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As teachers of english as foreign or second language. We such work with materials

and classroom methods. Those shall argue the principal idea `common core made
up of two kinds of factors first the wide-ranging, and the second of the pedagogic
according to which materials and methods are design. Syllabus and content are the
overalls goals of language teaching program, about what people needs to learn in a
particular environment. Goals needs to be realistic for specific circumstances. In the
material and methods design the syllabus have implications what is often a less
well define. Also there could be another variables in program design, depend to a
certain extent.


Syllabus is program that can be seem for our purposes as the overall organizing
and it is divided in three principal aspects procedure, approach, design.
These syllabus types form a essential component of the frameworks where the
objectives are specified, coursebooks and materials covering specific language
The communicative approach is essentially a manifestation of the 1970. Also
teachers in many part of the world are finding that they need to come with terms.
The design of communicative materials as the only way forward and to polarize
`functions versus grammar We have to show the implications that have most
helped to form the kinds of teaching materials we work with. The relative
importance of these implications depends on the skills. Communications does not
have to be based on sentence- level criteria. It can handle whole conversation or
paragraphs. There a re some reasons why a communication approach is an
attractive one, providing a richer teaching and learning environment. The main
principles, with varying degrees of change and modifications, have has a lasting
impaction materials and methods that shall not be underestimated.


The main communicative debate began to die down. We shall take some fairly
popular courses available on the general market. Much of this argument is direct
against the ideas and syllabus and materials. Many of the key principles of the
approach have been incorporated into materials although not necessarily directly.

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