A Rainy Wet Night (MF Teen)

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A Rainy, Wet Night

I had just returned from an extremely hot date with my girlfriend Carol.
My dick was still in a semi-erect position. While talking to my mom before bed
my sister Ann and her friend Janet came running into the house. They were sleepi
ng out in the backyard. The thunder and lightning had just started and they were
scared. Both of them were intent on sleeping the night in the oversized tent. H
aving prepared for the rain earlier, making sure it was weather tight in additio
n to putting one of dad's tarps over the tent and securing it to the ground. But
the approaching storm was scaring the living shit out of them. They pleaded for
me to come out and spend the night with them. With Mom chiming in, actually per
suading me I surrendered and agreed.
The two girls had spread out a couple of sleeping bags on top of each ot
her and were using thin blankets as top covers. I felt kinda dorky, here I was,
a 16-year old boy sleeping between two girls two years younger. I did admit that
Janet was a number even if she had a few more years to mature. With modest size
tits and curves to match someone much older than her. If only I was 14 again an
d not my sisters best friend maybe I would take a shot at her.
As I laid on the soft material the sounds of thunder grew closer and the
rain started, never got to a down pour but a steady rain to quench the thirst o
f my dads lawn. Ann took off her sweater after shutting off the Coleman lantern
placing her body to my right, then Janet removed her oversized sweatshirt that c
ame close to her knees, must have been borrowed from her dad. As she got ready t
o lay down a long bright light came from lightning that lit up the entire inside
of the tent. This gave me a terrific view of her body, she had on a tee shirt t
hat also must also have been her dads, but it was thin and ragged allowing me to
see her tits through it. Oh shit this brings back memories of just a few short
hours ago.
I settled in for the night between them and started to reminisce my even
ing with Carol. She had to baby-sit for her younger brother and had asked me ove
r to spend the evening with her until her parents got home. They left about eigh
t o'clock, Carol immediately put her brother to bed leaving us alone on the sofa
to watch TV. I had been trying to get into her pants for some time but she woul
dn't let me fuck her. On several occasions we were just about naked but I always
took no for an answer.
Tonight I thought I might have another chance at it. Wasting no time I h
ad her blouse open and her bra pulled up over her tits. Eventually I had all her
top clothes off along with her pants. I was down to my briefs as I laid on top
dry fucking her only because she wouldn't let me pull her undies off. From all t
he friction between us my briefs got re-arranged permitting my hard dick to poke
over the top of them. No matter how hard I tried she wouldn't consent to lettin
g her panties being removed. I was so horny I was about ready to settle for a ni
ce cum on her belly. One last try, I reached down between us and pulled her pant
ies to one side rubbing her well-moistened cunt with my index finger. I was able
to get my finger wedged into her slit, slowly gyrating in circles. She was fair
ly well gone when I was about to replace my finger with my dick. Sliding my soli
d cock up inside her panties and for the first time I actually had my dick again
st a real life cunt. She was saturated with slimy fluid that had drooled out of
her cunt. I pushed my dick trying to get it to slide right up her burrow but whe
n I nudged it forward it slid right off her cunt lips up onto her patch of fur.
Quickly again I pushed and a second time it slid past her hole. Finally on the t
hird attempt the tip of my dick slid among her folds of flesh. My dick was almos
t inside her when WHAM, lights started going off inside my head; they were also
going off inside her head. Shit out of luck it wasn't from lust it was the headl

ights of her old mans car shining through the window as they pulled into the dri
Wow, did we ever move fast to get dressed, luckily they put the car in t
he garage giving us an extra minute or two to get composed before they came stro
lling in the door to see us sitting together on the sofa. Either they were kinda
stupid or just didn't want to approach the subject but our faces were red and g
uilt was written all over them. So much for getting laid that night, maybe anoth
er time.
I slowly drifted off to sleep dreaming about how my dick was almost firm
ly incased inside Carol's box, how I almost pumped in and out of it before withd
rawing and spilling my cream on her torso. Sometime later I awoke to find myself
in an unusual arrangement; with my arm thrown over her, my body was spooning Ja
net's. Her ass was crammed against my groin and to make matters worse I had one
huge hard-on. Shit if she awoke and found me like this or even worse if my siste
r did either one would take a nutty. Cautiously I pulled back my arm, but when I
started to pull away her ass followed me. First thing I thought of she was asle
ep but when Janet started to manipulate her cheeks so they were fixed against my
swollen cock. I knew she had to be awake. Her ass kept shifting about; she was
intentionally massaging my dick with it. Wow... what was going on here? The stor
m had stopped but there still was steady rain beating down on the tent. I wasn't
positive if she was awake or caught up in a dream.
I decided instantly that I would take the chance she was awake. I pushed
forward so my dick rode the crack of her buttocks. When I did it a second time
she responded forcing her ass back harder while releasing a tiny whimper from he
r lips. Hey I'm getting lucky here. I put my arm back around her body placing my
hand on her titties and started to knead them. Every so often I would pinch the
nipple through her tee shirt and she would winch back. I reached down pulling t
he shirt up to allow me access to her almost naked body. All the while the grind
ing against my bloated dick never stopped. Janet was a lot hotter than I had ima
gined. I pulled my hand back over and placed it upon her ass, cautiously rubbing
both checks before I stared to stroke my finger into the valley. This was too m
uch to believe. I didn't waste anytime in getting my hand into those panties fee
ling the warm flesh of her ass. With my other hand I unbuttoned and unzipped the
fly on my shorts so I would be ready.
Thoughts rushed though my head, I could get her to give me a hand job, a
nd maybe I could even fuck her. But then I could get into serious trouble too, s
he was two years younger than I was, she could say I raped her. But how could sh
e say that if my sister was in the same tent as us. My dick did the thinking and
answering for me. I pulled her undies down as far as I could reach, almost to h
er knees. I then pulled my briefs down to unmask my grand one-eyed snake. She ap
peared to like what she felt as she continued the mashing her ass against it. Ja
net pulled her legs up towards her front spreading her butt apart. My dick becam
e lodged between her checks. My hand arrived at her gash, with two fingers I wor
ked on the slit until it became greasy with her cunt liquor. Gradually I inserte
d my middle finger into the hole finding it was tight. At that point I had doubt
s if my dick would fit into it if I decided to actually fuck her. She let me kno
w that she liked the feeling of the digit by pushing vigorously against it. Jane
t stretched her arm around her backside until her hand grabbed a hold of my memb
er. She stroked the length of it through my briefs for minute before reaching in
side of them to grope it. There was no question what she wanted, and I was just
the guy to give her the satisfaction she was craving.
I pulled the briefs down over my dick and ball bag and snuggled up again
st her with my cock resting in her butt crack. She maneuvered her ass up so the
tip of my shank slid forward to her cavity.

It was slick; almost greasy like the hand lotion I use to jerk off with.
I raised my hands to her shoulders as she pressed her cunt lips against the tip
of my dick. I let Janet do most of the work. I knew it was going to hurt to hav
e her cunt impaled on my beast. She worked on covering the tip of my dick with h
er drool that was leaking from her. Ever so slowly, but deliberately she got the
head of my dick between her pussy lips. Here I was again, the position I was in
earlier with Carol; my dick was about to become lodged in a genuine cunt but th
is time I would finish the deed. As I lay nearly still she proceeded to violate
her own pussy with my dick. Gradually the head disappeared into the fleshy part
of her cunt, and then she stopped. We were both breathing heavily as she continu
ed to force more and more up within her gash.
I was taken back at how tight she actually was. My dick was about 3 inch
es in her with another 3 to go. Her flesh cemented around my shaft the feeling w
as nothing short of incredible. Janet must have been in some pain as she would s
top and wait before taking more of me. After what seemed like forever the full m
ass of my cock was firmly encased in her twat. I made an effort to pullout and p
ush back in, but she took control by moving her little ass back forth allowing m
y dick to be withdrawn and forced back into her oily cunt. In unionism we moved
our bodies in response to each other. She was a fucking machine, taking my dick
in deep each time our bodies met. I could hear small quiet whimpers escaping her
lips. She pumped and she pumped hard on me until I felt the tingle run down my
dick into my interior. I was close to an orgasm.
Under my breath I whispered in her ear I was about to cum any minute. As
I started to withdraw from her depths she reached around and pulled me closer t
o her whispering back that she didn't want me to pull out, proclaiming she wante
d my cum in her, she wanted to feel it fill her. My ears wear in disbelief, did
I hear right, wouldn't she get pregnant? No she declared, she would not, she was
safe. I hesitated not sure if I wanted to risk it, what if she did get pregnant
? She knew she was lying, actually she was in her most fertile period of the mon
th. Her eggs were ready to receive any sperm that came their way. She wanted a b
aby, not just any baby but his child and only his. This was her at first time at
fucking, she chose him cause she loved him. While I was thinking of whether I s
hould pull my swollen dick from her cunt she had made the decision already. She
knew where she was the tightest and took advantage of that by placing my dick at
the very entrance to her cunt slowing shifting her pussy muscles on the cap of
my blood filled organ. There was turning back now, I had reached the point of no
return. My legs started to quiver, my pelvis was jerking, and the feeling deep
in my groin gave way to the ultimate pleasure of the first wave of orgasm. It su
rged out of my dick-head as my head went light, then before the second pulse fol
lowed she knew I was cumming, she pushed all her weight against my dick propelli
ng it deep inside her tummy. The thick discharge kept flooding her insides; squi
rt after squirt until my bloated cock stopped it's throbbing. After the glow wor
e off my dick deflated even though I continued to make an effort to stroke my co
ck into her pussy. She was so drenched with my goo that it made slurping noises
when I pushed in and out.
I thought the penetration was good, but cumming deep inside a tightly dr
awn cunt is the best feeling a man can experience. I had my fill for the night;
my dick slithered out of her cunt when it became too limp to continue. The next
morning I awoke to the two girls laughing. I wasn't sure if I had dreamt I got l
aid last night or if actually happened. I reached down into my briefs and my coc
k had a scaly feeling to it, and my pubic hairs were matted with cum that wasn't
completely dry. Guess I did fuck her... Janet wouldn't make eye contact with me
, I thought for sure she was pissed, I got nervous about what had happen. As she
passes me to leave the tent I slapped her ass lightly before patting it. She sp
un around and asked me what the hell I did that for, then she left. As my sister
Ann was leaving she announced that I had better leave my hands off her friends,
then she gave me this wide shit eating grin and told me that she hadn't decided

if she was going to tell Mom what I had done to her last night.

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