Science Lesson 9 Part 2

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Lesson plan for: Science Unit 2 Lesson 9 part 2: Resource Use

Date: 2/22/16
Benchmarks/Core Standards
E.ES.03.41 - Identify natural resources (metals, fuels, fresh water,
fertile soil, and forests).
E.ES.03.42 - Classify renewable (fresh water, fertile soil, forests)
and non-renewable (fuels, metals) resources.3
E.ES.03.43 - Describe ways humans are protecting, extending,
and restoring resources (recycle, reuse, reduce, renewal).
E.ES.03.44 - Recognize that paper, metal, glass, and some
plastics can be recycled.
E.ES.03.51 - Describe ways humans are dependent on the
natural environment (forests, water, clean air, Earth materials)
and constructed environments (homes, neighborhoods, shopping
malls, factories, and industry).
E.ES.03.52 - Describe helpful or harmful effects of humans on the
environment (garbage, habitat destruction, land management,
renewable, and non-renewable resources).
E.SE.03.31 - Identify Earth materials used to construct some
common objects (bricks, buildings, roads, glass).
Objective for this lesson:
Students will be able to
Describe ways in which humans alter the environment in their
choices of resource use and resource development.
Describe ways humans are protecting, extending, and restoring
resources. Plan and conduct an investigation that clean an oil
spill using a model.
Anticipatory Set:
Show the BrainPopJr video on Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Direct Instruction:
1. Explain that students will be learning how to clean up an oil spill.
2. Have them fill out their student journal to make predictions.
Guided Practice:
1. Divide the class into groups of 4 students. The oil will be
contained in the pie pans and that a variety of materials will be
available for students to use to clean the oil from the water.
2. Pour 1 cup of water into the pie pan. Place one rock and a piece
of leaf matter into the pie pan. Simulate the oil spill by pouring
cup of oil onto the water. Ask: What is happening to the leaves,
rock, and water as the oil spreads out?

3. Show the students the graduated cylinder. They will start with 1
cup of water.
Students will reflect in their student journals if time permits.
Independent Practice:
Students will get to experiment with cleaning an oil spill, as well
as observe and reflect in their student journals.
Materials Required:
For each group of 4:
1 pie pan, 9"
1 small rock (from class collection)
2 pipe cleaners
2 clear plastic cups, 9 oz.
1 graduated cylinder
1 plastic spoon
1 small sponge
yarn, 1 meter
6 cotton balls
1 pipette (disposable)
2 coffee filters
1 index card, 5" x 8"
For the class:
8 tsp. black tempera paint
2 cups vegetable oil
1 measuring cup
Teacher provides:
leafy carrot or celery tops or lettuce leaves
white construction paper
chart paper, 8 pieces
1 gallon milk jug
Students will be evaluated on their responses in their student

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