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Mobilizing the Youth for Combat

in 2019: Regime Change

begins with and within us
A Regenerated Botswana National
Front Youth League (BNFYL)


A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)


introducing Khumoekae richard-the president
the manifesto


A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

In 2019, the Botswana National Front will join other progressive forces under the Umbrella
for Democratic Change to unseat the ruling Botswana Democratic Party from government.
It is not in dispute that under the BDPs neo-colonial economic policies, a dark cloud has
enveloped the youth across the country with misery and despondency. Despite the BDPled government awarding itself a gold medal for having made socio-economic advances
in youth development, the reality is that thousands of youth are languishing in poverty and
unemployment. With youth unemployment reaching highs of 34% and increasing every
day, the BDP regime has run out of options to liberate the youth out of this desolation. Our
team concedes that the Botswana National Front Youth League in the previous years has
not been fully utilized to the full capacity as a revolutionary youth structure to rescue the
situation. At the moment, the unemployed and poor youth are extremely scattered and
disorganized to play any revolutionary role in the struggle of our people. They are as good
as allies of the bourgeoisie class, as Lenin succinctly put it. We believe that the time has now
come for the youth league to reclaim its traditional vanguard role as we head for a political
showdown in 2019. The BNFYL, we argue, must play its rudimentary role of organizing
the disorganized youth and the poor, mobilizing the workers, forging relations with trade
unions and Student Representative Councils. We shall be the spark of the bonfire!
Against this backdrop the BNFYL have a solemn and serious duty to mobilize, organize,
educate and conscientise all progressive guerrillas into a formidable and dynamic political
force that can safe-guard our future. Ours is a calling. That calling is inherent, righteous
and mandatory. We must be seen to be initiating, shaping and directing discourse in the
political sphere; we must firmly stand by and with the marginalized, the underprivileged,
the vulnerable, the oppressed, the poorer and the workers (peasants and the proletariats).
We must be the hope of the hopeless; we must be the voice of the voiceless.
The time has come to ignore political knee-jerk barracking and shun fake revolutionary
forces who rehearse and recounts Marxist theories to maintain their relevance in the Front.
The BNFYL belongs to the streets. This manifesto outlines a brief and comprehensive policy
direction and ideological framework of our program of action during our term in office. It
contains the cabinet of women and men who will be the cogs and wheels of the whole
revolutionary truck which shall be driven by Cde Khumoekae Richard.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

Introducing Khumoekae Richard - The President

Growing up in a poor family and watching
his unemployed mother struggle to raise
him and his siblings following the death
of his father in 1994, Khumoekae Motsabakedi Richard later realized that there
were part of thousands families in Botswana who became victims of poor economic
policies of the neo-colonial government of
the Botswana Democratic Party. Khumoekae Richard, who is now an activist of social justice, a freedom fighter and one of
the bravest young souls this country has ever had, is a young man with great
vision and courage. During his days as the UB SRC President, many witnessed how
he transformed student politics in a way that only a few have been able to. He
revived faith in student politics. He became an embodiment of student struggle, a
beacon of hope and a source of inspiration to many students across the country.
His leadership track record did not only start in UB. In 2005 Richard was chosen
a Head-Boy at Zwenshambe CJSS while in 2007 he was elected as a Headboy at
Masunga Senior Secondary School. At UB and during his first year Richard was
elected a Minister of Academic Affairs [2009/2010]. In the academic year 2011/2012,
Richard was elected as the President of the SRC. Richard is also a dear friend of
public servants after significantly contributing and inspiring them in the motherof-all-strikes in 2011. He holds a Bachelors of Science (BSc.) Degree in Biological
Sciences from the University of Botswana where he graduated as the best student
in his Course despite the suspensions and harassment he faced from the UB management. But unlike many scientists, Richard is a fiery young politician who sees
life beyond a laboratory. In 2012, Richard celebrated his last birthday in a stinky cell
at Gaborones Central Police Station for leading the students to a massive strike.
He had just turned 23-years-old when he was taken into custody. Students and
friends had to bring him a cake in his cell. On top of that, Richard is a writer who
authors one of the best-selling books in the country, The Scandalous Murdering
of Democracy and he is currently working on his second book profiling the BNF/
UDC President, Duma Boko for leading the BNF/UDC to a stunning performance
in 2014 general elections. Richard is also an orator and a hard worker who has
sacrificed everything for the struggle of our people including his job. Let us give
us give Richard a chance to lead the BNF youth. Regime Change begins with and
within us!

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

[the manifesto...]

If voted into power in the looming

May auspicious youth elective
congress, we promise to:


1.1 The Botswana National Front Youth-League has continued for years now

without a blue print that guides the leagues interpretation on youth matters.
For the purpose of reference and uniformity, we ought to have an extensive
and comprehensive document written in black and white which elucidates
youth policies; policies that are congruent with the Social Democratic ideological framework. So, we aim and promise to engage the BNFYL structures
across the country and other relevant stakeholders whom we share an ideology to lock horns in a bid to draft and craft such a document that will
posit the leagues position on central issues such as entrepreneurship (youth
in businesses), education, poverty and youths unemployment, sports, entertainment and recreation, health issues, youth empowerment e.t.c. A national
youth charter that contains sanguine youths aspirations is a must. This unique
document will be the first of its kind in the BNF history but most importantly
it will align the league with other progressive international movements which
have such an operational charter.

1.2 Once we assume power at the upcoming BNFYL congress, we promise to put

the draft in place within six (6) months and the other six (6) months will be
for BNFYL structures to discuss, make input where necessary, as well as input
from other stakeholders (e.g. tertiary schools, secondary schools, churches,
NGOs, Trade unions, Media, traditional leaders and business sector)

1.3 We intend to have the draft charter ready for adoption either in 2017 Easter

holidays or July 2017 President Holidays.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)


2.1 We gather from previous youth leaders, that a draft Constitution was promul-

gated in 2007 by the Ramaotwana led BNFYL Central Committee and distributed to delegates at the BNFYL annual Conference held at Mogoditshane in
December 2007.

2.2 Once we assume power, we do not intend to reinvent the wheel, but rather

we will instruct our Legal Affairs custodian to analyze the draft Constitution
and make presentation to the BNFYL central committee either for refining the
draft or adopt it as it is. Thereafter we will give the BNF central committee
(mother body) thirty (30) days to make their contribution before we circulate
it to the BNFYL structures country wide.

2.3 We have perused the said draft Constitution and we agree with the following

new provisions in the draft constitution:

2.3.1 Section 3 of the draft outlines the nature and character of the relation-

ship between the BNF and BNFYL, being that the league shall be an
autonomous body of the BNF, and shall be guided by policies and principles of the BNF (section 3.2 of draft constitution)

2.3.2 Section 13 (vi) recognizes that there shall be a National MASS Student

Council, whilst section 14.3 guarantees auxiliary bodies and group members 30 delegates to participate in the league congress and this is in line
with the BNF Constitution, practice and culture. Delegates from MASS
student movement partook in the 1995 BNFYL congress in Serowe, 1997
BNFYL congress in Mahalapye, 1999 BNFYL Conference at Selibe-Phikwe, 2001 BNFYL congress in Kang, 2006 BNFYL congress in Serowe and
2010 BNFYL Congress in Kanye. Similarly the MASS student delegates
participated in all BNF mother body congresses and conferences since
1993 up to 2012 congress in Mahalapye. The fact that the draft Constitution recognizes MASS delegates is a milestone achievement to align the
culture and practice of the BNFYL with the BNF Constitution.

2.3.3 Section 15(xviii) and (xix) enjoins the National MASS Student Council

President and General Secretary to sit in the youth leagues central committee.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

2.3.4 Section 16.1 establishes an Executive Committee which does not exist

in the 1988 BNFYL constitution which is currently operational. That notwithstanding, the BNFYL is obliged to rely on the BNF Constitution for
guidance and direction where the leagues constitution is silent. Hence,
that is why the BNFYL has allowed MASS student delegates to vote in
congresses and conferences since 1993 to date. Similarly that is why the
league has always treated the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Vice Secretary General and treasure as Executive Committee of the
BNFYL despite the 1988 operational constitution being silent.

2.3.5 Section 20 of the draft constitution seeks to establish BNF public elected

representatives council. This council will be a forum for elected MPs and
councilors to be drilled by BNF experts on policy issues and motions to
be tabled in parliament and councils to ensure that BNF representatives
are indeed the voice of the downtrodden, workers, youth and the voiceless.

2.3.6 Section 35 of the draft constitution seeks to establish the intelligence

security liaison officer to detect people planted by other organizations

and starve them of BNFYL political secrets (section 35.1). The secretary
for legal affairs will formulate guidelines and functions of the security
liaison officer to avoid arbitrary and irrational decision making. The main
purpose of the intelligence and security liaison officer is to identify hired
local spy, the inside spy, the reverse spy, the dead spy and the living
spy in accordance with the principles outlined by Sun Tzu in his book
entitled, The Art of War at pages 111-114. Sun Tzu says at pages 111-112:

Among officials of the opposing regime there are those that are secretly approached
and bribed so as to find out conditions in their country (political party) and discover
any plans against you: they can also be used to create rifts and disharmony

We argue that by the look of things, BDP has created DIS for purposes of
protecting President Khama and his family. The question is, who are the
enemies of President Khama the opposition political parties. In their
overzealous drive the DIS has been implicated in befriending members
of the BNF and ultimately those befriended members joined the BDP after several attempts of maligning the BNF President. The DIS has recruited some members of the BNF and other opposition parties to operate

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

as their eyes, ears, mouth and also to create rifts and disharmony where
possible in the BNF. Hence the intelligence and security liaison officer is
needed to avert DIS-BDP spies from growing in leaps and bounds in the
BNF structures.
2.3.7 Section 36 of the draft Constitution establishes the office of the National

Projects Officer. The mandate of the projects officer is to implement decisions, projects, resolutions and policies of the BNFYL, to formulate the
leagues strategic plan, develop timelines for all BNFYL secretaries and
liaise with BNYC, Youth in business, Civil societies, private sector, out of
school youth and students of all descriptions.

2.3.8 Section 49 of the draft constitution establishes the BNFYL Policy Platform.

The policy Directorate shall comprise of the Director, Deputy Director,

Secretary, Vice Secretary and three additional members. The Directorate
shall comprise of experts and BNF cadres who are knowledgeable in the
BNF policies, principles and ideological ethos. We are already aware of
such comrades who have authored discussion documents to assist the
BNF to adjust and embrace modern ways of organizing itself, mobilizing
members (and the nation) and to remain relevant to the middle class

2.3.9 Section 50 of the draft constitution establishes a Conflict Resolution

Council. The Conflict Resolution Council is of utmost importance in the

BNF because it has had a chequered history of allowing petty gossip
and minor difference to foment to the level of causing splits aided by
enemy spies. Therefore, once we assume power we will ensure that we
establish a Conflict Resolution Code predicated upon conciliation and
mediation so as to extinguish conflicts in their infancy stage and keep
peace, tranquility and unity at all times. We further promise that this
crucial draft constitution will be adopted within twelve (18) months of
assuming office.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)


3.1 The people of Botswana are slaves in their father land. The land has been

appropriated by foreigners and their BDP handlers (see Lesetedi land commission report where business mogul was allocated 701 plots and Nchindo land saga in Block 10 in Gaborone). The BNF has long told Batswana
that political freedom without economic freedom is an illusion (see Pamphlet
No.1; 1969:35)

3.2 In 1969 General Elections the BNF pledged to Batswana voters at the time thus

if given the mandate to rule each and every Motswana would have a piece
of land for use as residential, and subsistence farming whilst the ownership
would revert to the state or community. This pledge is contained at page 43
of Pamphlet No.1 and reads as follows;
The BNF regards the land as the property of the whole of society- it is national property,
which should neither be sold nor individually owned. The BNF makes a distinction between
the right of use and possession and the right of ownership. Only the whole of the society or
the whole community shall have the right- the indivisible right to own the land. Individuals
and groups shall have only the right of use and possession. The right of ownership which
belongs only to the whole community or the whole society shall be inalienable. The individual shall own only the development on the land so that if at any time part of the land which
he has the right to use is requisitioned by the community, the individual shall be compensated fully for the developments. The right of use shall under ordinary circumstances pass
to the heir of the individual. Individuals shall be encouraged to obtain common lands deeds
of grant. The right of use shall serve as security for purposes of loans. In cases of problems
arising from failure to repay the loan, the Land Development Bank (LDB) shall lease the
property to those who can pay the rent.
If the BNF could have been given power in 1969 no Motswana could be crying
for lack of shelter or piece of land to build resident houses. And the BNF is the
only party which about real societal transformation in Botswana.

3.4 The BNFYL promises to revive its long standing policy to ensure that BDP

agents and their foreign handlers do not appropriate the whole land mass to
themselves in a country whose size of the land mass is equivalent to France.
France has over 70 million people but no French citizens including immigrants
complain about lack of residential plots whilst in Botswana the BDP cannot

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

provide plots for residential purposes to about two (2) million people
(two million includes under 5 months old babies). The BNFYL through
UDC will campaign for the following land reform policy:
3.4.1 That ownership of crown/state land and community (tribal) land must

revert to the state and community as the case may be.

3.4.2 That Batswana, civil societies and business entities shall only have the

right to use and possession of land.

3.4.3 That an individual or civil societies or business entities shall only sell

developments erected on the state or community land (not ownership

of the soil/land).

3.4.4 That those who acquired land illegal or fraudulently should not be com-


3.4.5 That those who acquired title deeds fraudulently or illegally acquired

land should not be compensated when such land is compulsorily appropriated by the state.

3.4.6 That those who acquired land legally be compensanted adequately in

accordance to market-value

3.4.7 That informal sector workers and informal business sector should be

given land to use to erect their businesses in lucrative part of the big
malls so that their goods can have access to the market (where buyers
are found).

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

3.4.8 That Basarwa of C.K.G.R and any other similarly circumstanced (affected)

communities must be given a reasonable portion of land within their

ancestral land to co-exist with mines, tourism and game animals (if any).

3.4.9 That no empty plot will be sold or transferred to another person (buyer)

unless by operation of law.

3.4.10 That developments on the state or community residential plots can only

be sold through court orders (both civil and customary orders), otherwise the BNFYL shall emphasize that selling developments on residential
plots is an anathema of home ownership.

3.4.11 That proper and full Land Servicing by UDC government be done with-

out failure.

That prohibitive development covenants of the BDP government will be

4.1 The BNF policy on decent housing can only be realized if the BNF/UDC gov-

ernment can develop a national housing programme strategy. If elected at

the BNFYL congress we will embark on perpetual campaign for BNF/UDC
government to establish a budget to build houses for the poor, destitute and
orphans free of charge. We will also urge the Minister of Finance for BNF/UDC
government to have a target of houses per year.

4.2 The above housing policy reforms will ensure that land becomes not only

available but accessible to every Motswana including the poor. The current
situation where land in Block 8 in Gaborone is sold at P300 000.00 for an
empty plot is unacceptable and day light robbery by the capitalists. If land is
free, then workers and self-employed workers will afford a loan of their choice
to build a home of their choice.


The BNF from its inception was formed as a pro-poor, pro-worker and rights
based mass movement. As a broad church which houses pro-capitalists,
pro-socialists, trade unionists, students activists and the poor, the BNF chose

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

mixed economy system through a Social Democratic Program to implement

its National Democratic Economy to achieve genuine political and economic
freedom. Dr. Koma captures the economic system to be ushered by the BNF
government at page 35 of Pamphlet No.1 as follows:

We must state once again that our struggle is neither to build capitalism nor to build
socialism. Our economy will of necessity be the economy of transition from the status
of dependence to the status of independence, that is to say, our economy has to be
National Democratic Economy.

At pages 36-37, Dr. Koma states categorically that the BNF as a broad church
will not become a capitalistic or socialistic party but shall be pro-Botswana,
pro-Africa and pro-Progress. The 1995 Social Democratic Programme also put
the debate to rest when it states that the BNF advocates for a mixed economy
system coupled with State intervention. To this end, any political party that
dubs the BNF a socialist or capitalist party is mischievous.
6.1 It is a sad reality to discern that the BNFYL structures are currently dysfunction-

al and collapsed. At worst, they are dead. The importance of vibrant structures
in any political movement cannot be over-emphasized. It is natural that the
structures breathe life in any given organization. Thus a political organization
without structures is as good as dead. It is upon the realization and appreciation of this devastating state of affairs of a dismal failure by the youth-league
to erect structures that, we vow to defy the odds and revive structures across
the country. It is high time we swallow our prides and unconditionally admit
that the league collectively needs a serious self-introspection, self criticism
and reappraisal.
NB: As a special dispensation, the process of formation of structures must be
intensified and accelerated in the northern parts of this country where the
BNF is painfully absent.
Currently, the BNF appears to be a regionalized party that is dominant in
the South of Dibete Regions. That should greatly disturb! BNF is a palatable
political fruit that must be enjoyed by all, so the continued denying of such
a fruit to the oppressed people of north is a pain on the neck. For the BNF,

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

therefore UDC, to attain power, it needs to position and presents itself as a

national than regional movement. It is either we reform or else perish. So it
is incumbent upon us as the youth-league to pursue such a noble agenda of
structure formation and revivification.
6.2 Upon assumption of office, we will instruct every BNFYL central committee

member to erect BNFYL within three (3) months in their constituencies and
report the progress to the BNFYL CC. This will mean that 16 BNFYL constituency committees in 16 constituencies or so will be erected. The erection of
structures by members will not incur any travelling expenses since members
will be erecting structures in their constituencies.

6.3 The remaining 41 constituencies will be assessed and priority given to those

within 50 km radius of BNFYL central committee members.


7.1 Using Marxism-Leninism political ideologies as a guiding tool, we promise

to strengthen and/or consolidate a meaningful relation between the youth

league and labour movements. Contrary to what is happening today, where
workers are left in the wilderness without a well coordinated plan and formula
on how they relate to BNFYL, we aim to make a deliberate effort to pursue
and advance the working class interest from a political standing. The continued gap and alienation of workers is costly and suicidal in all its descriptions.
It is the fruits of this envisaged symbiotic relationship that our cadres can
get to appreciate the working classs plight, thereby canvassing and securing
votes for the Umbrella/BNF.

7.2 The BNF as rights oriented movement advocates for the right to decent work,

the right to decent housing, the right to qualitative education, the right to
free worship, the right to free speech by all Batswana including civil servants.

7.3 In light of the above if elected to lead the BNFYL, we will urge BNF/UDC gov-

ernment to do the following:

7.3.1 Review Botswana Constitution to include provisions on socio-economic

and environment developmental rights, to incorporate the labour rights

in our constitution and to entrench the House of Representatives in the

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

Republic Constitution. The House of Representatives will enable workers to enact labour laws protecting their socio-economic occupational

The Police Service, Prison Service and Botswana Defence Force will
be allowed to form and join trade unions of their choice. These trade
unions will have collective bargaining rights. Strike will be prohibited in
Police, Prison and BDF trade unions (see BNF manifesto of 2009 at
page 9). Upon assuming power we will campaign for the formation of
trade unions in the above-mentioned institutions alongside the existing
civilian trade unions.


The BNFYL will liaise with trade unions to lobby for the abolition of sections 34(a) and 37(c) of the Public Service Act, No.30 of 2008. The said
provisions are vague and in contravention of section 12(1) of the Constitution which protects free speech in a democratic society. The campaign
for the abolition of sections 34(a) and 37(c) of PSA will be premised on
the dictum of Justice Brandies in the case of Whitney v California, 247
U.S. 357 (1927) at pages 357-378, which reads thus

that the greatest menace to freedom is an inert people; that public discussion is
a political duty;It is hazardous to discourage thought, hope and imagination; that
the path of safety lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies; and that the fitting remedy for evil counsels is good ones

7.3.4 The BNFYL will urge unions to tackle these unconstitutional provisions

through our useless courts of law. The advice is premised on the Supreme Court of Indias decision which held in the case of Rangarajan
and others v Jagjivan Ram (1989) 2 S.C.R 204; thus,

To say that one should not be permitted to advocate that view goes against the first
principle of our democracy. Freedom of expression which is legitimate and constitutionally protected cannot be held at ransom, by an intolerant group of people. The
fundamental freedom under Article 19(1)(a) can be reasonably restricted only for the
purposes mentioned in Articles 19(2) and the restriction must be justified on the anvil of necessity and not the quick sand of convenience or expediency. Open criticism
of Government policies and operations is not a ground for restricting expression. We
must practice tolerance to the views of others. Intolerance is as much dangerous to
democracy as to the person himself.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

7.3.5 The above advice finds supports from the International Labour Organi-

zation Digest of Decisions and Principles of the Freedom of Association

Fifth edition of 2006 at paragraph 500 which provides thus:

Provisions imposing a general prohibition on political activities by trade

unions for the promotion of their specific objectives are contrary to the
principles of freedom of association.

We therefore call upon DPSM office to stop issuing threats to Trade

unions leaders because the said sections of the PSA the office relies
on contravene section 13(1) of the Constitution as can be gleaned from
paragraph 500 of ILO and are unconstitutional.
8.1 We promise to form strategic alliances with groups such as Student Represen-

tative Council (SRC) in all tertiary institutions, Churches, non-unionized workers e.g. Ipelegeng, the Disabled and other Non-governmental organizations
with an aim to help emancipate and liberate them. More crucially, there are a
lot of potential voters in these groups of people, so failure to relate with them,
means that the party is directly losing thousands of votes.

8.2 There is an emerging culture threatening the principle of academic freedom

in tertiary institutions. This culture reared its ugly head at Limkokwing University, Botho College, University of Botswana, and last year it was at Botswana
College of Agriculture. The BNFYL will campaign for genuine academic freedom in tertiary institutions. The right to freedom to assemble and to protest
is prohibited by BDP government if the recent announcement by Ministry of
Education officials, is anything to go by. If a student sponsorship can be terminated for exercising their freedom to protest or assemble then our schools are
becoming autocratic and despotic. Hence we condemn, and we will continue
to condemn all barbaric acts of abuse and repression in all Academic Institutions to expel the SRC leaders for protecting students rights to learning and
participation in the politics of the country.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)


Political Marketing is professionalization of politics in its entirety. Political marketing also entails, the use of marketing tools, concepts and importantly
principles within the fields of policy development, campaign and internal
relations within political parties and organizations (Lillleker, 2006:4). In light
of the above, we will introduce:
An official Interactive BNFYL Website to converse and connect to
the youth populace. The website will also provide the youth with
party literature online, policy documents, BNFYL constitution etc.
Properly managed official BNFYL Facebook page
Strive to modernize the BNF youth league e.g. through the use of
regalia, merchandise that appeals to the modern voters
Strive to have an office space within the BNF party premises
Print fliers, brochures and pamphlets to market the youth league
and the party
Audited database that include membership or any other relevant

Read more about Political Marketing:

Richard, K., (2014), The Scandalous Murdering f Democracy, Published

by Author, Gaborone pp 278
Tutwane, L., (2012), Modernizing the Botswana National Front: A case
for political marketing, Botswana Notes and Records Volume 44 pp.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)


As a response to issues of paramount and national importance we promise to ensure that the BNFYL goes back to its roots of mass action. As a
progressive movement, we must be timely responsive and reactive to the
peoples socio-economic doldrums and entanglements. The mass-action as
a form of a bargaining tool will elevate Batswanas political consciousness
and civil activism, thereby enhancing participatory democracy. However, the
above-said petitions and/or demonstrations must be peaceful, well organized and in accordance with the laws of this republic.
To achieve all the above, rigorous, vigorous and vivid political education and
orientation of both leaders and members is both a necessity and requisite.
We will reintroduce Political classes. Dr. Koma once observed that the period
of 1984-1988 was a period of ideological inertia and decline in BNF. During
this period of ideological decay, he opines, political education was put in
abeyance and public rally became the centre of attraction.
Cde Otsweletse Moupo, a former BNF President teaches in his book dubbed
Introduction to party Organization that: although the BNF pays lip-service
to political education, it has abandoned it. It is important that a serious
programme of political education be reintroduced as part of the process
of rebuilding the party. Induction courses must be conducted to orientate
new members with basic knowledge of the party, organizational principles
and policies. Various courses must be conducted for different levels for the
organization including the leadership. Particular attention has to be paid
to the youth because there is where the new generation of leaders is to be
nurtured and trained. We cant agree with him more. Furthermore we will
constantly hold periodic pubic lecturers, debates and discussions on topical
issues of national importance.
This will also avert a situation (discussed below: Formulation of Social Media), where youth have now become masters of insults, petty bickering on
Facebook or Social Media which can largely be attributed to ideological
bankruptcy caused by lack of political education.

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

12.0 Formulation of Social Media Policy

12.1 "The advent of Facebook has given birth to a new crop of politicians, whose

duty is to spit venom on each other, or should I say, exchange bile and vile: to
them that is politicking! Facebook or Social Media have become a platform
where personal wars are fought, platform of ridiculous and uncouth behavior
and vulgarity. All these can be attributed to ideological bankruptcy caused
by lack of political education." (Richard, June 2015: Making a Presentation in
Boteti Regional Workshop). He suggested and motivated BNF to come up
with SMP.

12.2 Against this backdrop, though we appreciate the good that comes with face-

book, we contend with utmost conviction that time has come for political
movements, by extension, all organizations to regulate facebook and other
forms of social media. As the BNFYL, we will come up with a comprehensive and elaborate Social Media Policy (SMP) to arrest the anarchist status of
our beloved comrades. The effects of an unregulated social media especially
when discussing party matters, are far-fetched and are bound to haunt the
organization in the future. In the process, if unchecked, facebook will render
organizations ungovernable, with serious breach of principles of governance!

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)

We stand for principled, free discussion of issues and genuine participatory democracy in the BNF and the UDC family. We heeded the advice of the SACP representative at the launch of the UDC at GSS grounds on the 10th November 2012,
that UDC needs constant constructive criticism in order to withstand the political
storms and tribulations in the journey to build a better Botswana. We are also
inspired by the words of Dr. Koma in his book entitled the "Second Phase of the
African Revolution Has Now Began" at pages 65-66 wherein he says;

Democracy, we must continue to state, should also be deliberate in the sense that members of the community should be free to deliberate freely on the issues and affairs which
concern the nation or the running of the affairs of their community. No problem which
affects the life of the community or the society should be considered beyond the scope
or universe of public censure or comment. There should not be a single problem whose
discussion is considered a taboo.Democracy we must stress, should be consultative
in the sense that those who are given the reign of power must be obliged to consult. The
leaders, we are suggesting, should never persuade themselves that their plans and their
ideas are the best and that the duty of the population is only to endorse. Consultation and
persuasion and not the issuing of commands are the essence of democracy. Democracy
should be participatory in the sense that the ordinary people should participate and be
involved in the decision-making process.

11.2 We are happy that President Boko consulted BNF members about the for-

mation of UDC and no one can doubt that BNF congresses endorsed the
formation of the Umbrella. However, it does not mean that members cannot
review the progress of Umbrella in order to suggest ways of making it more
appealing to all Batswana. We urge BNF to continue to discuss ways of making Umbrella more robust and effective to oust the BDP in 2019.

11.3 To achieve all the above we will ponder on ways of sourcing and raising funds

for the league even from comrades who have a stronger financial muscle
within the league. We cannot fight capitalism as an economic system
without capital coming in as resources to achieve our goals. The treasury office will brainstorm and coin strategies to raise funds for he league.



Cde. Khumoekae
Motsabakedi Richard

Cde. Velem Heii

Cde. Osenotse Mabote


Cde. Tshwarelo E Mokgwaphe

Cde. Ravaza Watshipi

Cde. Lindiwe Oroba Molefhe

Cde. Farouq N. Katisi

Cde. Hendrick Rampha

Cde. States R. Ntsimako

Cde. Lindy Mere

Cde. Yendani Boko


Cde. Rasta O. Dipolai
Cde. George Modibedi

Cde. Latty G. Ditshego

Cde. Otsile Mbisi
Cde. Abednico Maphuru

A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)


A Regenerated Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL)




Designed by: SHIEKHPARBlO

regime chAnge Begins With And Within us

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