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Skilled Communicator
Why is this skill importance?
Being a Skilled Communicator is an important trait for all students. Communication is the key to
surviving in the educational world and real world. We must be able to convey our ideas and
concepts in order to work cohesively as a team. Being a skilled communicator means being able
to clearly and concisely convey messages be it in pen on paper or verbal.

How do you demonstrate this trait in your daily

I demonstrate communication everyday in school in order to pass classes and get things done.
The most important implication I have for communication come from my commitment and work
on the speech and debate team. This team has allowed me to develop my skills daily by
practicing speeches and debating certain topics together.

How do the sample(s) youve provided show

that you actively demonstrate this trait?
The example I have given come from my hard work within the debate team. The ability to
persuade judges to one's side is how I have gained this award. Implementing different variants
has allowed me to become a better communicator by giving me the ability to be confident in my
speech and allow myself to be heard.Which helps convey ideas to a group or lead a group.

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