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THIRTEEN MULTIPLE INTEGRATION 13: CYLINDRICAL, AND SPHERICAL COORDINATES Cylindrical We take the pola ass s+ the potve = axis with the polar plane as the 2y plane 1 ‘lide coordinate (762) of pol ae ge, me we the qeatins cone y= ran © do anil determie te cartin conden (9,2) f Pf the Caren cooednates of P ‘Seven hen ein coords sty equation (UI) Bere he ele fr deeraning # Fspiven by (WD Pesay uneok cy {a uniquely determine the caresinn coordinate of P. Purtherione, a set of ylindseal ‘ocrdinates of Pie given by Spang 0=0 2= prone ew) Ue Cartesian covdinaes of P ave given and Pi not tbe origin, ther the spherical cocedintes stify pa VERTTE wn t=d pmo {In spherieal and eyliadsea coordinates we Inve wan"iy/s) iz>0 syirmiy) eso on Tye) itz eo oe Length Inlindicl ardnate t= [* y(t) + i) + (Bet see Bein 3. eatecs y “Mnetolcontnnmstn, I [EBy + sind dB) ~ XR) tt. See wacrle 34, ‘The cartesian, cylndcal and spherical cundioatan of «pint P wil be dened Prarie Petndiat 84 Ppp 1 (0) Peyiniet we. (9) Peytindti ” = (0.89). iy-8). Prt 2 (0 Pesenian™ (40-2) Fi bm tw $a fr 9-2, Pojunanen = OVE =P) 0) Pennine =(-2VE.26). dard tra eten ire 6 Point = O99 (0) Peaneinn= (Usb t= VIET = VE.8 = ta 3. (9 Protect = (a }toft). Then —A sin f cos y= ain rain be = A(/9ND) = VE (© Prgtaien = ()n be) Thea y= Asin} sin fe = 4h) (0 Pasi (Vigna). Then z= Vésa cnx = VEUVEO) = AVI w= Vesingesings = Vodvabva = 3 == VEconds = V8-IVI= V5. Poanein = EVII—VI, copay aseabr =a Teoede eos =e, avaniva= vi, A) = 208. Paes (WEVA 28.2). 18.1 CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL COORDINATES #75 v9 4 Find a set of spheric cordinavs ofthe gaint Laviog the given Cartesian eordieates: (3) (Ip WCLvaayte G22) © (a) We use formulas (V) and (VI) where 2 >. Thas, VOTE argrenainss a(t Gy Spheieal ordinates are (2.— dy.) (©) We use formulas (¥) and (VE) where # <0, That 0a SF = P+ 9+? = VE beta hes oo Fee Spica coordina te (23.3.4). (6) Wee formal (V) and (VI) wher #4, Ths = VERT SP = Vi = 25 ke pre tslp atv ‘Spherical cobrdinates are (2/3, 34.c08"! 3/9). 5, From (IV). = pin 6 () Patan = (1 3eEn) retain fea) 89a 2 ome = Al) (00) Papnociont = (VE.Gra8). Then r= V2 sin v= V2(0) = 0, Pepin (Ofr--VD- (0 Pyaeiat = CVE}REO) The. wa tflen fe = VV ~ Vi Jeo 2V Score 8 (Fain (8 3) 0 VII = V8, 0 b= ca = 0) Faunaiat= 482) 0 = VTE = VO = fn. 9 = 007" Fo Phi = (Vis 08"! $) (0) Patintiea = Oafe A) 9 = VEE = 28, 6 ote Paces = (Vigo V8) 4m Exereses 7-12, find an equation incylindicalcoordlaates of the surface and ideally the surice ‘Phe eatesian, cylindrical and spherical equation of a surfze§ wll be denoted BY Sorina Senden 842 Syria Sis an dlipsoid. Beeanse x8 + y2= 9 Sayssaea iP A= 16 a enypes 1 The surface is a hyperbolic cylinder with ruling pall to the = ass ‘The vertices ofthe hypetbela-giren by the ey trace of the eylinder-are of the potte (5.0) aad the Ines yr are the aninpeotes of the Ibypebola. To find an ruaton in eplndreal ordinates forthe eylinder we eeplace 2 bY rcon ad y by te gen equation. This, (reas 0? ~ (rain B= 9 Piet sec F502 Sa paraboleid of revolution, Brennen <2 4 y? = S76 MULTIPLE IWIEGRATION 10, Sanaa 8 922-44? = 36. is an lip cine. Seas 2 =r cog and Sina 38 HF Mesa 9F SPD cone at) ea 8) 2. Sw an elipte cone Beegese 2=r 4 0 and y = vin 8 175 on Dine) 3 eas = 3 1 Seanindan =? meee > Hecate the given equation i cquitalent to 2752" =0, the equation i of type In Setion 15.7. Thus the groph isa right civalar cone wth acs the +a, Beene 24-9 = 7, a elindsia-coordinate equation s ‘rca che point (rf) ithe sane as the pint (-r9 ke); the waph the cquaton r= £6 the sae a the soph of r= = Thos the gph of ==? & the same as the raph of =, whichis ‘plindicaloordinate equation of the cone 2° y= 24 Exercies 18-17, fad an equation in nphaealcondinates ofthe sata, and identity the unfce, AB Serums Bata yt4 o Sen0. Sta sphere Decmuse P= yht 2h pt and 2 = peony SRE i 72 Hem = 0: 9 = Seonds Th iin knot oot by disering the factor costs con 6 1. Sovapian 2? 4? = 2 is accu come #41742? = 27. Speed BH SERRE, coe eee of nemane cone 1S. Seaneian i822 +3? = 9, $ isa right cirealas cylinder, Because 2? + y* SI RG Ano pines We. 4 Pade The frph af te equation ia praeoi of relton wha i inthe = asin The given ogaton i (orn oF, Sabettutine fom (TV), we obtain pisin®d = 2p cos "Thus ethe p =O or psin'd = 2eos@ @ FBeenwe Ea (1) containe the iin (0,0). wed ot tm =O, ‘Th (1) phere-cooedinate equation the parceled of revoates 17. Sonneaian 12? 4? + 2? Rem 0. $ in asphere, Because 2 = y+ 3? =p? and = paingeont, SORE 8? “Ap sino com p= Sain md. The orig i not lost by diventding the fete 1 fxereies 18-22, fad an equation it Carian coordi for the surice whaoe equation x en be eylndial ondinate, In Excréne 1-2, ently the sure 10 Spm Fo 3 coe 8 lw cnr finder conttning the ign. 19, (a) Sytner = 4S i ight era ender. Beate 28494 =F. Seay #9 = 16 eae dais pie taeage toes cle, Bee GEHTS, ed nd ten Scanian 8 = Mm r=34 2008 The vate a meyer with rigs pt to che: asi and whenegecrate a imaron with a dent. Beets 02 3. Meee salilyng by rade the ogi > a bolted poi Tis, (F-2ecneP +9. r con 0 = 2, we obtain, (ah + y-2e)? = 924+ 9"), 2 FD hie isa estonia Cartesian cordate rt lider. 21. Soynaccat® 60828 = 2% Peoed si) tn txereben 29-28, nd an equation in Cstesanconeinte fo Ue ace whose agin ie von in epee coordinate Ip Exes 2-25, ony the suf BE Soamnea ah 0 = AORIED) = COP Bran 204 second, Bayt ae 8 Hecate roe? = 2, F808 = B Seuian 827 ote? 181 CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL COORDINATES 817 2 (a) Sisa sphere Beeausep! = 2+3!+ 24 Soresian t+ 9? () Semen 4 Ome. Sh m plane tromgh the : axis, Became Cr Sep/ and tan Om fe = 1, Sammie tan = 1, Beene Pa VEEP Scminian padseed The gives equation is equivalent to peed =9 Because pcos ¢ 4 Canuesan equation of the surface ix ‘The graph Isa plane perpendicular to the = axis at the point where and P22, Soccaiee att? B. Spa it P= 6. 5 psin $= 6. Beene pia gh cesar clings hoe aris the 7 ax 8. Syrseeat 8 p= Bene 8: P= $p 008 6. Searsinn 8? HYP + = Se oP ay 2. Soaiaals 9=2 tan 0, Beate p= VEAP HE and ta 0-9/6 Seana ® ZB sind sind + 3.008 nto rk) aus te gem nin, the graph conta te ora Thus, me may smuiply oa both sides by p. Weave #F = Gp sin 6 sin 8+ 3p coos Sutatitting nn (I ad (¥) othe above, me et Bae h eee FH roto 4? Pry 4 # Io Eerie 2-3, match the equ, wich i de oa or svc ronan, wi oo f te fear shoen a () C Bi als ite rans. A sper of ads 4 Fg (7). (9) Pa 2e sin Gy tym ty? +(y— 1) = 1, 2.) 4 fA ne perpen fo he ay ple F. (3) (9) eee mg ent pecs rorsc hd Oe iipene AN AC ‘S. (a) psin = 2: - o FeO) ros Ma (. | 2a) peore = (0) 247 > (a fhe 2a pepe tide ‘aude a the pout? 22 ae own in igure (i). ~hel- (o) Wehive 4274, tana 20 shown i Figure Ge 122 Prova the formula for ace lng in cynical coonioaten > eentae #= rear 8, Dye = eon 8 Dyr rain # DA i. () 9 telat lindr of radius I, ceatered at (01) (ii os halecone; Pig (Ie). (@} x = 2 eon a para 8 9p DA) = ak OP tb, Dy msn 9 Dyn ron DA (Dp) =n" far sn Bea D) sent THis (Dy) +a) = (Daren sin + PD hla 8+ cas) = Dyn? +700. If Lupite isthe length of we of © frome [VoeF +000. a 60.15, thn fom the forma of Theorem 1.21 Yar AP STS NULIPLE ITEGRATION MU. Prove the formula fr ae length in spheriacoadinates, wee yy om (psin bon 0/84 (pin in OY (pcan 8) (pia ead Fpemasem pun gain 07 (Pein osind + hom Guin 8d pn $0 OFF Alem gp ain Hate costs 4 snk sint0 cord) + 76ers con? + cost sinh + i?) 4 sind sn%9 + sin’ con) + 29p/aln cay cond 4 sin ¢ con ¢sin*6— sin 6 con 6) Heft sakes cog ben en 9 xe) = pW (sin gconesinbcont +n gan sin cos 8) JB APs Ante + 04040 3G. (2) A et of parametric equations of the ccular helix His = emf [the clinton noedinate rpresotation of = point (2) the (2) Using the paramete equations fom Dp =i, ane De {Pua ie nth fae ot ton Sn het Ba foe c= [OT VEaT at VET PT — leat 36, Uae ile foram fr ate length in spheriealcooninates to find the length of are fom ¢= 0 t0 £ = 27 ofthe Inc having parametric equation p= 1,8 > Wehave ode, & ; Yar der Bao ingeh? Le [Gil aardeey ABFec= [i Let ws tan V9; estan Fe. Then Ta HP = see ug dt =P meta ds and so L= Vif sedudu= pyc etan slic u ttan af We have tane = /2e and sece = Vy tne = V1+ 24". Thus, La VV i ae Vor + nT ae + V38)) 13.2 DOUBLE INTEGRALS 121 Denton Wr partition arctan with es paral te i sides The norm ofa patton 2, dented WI bie thelangth of he lope dagonal ofa ectogulaseoion of ef bea function defo s cloned recangia region The mur sido be the Timo ame of the frm Stef lag nQATL tise the property that for any > O thee ‘inten 60 sch at fe vey pares for whe Ae & ad fr ll pombe lets ‘ofthe peat (yee) inthe th etangls 71,2. [Eeewoaa-t}ce {Fhe a mune ems we ste te steed = pba eros 1822 Deaton A fncon J of wo vais sido be nero on arene tro MA J deed eR and te number Vf Deion 1821 oxic Ths number i cle the: dele Serato co Re and we te ima Sfoonaa= | jfieama 1825°Teen if fein fof two aie comin on died angola rein Ry han fe Epa Tae rp soe whe toni cons of «faite numberof es of sath eves that arene tapes fo frm msl ed cave, 1323" Them ifs fston fof tr ws nad and otinous ot dosed ein Keep fra tof pints wis for any ¢0, i conned ins on of rectangle the ma of the tsar of we sense thn than fg on 182 DOUBLE INTEGRALS #79 18.24 Thearem Let f be 2 fonction of two varables that is catimous aa @ dosed region R in the 2y place snd f.9) > 0 oral (2:9) RIC V(S) i the menenre of the wld having the cgi ene its tase ae having a altitude of measare f(ey) a the plot (2,3) in, then WO, [Trsone ta pete Ge a haf he i on an [ft 125 Tino if <3 Seah tio nine x hed pon nf ie “eteawnneff test sae thorn if ttn 284 we geo dad po yt fen 9 laine [fjuenresnoren=[f omen ff, dona 122 rant ttn fot gt Mgt ob Lae me ad ly) 2 ot tein fptcoen [Jf pteann saan those Lt he fin] nile» led on Ra pas htm a Mae v0 numbers such that _m< (zy) 0 Be y= My bounded abore 18) and bounded on the conta Rock = The ffs. = Jf [pea be nt an, Boerne 18 1 Let ea =8e—ay41. [feat na AMEDD APG Dt PG aR eRe repos 580 MULTIPLE INTEGRATION 2 Let flew) =e Az, A= Les, = -05,05.84=05.15.25 [| 7 aaa = H(A5,05) + (-05.15)+ 05.25) + 05,0514 105.19 $0323) si mp? 2 5251s seg— on te TE, 1h Bxexises 38, End an approximate value ofthe given double ineyral whe tthe rectangular region having the verices Pand Q. Aisa partten of K, and (2, the sidpaat of each subresin, 4B tet fea) Fay anet. | Coyne TGDHEDIGD GDHIGD HOD IED + GD TB EA 4. SI n(2—2— WA; PO.05 6A y= Bem y= > efgoe some th rj Bh pained in sabes of 5 wing ete sao0 Tecmo mesons f0.0)4 164) 110.8) +1069) 109) Tel sf a) ‘Yon rat toe the sur ad sequece capability of tome graphic ealelatrs (for exarple the THS2 and TIS) fvmtomatically calle anil al fhe foe shnee term where f(z 1) <1 —2 And the last thee terms where f(e,3) 32-1 FSeatn set 4m tl] 2.51.5 2ST T2 5 bat flay ay +37. | tout v0 SHAM AE LUM) AS HBAS 189) 44 3) AFIS) Ae AB) AL LGB) AY LB) A S44 EAL O44 96-44 90-44 24-44 TOME 48-4 + Hd = 1368 6 be fleg)awv th? Mh=2x2=b usb dba —lhd [fev ties AJL) 0.0) + 10,8)+ JB.) + 401) + 10.514 19.-1) + f6,1)+fG.8 = 90 lag ‘A ssum aga, 13) ron sera 182) um (+ 2.8.2) STAR] 1 hat flea) = Fo~ test, [fr —2ey ea Fe f(2,—1) A+ LOA 8 FOP) 4 (OI) 4 FC 29) A HOA) A LB) AZ LOB) A 4a OEE EAD EF ASA +044 120-44 O08 = TOL & SIaley mabe FAG ay = a= he Pant t= hve w= tar =. fetetst oe eth ac ee Eas pine ne wpe of ate eb et ape oie aah mais eh en ae Rel Bihan ed 9) = 2th wae a [erate EEE mA DRAB SABA 4 HBO IDSA) 282) LI AKA SHBBAS HICH) Focus nate fo1s.n08)¢ e105} fot 5.18) 6 fles2s} 4 Ass) 214543) HAS) Picea nate ices as) 2 105.05) 4410513) +04 2H} 4 5.8) + MoOS.4S) HOES) “pMloaan8) Honm03)4 fosvs) +f0818) = f05,25) + 10.39 + HOHASI J5,83) ~ 73600 tbc is caleated ae ‘num en 6.2594 By (225y +808 “fun say ty 182 DOUBLE INTEGRALS #41 Jn Bxernos $12, Gia approximate value ofthe dole intel whee Ris the eetanglas rein atlone P and Gr A bes petiion of and (uj) sm anhiy plat a gion Let flew) = 2 ey, Because AA= 1, f Jie? 4 yA Fe (f(-25-5) + F(1.75.0) + f(2-5,25) + F(A.) + (19,175) + (1.2545) + £(24.2) + £0 AL (25? + 5) 4 1.75? + (2.45? 4 95) + (47 +1) 4 (752 + 1.75) 4 (1.05% + 15) + (2.57 +2) +18? 41) = (22) nt en J 9A ie ng the am Ui Lat f(2y9) = 37 4347, Became 3A =4, J (ey 39°) SH) 4 S015) + 10.5.) + A519) + S03) + 164) 441-145) + 10148) + (0401 = DO FTS ITH 27 4014 96.29 4 105.29 4 71.75]4 = 1 1S Srlavs SyPMAs P(—2N): QU46): Ae 2 = 05 zy =% 11=% ve (uss) = 208 (mye) = (22H (agree) = (Te (age ts) = CAH (Morte) = BAK (rot) = (Oo iy) = (2,4) » IPAA is the mumber of squace wats in each region, then AA =2x2— 4.18 f(xy) =ay-+iy7, then J geet 84k = HI 2.0)+ 10.0) 4 12.0) 1-22) + 10.254 £2.24 SAAD SOA) IOAN (0-4 04048412416 440-448 4 56) ~ 729 (20: Ge) = (00 when i ealeuated at 1 (ou seq O,2, 22,2) sum seal e+ 122, ~2,2,2) +s seg te A8 2,2 2,2) ESTED 1. LAV cae site be the vlumeaf the solid. A,A = I. bt fly) = Vi=at= Then = ff VORP eam FB ED + EDIE D+ EDGED GD UE IED Or aie oe alee alee oe ole + ate fa-ee = VB + VO + 0+ VRE VHB VR + B+ VHS + VOI) ~ 686 Mad = Leta f= teerst V= | [Geen toda 5) +518) 418.28) + H+ ABI) + F05.28) =85 4684 1S, Let Veale unt be the vlumeaf the solid O)A =. et fey) =10~f 2b 9? Then J J,00-4 BAMA ED EDD GD 010 fe $+ (10-10 S10 fe Gy aN 16 Aprroxieate the vluane of the soid housded hy the surface 101: = 300 ~2522—4y2, the planes 2 = 1, and y=3, apd the ay plane To Hind at approxinate value of the double integral, take a Dariton ofthe region inthe zy plane formed by the Ines x= I, y= —Iy and y= 3, and take (a) at the Seater of the tb sean. The figure shows a stetch of the neg Sets+esses—6 inthe 2 plane which tthe bave of. Meme eae oa J [ott aes £402) + $0.0) 10.2) 4.105) 1-2) 4 F004 2.294 J] =D sich ales tout e925. -2. 62) sa 925.9 =2. 4200S, ; ‘Wedoncade at she scune i appocinney 724 eae wits Fh eae ale aout 2.2 bi nt nthe volume of the ail S82 MULTIPLE INTEGRATION Ae ose [[arvaneaciea oe |], +9? ix the square of the distance from (0.0), Its lenst value is 0 at (0,0) ite greatest value is 2 at s[f@srnnsnta? in increasing, «*% 2 °° = | and e*¥ dy de = [leotee= 2 ‘er? ade = Patent oP bo ie] Ge -p-He--s [eons — aif ax eyed gabt thes! 15.2 DOUBLE INTEGRALS 883, a Exercises 31-38, find the exact value ofthe double integral a ff gaenavs inns Pf oemnreny arn [fonr-at syPates orton aet uf aa BSP ‘eid, whe enn i ning ff at—tera= [fist —serdrde = [ffs saPaten [(o-12eyee =92~6eF]) =18 sb [fjerann [{[fets anode [Tevedvfie= [lostandeoFeazf alee 1. [[nersseitn= | [rt vin ae= [Nev dem [eestoe= ee ow Sit. one ke ee Jesncteafonecene [ok [I ote Ah ees oly eins» = and an r Tague shes 2 hecho the ogon Me isn soe by bw by 4720, ude sve by the ne y=, banded on the ey he ie = So Moen on the ight by he ex = Taefoe hase [fjeotetnen= [ome nerde | once = [sarin nde footer one =-t 1% Dress he integrand ie sme wth pet to the = ay aos J[pevrree= al [re sane fi [Vor P YF a 4)? (oan aff is vy = tye? of FBG 2-992 f 2 = 8 (fgcen= | [fyeeresn= [ret fetal beh t Flea aft [Poser ol oy Pe ef 2Pecn fe -2Pf m ind the volume of the slid bounded by te ples #= 9-424. 2=0, y= O.and Sy ¢—8, Refer to the figure Brow. The projetion af the old onto the 2y planes not conta the base inthe 2y pose veries(—1,0) ad (1.3). ve BS 2 plane, and the projetion onto the 2: plane ie nt cortained in the bre in the 22 pla, while the prjeetion gute ihe pa cna te he region ta they? dd by the lines y= 0, toner beeen ne Ve [fon [sa say) +1330)? +08 andy = [67-189 412h09= a oy +12] =5 ise hme 3 ead nig “iret 3 Trecie 0 Beet xen €2 Bete feojeae yo tel] eZ wok [I saten fo EBY HP tom [Se sede = S84 MULTIPLE LNTEGRATION Vi [oat —adrty= [Antje yoaPey =|] Vise Ant. ¥ =3{*Meco aco = |e a = 18 es ind Hen dain 94 yp!" =e Alternatively. slice ina quarter ofthe apse +4? = 9~ 2, p/P Hae 2. v vf oo vie) Re ey eave ff vimean= [fn etlBeeay= | fay = AHI) te 9? 0-0 Lat 9 in d= co bin the second term. Then V =[ 400 99°70 + 2(°7 ost as 2h heote sin 6435 eo nin YEP =P Pa bt 4. dy dein tle fe tn of hl bade Let f be the function. ined y ew) = VMS rhen the solid is ‘beanded below by 1 tegon R inthe my pane and bow shove by the surface gh ned ye it, 24a te vey =a = hes v= |f, Meaptn = [*[ Vier Vie de “To evatnie hiner atl, erga xa conta Ley = VSTi 0 setae, Dhan dy = Vib a con 0 40, and VIE — aH = VIG —# cond. Whe y = 0. and when y = VIG=, then # = J, and he ime negra cies [P76 ~ hes a = as ~22)|7 "+o yt = fs —2f9 +4 on of Altrpalvly for cach vale of ie ner integral reprnts « quater of the aten of «ce of enlin Yi6= wich i x16 2%), jet a ha ed es all to they plane. Hens vols (06-2) Hise Je} =F “Tha, the vole he sid cae aia, Ip Brercses 45-48, use double integrals to fad the area of the region bounded by the cues inthe zy plane. Sketch the melon. nn [fe [Bee [bee [eae be de) bd fe Petal tate tee tks [3M fan dem [foal pines [ppt ik 1, enn gone grt whee te a en fh, tana [ante sal [yee deme Peach 2D -uer-n)=12 elles Sioa wn ea nat a a eR Seiad Viragh ec itt Aaa fsetran] Ie toon] aL 22 [Vivier yim ap YE vie= Pay vs a2] i vie=Pey $v o 18.2 DOUBLE INTEGRALS 885 Fer the remaining integral in (1), A=2[ 16 coc do % ‘Therefor, ht aren {te + J8) aquest o mel 8 iz the volume i the Fint oetant, ke y= Adin 6. Thos, [2c pean V5 = e+ fam mf 1/5 =the dvi dey 5 br de he fGohe wate) Si (et 8fe thet (mht Oye be (V5 F? - phy. Let y= V8 sin 0, sin AS [Sen V5 coud dt ~ faPl = Bf + cos nys-9 = fo bin 29-3 = sin! V5 409-3 as int 2V5-+ 5 [b) A= [tere [eee Lass Vico, Angels [P vi sin visin odo) =4.+9f0 cos ap $+ Gia 3Vi—1) = feb HSH} BL. The parabola y? = 22 and the line 2+ 3y= 10 inert in the Bint quadrant at (2:2), the parabola intersects zara (0. nd the Hine niet oe = nce (0, = [[(¢Hetyea eo v= [2[ 5" (abe tate ty = Myo +B? oti = HE fee bt i Lv fears fe mr a [onfer-forhyF aes [Jorden = | vie? |i —fardes [*O-2 OP EAT cial Integral (b) evaluate the iemted iategal (€) wre the ltratogiaegral the given the teasice of the sone of ‘he mm lh Sn ender of tatagetion sero o [vee ‘The base of che solid Beg 2-dalts che the tangle bounded by the fines == 0 and (snd y=, And the sid i bounded br the ‘The gure some 2st The tion ip i da as pine tae eet Sage een S Sosa [ietae ty dz = | [ve| ‘setae = tet") aes Wael ara sco ona tls ts an semietottn ninth besteraitiiterene a= te Eeotmvian = ff aeaiea SEO cuescomemncill Bp, Svetndast || prea 1am Analogy the measere M, of its mowent of mass with spect tothe y axis is given by Mm BpaSieeteodah ff rena ‘Theta of a thames Std By he eit 9) nd te 2one pale Uf hergon Rad the dey fnetion we metic in + andy then ¥ = See Bap ‘Lhe moment of mertie of & purticl, whose mass is o ke, about an acis is ver? kem?, wheter pete rps Seo ey ti pra ies, Sopra won Ges Lia mpg ron te yan SE hath dom atthe pat) heap) sheep conto on fhe the means ofthe mona onertao te nin bot i, etd by Uy define by My y ie (uj sia vaya iipatriewa= [fen So es aia dminach incon sane Nayleiteansas [| 2xeann Hl et of eet yy di by etthe [[,trnenn Teele urea srraraan aurea wens plane and Mis the messure af the total mass of che dstbutior, ther the reaius of gyration of the dattbiton about Lae miseere r where Bok 13. APPLICATIONS OF DOUBLE INTEGRALS s87 sface i ined by the parametric equalions ever rao fone Es ey. So Baa 4 qT td~ VE area Ry, See Exercee 32 1 ise op lal ao i oto on (8 Then he ined by revolving the curve y= f(z), with age abate ease on bye in| HyirtaP oe pm ‘se fan gh Las ied sot ish rn a ey ae Gime Hea ep Tai etal ae bgme tt eee ee te cleats sa eu poerbwioprs br Sr B 3 Beomwlo 2 | Exerciser 12, find the mace aad the coer of mas of & lonina in the given shape If ce area emity as ‘las is measured in klograms and dstane is weasurd in meters tn Brerore 1-18, Wig he sm of Ure arom RM Kas aed My hese Une moments of mame i respect tothe # and y ates, nthe center of res teat (2). (za) h/t i the area denaiy at the point hand ba ote of perry by 2 =. y=2, and the coordinate ates plx,9) = 274 tip, B voto a= | [pstta=|[°[tertarae= |? Levee [? feaeng ofan iBeb wa [fea Perea bh pita Eten = ff tea Pfietce = [ap am f ftee fof = Pavan p= see =2etf a wadey theca nen 2 band S. ad = 2 = [{[esnaves [Porat [foeetencleoefae 2 pete io ie * Ris bounded by the coordinate axes and z+ 2y = 6. plr.w) =v". woffa [fe seiar ath Mee [te atinnsy bof w= [feotins PI peees | = [ioe avtay bet 2489 -FO) = 9) fG $ = If pea [2 ations [eel ama)? Gates |e 0 =? vhs = fav Fo 3b AB =f 9005 +36] = 89 MULTIPLE INTEGRATION ‘quadrant bouded by the parabola y=", the Ene y= 1, and the y acs. The ara o = hte be! ‘The, the mas is 3 hile, Moreimer, if) the eater of ass, we Name ™, 1m | [great ta [ernest [on ebeh ~Pieaeat Bete iPad det bel] @ = [J ptemnanm [fe nivay dem [ [bert beh ate = [ida de-Be-fetice = Bet ie ae] o Fre (1) (2) and), have Fale MB ioe mtd WB “Tarefora, Uhecoter of rec tf 38) iin the fst quadeant hound by <= 89, =2 an they axl. (2.9) Mm, tip, Eee naaaf f joeca af? [Yrs ine - = ys, Hut DY 6 9h NABI AH NGM) “at We Bie DIOA= u syria ae Tenens “E ore Monies male ohh aiff nfs ee ee ii th Tichanit ong wa [|e evevaen [fireeee aye [fier srte= [eons [open w= | ae [erérde= [orem [ecrten dio] = Het n.9= Gt ost Risin the first quadrant hounded by 27 4 9" = 0°, plewy) = Meta) wayte, Eatornons [f tevnase PE were [derby Pee at [fear afe- ape af Ye—29F 4hate— fall = Mat hae bal] = te? saat Steers [| tere rhan af [Ye Prestane nef PP =e ae ey ofa be 133 APPLICATIONS OP DOUILE INTEGRALS 889 Yet eae dr cine econ ei, Bae 125, ede de AL ta eae be) EE ite belo) sett a) =| Ge ates state ppt 02 Be - 2Be ‘Thos, the mas HEE lograns (2,9) isthe center ofr, we have ays ff enneea = GE (Say ay ae ay lee] oye (Sqe ane vate ~Higet Bet anef gt © sd, reversing th order of integration to expo loner power = [f teen teeta yt re] 2% ee ile? - 20+ 1297] = Be (3) eT ae As bodel by = nan ron te xa 6.) = we Tynes alleen w= hp, Strona ff 7 He] -coteninsds =f cons ote] od =i). = rbecante y ith rect to 3 = Jp and pin depen of. © [faints de = if -Ysin econ e+ dal = ee [Cpe cen eT sate ae [Jpew a ene ee ee: ees {he est quart bounded by 2+? = ad 47 = prabnwaas [[ evan [[Verararcen [4 etd = 2) ~~ 2) de = Bf" (4 2a Hs? sp, Boman [fare [[¥e* atavaen [* bar ete afiew ff -f-nth aaa at ee of be $$. nap ies of symmetry with ropec tothe lie y=. 89 MULTIPLE INTEGRATION 1. The area density at (2,9) iz ka/im?, im the mates ven by gy 12, The regica bounded by the crle=# 492 = and lines 1 The Gguee shows the rgion The mamber of hlegran Jasin [J pcpevernl oe] ate at -24 te =} | Pae ah ‘Thos the mas is logram. 1 (20) i Ube center of mass then =F Incase oth the ron al the density funetion ae sme in and 9. "Thes. myo [f portent [er {ede = sanyae gat “Theft the ene of mise $2) 1 Bxerisn 19-18, Gnd the women! of intia of te hotageacone lad ofthe give shape about the indicated sais if the ara demity is ilgran per quare meter aa distance is reas In Berens 19:22, hg-nt ead fy kgm? me the mone fost af ‘rms theradias of gyration about the 2 atin and Ty hg 11, Ris bounded ty dy= te, #4 and the win (avon cal’ PMpasae [pba Ph ftoee Bet Rave wen cian cwucanse, [atta de [att ayhte = ff Gtr 8e8 + Phe lest 4 +h] =k ib peitte Phy =a ly= Jt tera = [Jf pease ff perenne] f totes [YP arama pee 8 BP de, Let 2 =o sin dz = acoed. est ae be From ee 18.2.0, fy= Pf otet 16 Thesegin bom by the paral = 4 ty athe = ac bent the x as ‘The igute shoes the egos R- The mone of Keo? he tnut of atin Y bon the 2 asia gies Br ta ff eran mef! [Aranda del? ef ie ah! 0-2 et heed ‘Th he mnt nr es ke? 1 Rison potty ad he 4 in, Swan aa = [f eeteatwa mel? [OM ty dyer onde Meta wan = ff aors ahaa af [OM oe ra =f? [eaede fe tveeef* 7 23,8. ) m fm, F642 fet testhe abet La a ae ce i i dl phe arm eHer Dies nia un rts th tim Tp gine noctin epee hpi Man = Zhe —oya=0e 0? 13. APPLICATIONS OF DOUBLE INTEGRALS 881 the lamin eadh of the folowing! (a) the moment of ietia about the = axis; (b) the 0) the edion of gyration aut the x aie () the polar mement of neta, ‘and the coordinate axes (2 = ffpanea= [2 eee Phere ftom Bape 3 [etpavse [2[vteraem [Yrvh E[peae Bef = etc 1 M = 12 perl Vi VE +e ‘The lamina of eres 4 [TiC Run tor fare # sows thereon Rn Exo we ace en tat oy) =2-+ [ypabta= | [etetarece= [ite role bet PP = [iso ity =o 4 aves pr winranct eves lem an [tener [i [aeontenten [ovale piles [iter hee “Ths the moment of nein ab they ai ke (2) Subeiting fom parts) (Bh me Bore Pah = BBB uf gyration about the axis VIBE meters (@)patetl, -B+ 8-0 ‘Thus, the polar moment of inertia i kes? ‘BL, A bounled by y= sn x and [Du] 9 the ai ey) = by sep Even [[teon=afe "(et ateos2elde = fh ot} shin 2e-} eeme 22+} hel ae (e) From Exec 9, = fot, Tenor r= fT, = YSSRE- ve (Hlth, gees hee bre= ie ane 22 Ris bounded by y= fF and kay) = ke. [iti dsm ety = [02st = Ht- sas dy >it |Tv = “foe sy bb] = be () From Bxertse 10, M = jt, Theedore r= yay = = WH (Inte = dee a 22, ei oanded by 2 and the x axis: esp) = A(A—9)- IF Lg? i the moment of inert of the lamina shout the £a- rimaa= sm tf (aia ‘fe prte- ay de 0 MULTIPLE INTEGRATION - =e[2 foto ce fe? a ze set asatde = fe? 104 (e-nt-2s6)ee Let ca Lhe = Th fe aff AR Bled 260d stoe = fu Blas 1-0 24. A homogeneous lamina of area density k slugs/f? is in the shape of the segion bounded by the curve = Jy thes ati an the tne # a, vies ¢> 0: Fd he mermat of inet fhe nina abst the ie == asthe datacom any plo (,9) 0 haar =a The mens att nese Ue hiss abs tbe le = [ipe-wte [[[kemotivse pewter 26 agin 28 a= afean wt se feet ste (Hh) Jae “The moment of inertia is dyke? sag. 1s Bxewines 25-42, ¢ square uss inthe wea ofthe suice % Ben w fae 4c [TFPI eH dey ofa att et ate tests Ade i [farsrstaeds= vif'eden as fe vl : dy 4/168 * (fete Heh REVS RLye0 Zh ITER ean de dys [PVT ae y= ov 2A Meon =e Bas ou) = Sion [ivieore ieteayet dane [ [28 eT ae 2S. Fed the aren of the sure thet scat fom th pase 2 =a by by the planes 2 =0, 2 =, y=0, and >0and 830. tod file foe th nub a gsare ait in Uearen af the ce =a /TEOTT ‘The arenof the sees i bV ESOT wuare wit BH. In theft octant y 2 0; st ty? 9 gives y= Wome BE aor Seanen |[ Vievniriacer= ['[! (gZpraniinas =f 39-2) ds dea 8 ig | 9-2) ae ve 21 The open Ri the 2 ple howdy the ane with dee hve fe +00 = Vi6B-2+4) = 23 + by. Ris the region in the zy plane bounded by lines = 0,2 =a, y= 0, and y=b. Then =f iiRewre dove leds = [VEST TIee tm [nV ESTTy In Berebes 29 ane 0, the ine inno the rah of onc oad =n [0-288 = fig 29 19.8 APPLICATIONS OF DOUBLE INTEGRALS 892 oa? pape [Viren = [Peart i= 10s gl = nae is bounded by the tangle whine xdes are the Enes_ooegtt He) =2 52498 fy=8iSyfeu) ~ 20 nye on fg VFR T RED te dom JOST tet = [PVT a =a] no? 526° an — Bye 26?) = hen) = so 13/3) [32 Find the arra ofthe surface in the fst oxtant which is eo rom the cone 27+ 9? = 2 by the plane 2+ y=4- The figure sows the part ofthe satface that fee ove the angle Win the 2y plane bounded by the = ax, they axis, ad the line #-+y = 4, New from behind the plane. We take Sesh= Fae Thon ew = yoy tt 10) = selon 4. 1 the St octant y= fiz 2) = VBP y= 2 a. itanenteasiegtatgt yt ‘The amea of the triangle is }(4)(4) =8 square units. Hence, the measure of the surface is 7 | ,viea=8vi ‘Thus the ated ofthe surface it 8/2 square units, 12. The uid aren eS times the pat above theft quadrant exp) = VaR Iles) = aE Lei= 0-0 =8 {| fies hy mad FAA el 5 aff gto eal [Ye eenit[laee A. 4g =O in (2— 1) + y? = 1. The requined area is 4 times the part above the first. quadrast. Novo) = VEEP 0 fe fy +1 5 2. Arn ofthe emilee = 4 [2 dA = AVE de = BV Ee flay)= VFR Fw f8sh 241 ff Bea = [2 [je vide ate aif) eer vitesrvdrt hv F, 2d4t))=ov8 26, Find the aa of he prion ofthe plane = thn es bene the plnom y= and y= and witha the hyporkaloid B27 ~ 4y? +162? = 144. 1 The projection of the interaction of z= z and 9c*~4y"+ 16s? =144 on the zy plane i= the hyperbola: 252? — Ay? = 144, We take twice the past over the frst quadrast where = 2y/pF+W6. Let =~ f(2,9) = 2 Ten Fen =1 es Therefore, a [fier aaa an 22 [TRV ITT aeey fpr = iv [Virsa VA a i644 0 ky + VIER) = BV AIDE +36 tl + 6/9) — 26 6] = Bos Finis VII ‘Thus, the area ofthe surf ae + fF In(t + ¥/2)] square wits, S94 MULTIPLE IwrecRATION 5. Theline rom (40) (a bas quatinn y= f(a)=Esi f(e)= 2, From Theowm 12.3.4, oat [iro (Pays ide=2 ee tesa &: am Sf =F (On by Papp segment hs length 2°) and th midpin eon the ani s0 @ = 26-38- VEE abot thes as Weise! vote toyfo ie thee cont sacaruenitiacse er Stas nif dao woe fe ane SiN IROL RENE Me de. tty = acoch 5 eff VT acaze[" air te(atenh 1 = oo 1422) = Bea —e-) (Fn hse thei of lon ciel by aking hati y= cf) f= =O * seh fa tor dah ODEs Yaara ei Yettle ~eotts/e iretore, the mtasiee ofthe x te [fs cotte/atvcobee) te anfesJoanareh ence the surfce avai a(t + Jo sinh 2) square unis 41, Tabingy > 0,197 = (6 ~2)? gives y= fle) = ]VBI6e"* 9%. 7 eate[! re TRH ae = 22" Ives? —. =]v9[! 886 aT ENO 9 de Ste He aye vif ome avi/le Rhee eM ae Meng rte Bee = for +2? 4° - foe +36~30)~ 126 ete [ey Garton te [VEST tt ly aay prs Hench) = ore wan ton +8 ssi ~ V4 i542) nt V4) Tn 443. Choose the coordinate axes wo that the veries ofthe triangle ace a (2b), (848) and (0,0). Aw equation af theside ofthe ange in te fist quarant oe tee ff ean ae[* [raya ane[f aamze[* [MP ace ae aie uai tear guiey env a ie i VEi= bev offv-+souceronte (t+ Josint 2) a 123 APPLICATIONS OF DOUBLE INTEGRALS 895 4. Suppose that J and its fast patil derivatives ase continues on the dosed region R the 29 pla. Stow tint i mare salle i he aece of the portion of of the sutnee += Fla) 1 Wier over By then = [faerie to we oe ~ Hea > We apy the detain of grade nd nnn tothe right de ofthe fated equation. Ts [[pprvenerttess=[[ Jerteansjen—npeu ||, Yimou =i iew = teayee ‘More generally, ifa surface is ven by oz, 2) = 0 ad its projection os the ey plane is R thea on ff laaePritedy= [f CRT HCE Hee tr= ff LET sea J othe stm noun TNGRAL or PouAR coon Le te non oto aie et Bes in pr pe ded the rays $= 8), 8 =, and by the carves r= gi(@) and r= 93(8) where 0 < 94(8}< 9319). oats off tsa en esi [Jppesnins | ster arse= |e [nea sea ® ate open erro i ccaen ecm erin tins oat oe Seapine ona Proce TEC tc eS Tat tain gel erase eg ec (edrhe (eke eC eres oar oet Sona on || (ares Tea eae w Proof Subsiiating from Execs 12.5.5 ito Theoten 124, we obtain [iiPeigri eety ih comeconmcomsa one) which is equivalent to (Ul). Beereises 184 interior) 6m dai haghokdivaaatinnim a AS ee sme ek elim St ibe i ASD or Sano Sec ae cra eos tm ip Wl mind KA gntins sees any oe pt 9) cof pope. 1 veg he Aye, Spar ae [fpr [ss esanie~ 2 on tala rege ocr 3h anal [Parana [Octet [0 conan ely nla The ng Wie a wal nn le Anyipa barat [ree [ale tree [ah [tes rteme scent chara | "™ eaten =fefsee cdo puon = Hileroedg)-(2-0- EB) Fe) 1 tin 8). [i fetes maf paginas Ente $96 MULTIPLE INTEGRATION 4. The region inside the ene + =1 and outside the leraisater? = cae 20. fb The fgate shows the region. Let R be thy Grt quadrant pct of the rgion Inde the lerniscate. We take the area of the eccle mie four tin the =0 when 8 = Jr. the region Ris bourded bythe and ‘a. Th, the meas of the area of in given by ace 4A 1 Brana te sea Bf the cc 7 square nll thes the ae of th ragie ate te lenlacate and inside the reeds (3~1) aqua vit [5 Aj and Ay square units are the areas ofthe lange avd sal hops ofr =2— Asin 8 wey ee depen [G28 3-W4)- 0) efor 39) = 8468 [fyrerana2]t2 [eae eral? ot 6 +4 cosd +24—sin29 P)2 —4de40+—0)—Grt2yi+be-hvi)] (8 +693) ~(4r 6/9) = 4r + 12/3. “6 Seon, cond= hte tbe. of filer ee er sentein fi] a-d? BV] yf ~ eon 8+ HC + con 9) M8 = Birt Ge/G =| — bain 6+ in 29], — Br BVT et AVE ~hbV8~ Bie BV = He tov Exercines 7-12, inthe volume of the slid. Rell pred tots med 2 Sen-niPraray aa] toe iteaaatl[ ie arae sf afar aal Maen Tel ctont lib en 24? wtp hiner The required volume i twice Unt ofthe part above the plas ple. Soe the igure. Ie bound by the "Siting the euntin of tv pre br the pute vahe of becouse SJ oe ieee WY the measute ofthe volume of the ente sold, we have V = af sieorératma]" Ventre 3] sihtnn-af et a p- “Therctur the volume of he a la $e(8 4/8) cud uni, wats Sods ‘ie 2. elie atthe me 2 716 teint r= tant vay tin, Zue-r2y"Prar ae he ras erat =6f7P fame arae =4]-foo- cence = 457100 — 16 ct” oyae= HET Paa ot —cototns Hifo b= fom footer Be 2400) (14) ] shea le P= hs ta vanaf’ [ar ndrae as [anna = $f" Ute b teats Sead = Aft to annie af (cor 3 exo = 4594 3in 2] +0125 IL. The Solid is hounded by the paraboloid 2 =4—r1, the cylinder r= 1, sof the polar plane. v= J, Uae dr dom ial (ie— yd db = 12, the usw the paraband 2 2 and alow the lane We find the atormton of he {Be gegen mquatonn, we have isthe crcle r= 2 sin 8. Se the igure. The volute ofthe sol is given by ve JJjersme-te J, eran Pinde do inte ao = $f "(1-20 20 teost)de = 4-202 + eoinae =| ‘hin th hme Jr ek te ly Exerises 19-19, find the suas and center of mas (a Cartesian esotdiaates) of lain having the shape of the given region ifthe area ensity is ae incmaled. Mass ix temarel In Slograms aud dizance is measutee I meters IR The rogon is inside the cntod r=2(1 Fn 6) a) J[,eeenu 7 a+ 3sin 04355 ee sia ‘Because in 8 and sin ae ode! and sin#0~ Hea 28) i ven Maal Muga —cxyar = Msn” - E sueronar aes un, Seam marmasray= [farsa edrae r / nT no iin sae sale santas 6 "Pat data of fda ooo snts ao] elon coe oh) Because Ris symametric With repet tothe yan the center of mas eat (03) and ain 26+ bin 2 [ia arm bapersonan a arr = $1 16 sin eins a= Me= gis $08 MULTIPLE IwTEGRATION 14 Then tine te or mete) ta" "Hae dof | eo =e [0st d= fein ioe! = ia? $< fie 90 by gma Fee [Morena dd = ltt |" 2ecfont owe (0629+ 12an'e— anton t) = Hain #— Paine Pant —Banvel ® [Pomerat Fe i co Sfon MHP oem 2m cat tit sabes G+) fone af” =~ Desvoes Rb een wi tenet ts the pol i ‘he tema Be Wy= | feaoean= [[2 ann orecndy eae eta cat true =! He] sn 8 cos 6(2-+cos8)Paé = $e a[j [80s 8412 e098 +6 os°# + cost cos 8) pHs coste 4 onto Beats + bowel = ise © f jitsimoiaa = f° [asian inthe dr d0 =k Date a as in 20(2 + cor 0) = [fates menessedhs ate sf" ‘su®9 a0 12 ecm 0c0+ 0)" ‘se! Po caste ao | an scx'2 2] afsfhe-meonsermend[ mews = Hla toma vto-faeo How ‘Thetntepleaig pow of snore] sh Stag (12) ae (3 tbe = and 9 =e = Be “efor, he center of mam (He 14 THE DOUBLE INTEGRAL IN POLAR COORDINATES 590 2 Thee tap al thet 22 Mot, Suaramsyre ae |[ etinedeur =|" [2 Ran eaea is = I[ferorunanes A “ [print onto Affe remnant af fof tint tae a= 3 ALT (2+ cecoyia acon ae—H |" (101000432 e264 24 cad+ Beast cnt Osin 8d 8 a2 —B coe caste ead el & ips Entra tra at ip, Sliven iar coors Parana =a YET aiff rennin ana sate teat tow sco sata “h reo ca'd Da cad cod +8024 e816 fF ccste= 23 nt 8a + yd = lett sin 0+ [((f- ota +ccotes 6]. {0-18 Joarranes {( jee sarees] —Ho-B-fenosind+(-} Poul 402) -2 ‘The center of mass is at (xy) and 2 = 4yM,= 33° M= le erorano [7 x a= aca) = =e ha con = (co0 0+ | (8 c08 8) =e ae Ta i-eat? (Senos [-eath Pe (2 [tar cany trans fo inronayaral B i, Reardon [12 ohne an =H [Te is Mant DR = Mi | "Mes sie — 12 sina + sin 9 —2)d0 Issn eonahite [7 [inate alf-s-e)es-1}} if] Jv i oconofl2s ["7eaind (6+ 1)}} 4/3 +| Bos 0 ~ 70) = Sb Vi V5 4 8-5-7. gn) = faTV9 — te) rain ge yr Oye Be = || bain Odea = HIT Aain ota oa powers of sine aves = 16: ints cos 2738 con [| (t0-f + 2epnte (22 faints sin fe {00 MULTIPLE IvTeGRATION icant + Sain eos incon 42-4 indoond + [ [+ 1pne a0 4} into cu. 0 48 in cont ain?¥ con 16a @ cn 8 En 10 aun af hy 4V5— a0) BE AD AVE — 8 V5 AB VS —10-Jo] = oT VI 1006) Benue Ris sari with pet 1 the y ais the enter of mam na (0) an saatvi— 1602) Yee = arya tem) ries 20-94, fin the mest of ners of «Inman inthe shpe ofthe sven rion ad aren deity Taft tthe ected oor pias Mom me agement meters 2. "Therein codon by the Cicer = SO, shot the fal The gue sha eles Te dace ere ey pot (0) ot fae in eareosd meats Toy the mame of the omen of eta aba the ea 1 | Meaworiacif [iM AacHaan=ye['satheattae aston coo fava 2 he] forse on 20a = Saf 0-0 = te 1 The moment of inertia grt hyn " muon ee age af Eetite BI” sates A Lento os 049 jatar s} fecal fo-tP barns tle ile semracuiay val atau] =i6telo— febotvon sdb ante du = 16tefo £4 rhe tts | "(+ cone) —8 costejae Ii [fete bots (-3 +8020 +i)el = cotsint + (ff +i}f — Yam! 2H. Th ein enon by heme? = ?s0 0: bot the pl ase The ie Sows she sgn By sym. hetero A ah it ct the pr ate Cetus" etance fom a pot (0) te it Cina he pl sila y= sn Tae the sone of erie To [oven or arama] pth * [Feat a= tM om tet = (si at in 48 — in 29 bento!" Lt e+ in =n B+ falo+d. Tb DOURLE INTEGRAL I POLAK COORDINATES =Molln—) = fet(s=—8) 1 Te oe iene 8) 16 Tron hdl by on pl ha op, Bhar ar “lf vrevaioal |. , [prune [VR rac an mf ban (sean a ra llo> ER fafa aee 8 [Jerre [ere [Pie fant tcomnttoor Pause y plantas tds meg mn sR ann te i nt bel Mee 2432 an tn cine [Laceteget= [Be eet one ats Because|2/V2"F 9" |<|2/x|=1 and the integrand is continuous except at the origin, the integral exists. Peg pelag aad oy 75a lant bb the cede #n2, gs Am beh miem the ete (en 2)Pt ye 28 aA. The sphere hac 2 = sorters, ® 8 we faye o=2]) etree =|? “ghee —Vai= a0 = 12 [6 -aviu0 atin Ji). On 2 = nt) VEE, FFE, » preven Ve=7 Tae tay! 3. Besse the lange lle pats, whieh les below the is. From Brample 7 with Sweet patcceascine hifi wan a= [Marae Avenaively = It) =2-VITF. YT Hence the number of qusre anit inthe reputed ares x Win = 2 $02 MULTIPLE INTEGRATION 2 Fipd the apes ofthe partion of the sure af the parabaid 24 P= Bi pi des, > We'd the btenetion of the pata and the spore. Hiiaating =? andy? om the equations, weg Pein Threonine intr Inthe planer +=0 and # = 1 The cave fiero se Eppa 7 ‘Conon te quae om athe equation ofthe ape, we hae reas (on2) =a ‘Ths th spre hn center at (0.02) and adios 2 The gure sors he tg ha of the sphere, and the surf, wich fs oe R he cee Bey? =3 inthe. pave. Were fen-Hess) Tes, Lfea)=¥e and ff03)= 9 ‘lle hema oi anand mie to potenti, om [| \irearetaovian = | yetvriea MR Vi rir an dente [VOGT de 202i? WP y= GAT 0) “There tin area of te sure i 4/211) =445r mune wil, wile the aoe of the sone of the thaw fom sO eat deh “Eh = tv ae we y= Hort y}?=Hee~y)P in a pera parabolid # = Tey nile 2+ yo a in the fe octant ian [f fori iornPa eh = | lV aaPe aA oral the linger 28+ y= 36, [pf eV ete dtm fer [08 4 tr = hae afro hea? (2P = eevee 1A. Fi the ate ofthe surf cut frm the rps paabolei ?—22 = 62 * Wetake fea) = fhe) Then fly) mie a id) =v aed [Fea fFedei = fet aT ‘The sutce line over (ad unde) the ree Rin the xy plane that isthe graph of =? +4 = 36. Therefore, [VIO aan [8 Para ae [Yr rire = 2G + NPT = GxVS—1) 1-H TRIPLE INTCRAL If f is a continuous function of z, y, and = on some region $ in R®, then the éraple integral of f on Si gen by eeeilav = [ff stennv viel ino boxe planes pale othe cardnte planes and Bis the length Site lange logon f hon Weave te pe integral fd the otal eso oid wth vail densi I pls. the measre ofthe volume deny aft eld that ocean the region 8 the the Reaze of the ase the wld iva by [ff pooner When o(&s.2)= I the tuple itera for mas ges the mesure ofthe voluse ofthe slid satin teed ae anally ase, We may ea treeterated ftgral to ealesate the save ‘Ta tiple integl IS founded by the plses + ~ 5, and 2 ==, boaaded by the elinges Sale) and b= sya) tt ve perpen tothe ty plas, al Due by the sure EShj(e.a) and 2 hy(29), whee 4

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