the return
of Chromebooks at
the end of class
more efficient. I
may put the class
crate on top of the
cart so that they
can drop off their
class materials and
Chromebook at the
same time. I still
foresee a long line
of kids waiting to

Class Helpers

that they are

ready for
3. This strategy
has significantly
cut down on the
amount of time
passing out and
papers, student
work and other

though, so I am still
working on a better
3. Id like to assign
some routine
responsibilities to
this position, such
as checking to see if
there are papers to
be returned. This
would be another
way of shifting
responsibility for
the classroom
procedures to the

Assessment (How do I know I have met the goal?) I do not have concrete data to show that I have met
my goal, but anecdotally, I can attest that I am spending less time answering administrative
questions from students. I also have found that I am able to focus on what is happening next in the
lesson, instead of monitoring behavior during transitions. The tone of the classroom is calm and
purposeful and I believe that in part, that is connected to the fact that my students this year
understand routines and procedures more thoroughly.

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