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Small Group Activity

Megan Griffin

Activity: Small Group Literature Circle


The Green Book by: Jill Paton Walsh

Loose-leaf paper

Intended Outcome/Objective:
Students will use the literature circle roles to discuss, relate, and analyze the class reading
novel, The Green Book.
Description of Completed Activity:
For this assignment, I decided to introduce my small group students to the literature circle
roles I have learned a lot about this semester in the hopes of discussing the students class reading
in depth. Literature circles provide a way for students to engage in critical thinking and
reflection as they read, discuss, and respond to books. For this activity, I chose to complete the
literature circle after the classroom teacher read a few new pages of the text and then reviewed
what the class had read so far. I pulled three students to an instructional table and gave them each
a role. After explaining to them how literature circles work and directing them on their role, the
students got to work. I gave each of them time to fulfill their duty and then told them that when it
was their turn they would share what they had written. I also explained to the students that when
a classmate was sharing, they needed to listen carefully and respond to each other and discuss the
topics. I, as the teacher, facilitated the discussions and interjected when needed. After the
discussion ended, I explained to students the importance of discussing literature often to help
understand the text better.
Overall, this was the perfect small group activity for my students. During the first week
of the IMB clinical experience, I observed my cooperating teacher leading a read-aloud of a book
called The Green Book. Each student had their own copy and followed along as the teacher read.
After discussing this observation with my cooperating teacher, she explained that this book was
in the curriculum the teachers had chosen to teach by this year. She explained that the book was
on a higher reading level than some of the students which is why she had to read it aloud instead
of students reading on their own or in groups. It was then that I realized it would be a great idea
to pull a small group to complete a literature circle. I knew I could pull three students who were
maybe struggling to understand some of the text or who needed more time to discuss the text
than other students in the class. I honestly think pulling those students benefited their knowledge
of the book greatly. The literature circle roles gave them a chance to go back into the text to reread and make connections. The three students I worked with loved being assigned a role and
having to present the information they found to the other group members. Completing this
literature circle with a group of third graders helped me see just how important discussions can
be to the growth and understanding a student has of a specific book or text. I am very pleased
with the outcome of this small group activity.

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