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GD&T Symbology


Basic Dimension is a numeric value used to
describe the theoretically exact size, or profile, or
orientation, or location of a feature or datum target.
Basic dimensions are used to define or position
tolerance zones.
They are dimension without
Datum is a theoretically exact point, line, or plane
derived from true geometric counterpart of a
specified datum feature. Datum's are the origin
from which the location of features are established.
Datum feature is a actual feature on part that is
used to establish a datum.
Datum feature simulator is a real surface of
adequacy precise form, such as a surface plate or
machine table used to contact datum features to
establish simulated datum's.
Feature is a physical portion of a part, such as a
surface, pin, hole, tab, or slot.
Feature of sizes are features that
dimension and a size tolerance. FOS is
Cylindrical surface
Two opposed parallel surfaces
A special Surface
Two opposite line elements



Maximum Material Condition (MMC) of a feature

of size is a maximum amount of material within
stated limits of the size; for example maximum
shaft diameter or minimum hole diameter.
Regardless of feature (RFS) is a term used to
indicate that a specified geometric tolerance or a
datum reference applies at each increment of size of
feature within its limits of size. Regardless of
feature size specifies that no bonus tolerance is
True position is exact location of feature
established by basic dimensions. Tolerance zones
are located at true position.
Virtual condition for a tolerance specified at MMC
is constant boundary generated by the collective
effects of the MMC limit of size of feature and the
applicable geometric tolerance.
External Features

Internal Features

VC = MMC + Geo. Tol.

at MMC

VC = MMC - Geo. Tol. at



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