HSC Belonging Essay

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Sandy Wong Belonging Essay

Belonging presents possibilities and challenges which are uniquely shaped by an individuals
Individuals fundamental desire to belong gives rise to enriching possibilities and challenges.
Through overcoming these challenges, one develops a unique perception of their sense of
connection with place and people. William Shakespeares As You Like It (1599) explores the
importance of genuine relationships in overcoming extenuating circumstances in order to define a
sense of self. Shakespeare also highlights the significance of ones physical environment in
creating possibilities for social cohesion. F. Scott Fitzgeralds short story The Ice Palace (1920)
similarly reinforces the intrinsic link between ones circumstances and their acceptance from
others. As such, the two texts provide a holistic understanding of the complexity of belonging and
its impact on the individual.

Ones relationships and subsequent sense of belonging provides possibilities to redefine their
sense of self, providing fortification in challenging circumstances. Shakespeares As You Like it
explores the estrangement between the two brothers Oliver and Orlando, and the ensuing
debilitating impact on self worth. Olivers bitter tone in [Orlando is] so much in the heart of the
worldthat I am altogether dispraised characterises Oliver as an envious brother whose feelings
of inadequacy leads to his feelings of low worth. Consequentially, Orlando is relegated to the
position of an animal wherein the comparison [Olivers] horses are bred better But I, his brother,
gain nothing under him underscoring their fractured familial tie. The alienation between the
brothers is hence, intrinsically linked to Orlandos diminished self worth captured by his despondent
tone in I have none to lament me I have nothing. Through the depiction of Orlandos lack of
belonging within his fraternal bond, Shakespeare reinforces the importance of upholding genuine
relationships to facilitate wellbeing. As such, the brothers discord is contrasted with the meaningful

Sandy Wong Belonging Essay

bond between cousins Rosalind and Celia. Whilst Orlando is disenfranchised by Oliver, Rosalind is
similarly subjugated to the unjust treatment of Duke Frederick dubbing her a traitor. However,
Rosalinds imminent banishment from the court is ameliorated through her profound connection
with Celia highlighted through the allusion of the two as Junos swanscoupled and inseparable.
In Celias metaphor to liberty and not to banishment, their mutual affection showcases how a
strong sense of belonging provides possibilities to find comfort and a sense of empowerment.

Similarly, Ice Palace explores how the manner in which one perceives their relationships can give
rise to possibilities and challenges that are determined by their circumstance. The short story
centres around Sally Carol and her engagement with Harry Ballamy which catalyses her move
away from the southern states of America to Harrys foreign homeland in Northern America. This
transition presents possibilities to explore where and with who she truly belongs. The figurative
language in theres two sides to me highlights the challenge between choosing between the lazy
sweetness of home and her love for Harry. Ultimately it is her deep connection with Harry
emphasised in her heartfelt tone where you are is home for me, Harry which provides her the
(solace and) courage to embrace opportunities, echoing the bond between Rosalind and Celia.
However, in the North, Harrys entrenched perceptions of the Southerners in his derogatory
comment hang dogs, ill-dressed, slovenly lot devalues Sally Carols heritage; an integral part of
her identity and thus she feels alienated within her environment and relationship. The disintegration
of their seemingly mutual understanding of each other results in her disempowered state depicted
in the image of her frozen, heat, body and soul. Her sense of self is thus implicated to be
intrinsically linked to the nature of her relationship with and the subsequent possibilities and
challenges that arise. Fitzgerald encapsulates the impact on the individual that relationships

Sandy Wong Belonging Essay

provide through exploring the possibilities and challenges incited by a sense of belonging.

Individuals are influenced by their circumstances and environment, where a positive atmosphere
and can engender possibilities for freedom of expression. Shakespeares pastoral comedy
examines the importance of new surroundings in generating change through the shift in setting
from the envious court to the idyllic Forest of Arden. Adams metaphoric reference to this house
is but a butchery reinforces the challenges incited by the destructive impact of the court and the
subsequent feelings of isolation. Conversely, the microcosmic natural setting of the Forest frees
individuals from the courtly restraints whereby the allusion to the golden world highlights the
possibilities for harmony and congeniality. Orlandos initial perception of the forest as all things
savage, is subverted through the welcoming tone of Duke Senior in Are not these woods more
free from peril than the envious court? emphasising his deep connection to the relaxing
atmosphere of the forest. Orlando is readily accepted into the Dukes company as brothers in
exile where the metaphor emphasises the greater social cohesion. This stark contrast between the
two settings where the rivalry prevalent in the court is absent in the forest allows Orlando, like the
Duke, to develop an affinity for the forest and its inviting atmosphere. Consequentially, the imagery
of in their barks, my thoughts Ill character deceits Orlandos liberation of thought wherein he
embraces the possibilities for expressing himself freely. An individuals affinity for their physical
environment is catalysed by acceptance and possibilities for happiness, allowing for empowerment
of the individual.

A change in circumstances also allows possibilities for enriching experiences engendering a reevaluation of self. in As You Like It, the forest provides a nourishing environment allowing for

Sandy Wong Belonging Essay

opportunities for personal growth and reassessing of social relationships as epitomised by Olivers
metaphor from miserable slumber I awaked. In overcoming the challenge of his near death
experience within the forest, his reconciliation with Orlando allows him to re-examine himself
through the paradox twas I, but not I demonstrating the restorative nature of the forest. This
notion parallels with Sally Carols transformation within The Ice Palace. Having moved to the North,
a non-facilitating environment, the hyperbolic imagery an icy breath of death rolling down low
across the land to clutch at her illustrates Sallys alienation within an environment incongruent to
her true self a summer child. It is her near death experience in the winter of North America that
brings about a renewed sense of self where her exclamatory emphasis This her - This Sally
Carol! indicates her revision of ideals and perceptions of place in acknowledging she felt a
stronger affinity with her homeland, the South. Thus, her return to the oddly comforting heat of the
South symbolises an enriched understanding of self and unique perceptions of belonging. The
transformative process of Sally Carol and Oliver highlights how overcoming the challenges
presented by physical environments is conducive to our sense of belonging through a reevaluation
of self

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