Nursing Bullets 1 and 2

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e State Board Review Bullets #1 i Adapted from Frye’s 2500 Nursing Bullets Pericious anemia results fom fallure to absorb vitamin ___ from the Gi Tract causing neurological signs and symptoms. ‘Symptoms of hypokalemia (K below ___) are: “The five stages of death and dying, according to Kubler-Ross are, ist “A patient with @ pressure Sore should consume a. unless contraindicated ‘After a 12 hour fast, the normal fasing blood glucose level s- i ‘A blood pressure cuff that is too narrow can cause a falsely | blood pressure reading. ‘Administering high levels of oxygen to a newborn can cause: ‘Symptoms of digitalis toxicity are: ‘When preparing regular and NPH insulin in the same syringe, drew [Lup the, insulin first Tefers to a daily urine output below 100 mi ‘efers to @ rumbling sound on lung auscuftation that usually clears with coughing. refers to forced feeding through a tube, Risk of 2 is of greatest in the first. ‘hours after the fracture of @ long bone and is manifested by For the person in shock, the legs are elevated no more than —_ degrees and is contraindicated in the patient with, [According to Masiow’s hierarchy of needs, needs which include _have the highest priority ([Tihe safest and surest way to check a patients identity is ‘A patient's _____ is the priority of concem in developing @ therapeutic environment. ‘The difference between the: and, pulse when taken by? nurses inthe pulse deft, For a fractured femur, treatment begins with and of the affected leg. ‘efers to an alisraton in thought processes characterized ‘by skipping from one topic to another on unrelated topics. in an infant, is the most significant sing of increasing intracranial pressure With) ‘anadely; a person's billy to perceive and concentrate The person is selectively inattentive and perceptual field ‘A patient with ‘disorder uses self-protective avoidance as the | ego defense mechanism. [lin a patient with anorexia nervosa, the highest pionity ‘A patient's blood lithium level must be monitored once a because of the narrow margin between therapeutic and iSvc Tevels. | Anormal lithium fevelis__to_ mEq/l. \ ‘A forced exhalation against a closed glottis and bearing down is called the Early signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include. | These may begin up to_ hours after the last alcohol intake. is the support group for families of alcoholics ‘Chlorpromazine hycrochioride is ‘and is contraindicated ina patient who has ingested alcohol because it may cause. and Vital organ perfusion is seriously affected when the systolic blood pressure falls below Lithium toxicity can occur when and. intake are insufficient, causing lithium retention ‘An alcoholic who achieves sobriety is called @ ‘because no cure for alcoholism exists. For a patient in cardiac arrest, the first priority is: The universal sign for choking is. A positive tuberculin skin test is an induration of ‘mm or | gests the econ ste. "ventricle of the heart sustains the greatest damage | sumgmyacerdl iron In burn victims, the leading cause of death is. ‘second leading cause is ‘Infections hepatitis is called hepaiiis and should have a diet that is ‘and the In bladder carcinoma, the most common finding is (Drugs that Potentiates anticoagulants include: “According to Erikson, the ‘hilt is at the indusy-versus- ity state of psychosocial development. Priorities of the burn patient indude (in the order presented) ‘should always be applied to boti legs. Tefers to antibody formation within the body in ‘Tesponse to vaccination or disease exposure. has a teratogenic effect on the fetus during the first wimester “The formula for Clark's rule is: “The trade name for digoxin is ‘and the p.o. dosage is: results from paralysis of tre extensor muscies in the forearm and hand. Tesults from excessive plantar flexion and is prevented by @ Footboard or high top tennis shoes. In an emergency, consent for treatment can be obtained by. "—_—_ afe individuals under the age of majority (18 or 21) it we unter parte contol ited for any invasive procedure. TTamuniy ubshs San be measure by 8 Irreversible brain damage may occur if the central nervous System deprived of oxygen for more than ‘method of injection seals medication Geep into the muscle. ‘The needle must be at least___ inch. Drugs that must be given by this route are and ‘A Apgar score of __ to ___forthe newbom indicates no immediate distress. ‘A patient with acute renal failure should recevea diet thatis. | disease results from adrenal gland hypofunction and is, ] Characterized by symptoms of, In the event of a fire: in-caring for a depressed patient the frst prowiy ©. ‘because of the risk of Heparin effect is monitored by the lab test ‘After removal of 2 urinary catheter, Thay Occur, A patient with gastric ulcer is most ixely t report pain j [Asian of increased intracranial pressure is For the bum victim, the priorty of wound care Is “The parrot like repetition of another person's words or phrases is (Recording to psychoanalyfc theory, the is the part of the [psyche tat controis internal demands. The ___ is the part of the psyche that is composed of morals, values and ethics To elicit the ___ reflex, the nurse should hold the neonate in bath ‘ands and suddenly but gently drop the neonate's head backward. ‘Normally this caused the neonate to abduct and extend all ‘extremities. The TS part of the psyche that contains instinctual drives Erikson — bath to 12 months is is the nurnber one danger sian in pregnancy ‘__ are small iregular red spots with minute bluish whet ‘centers that appear on the buccal mucosa of patients with measies (rubeota) ‘refers to urine output oF 2,500 mi or more thing @ 24 hour ‘The therapeutis purpose Gf a mist fent ls to merease and The. of pleuriis is Ifa patient cart void, the first nursing action should be fa patient has gastric drainage tube in place fo suction, you should ‘expect the physician to order. [An is one of the first indications of respiratory difficulty. I Tefers to the defense mechanism used by patient who oesrit acknowledge the reality of an event, ‘The patient who has a cane should cany it on the advance it atthe same time as the extremit side and & : State Board Review Bullets #1 _ Adapted from Frye’s 2500 Nursing Bullets Pemicious anemia results from failure to absorb viamin from the GI Tract causing neurological signs and symptoms. Biz ‘Symptoms of hypokalemia (K below__) are: K below 3.5, muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias. "The five stages of death and dying, according to Kubler-Ross ate. Denial, anger, bargaining, | depression, acceptance. ‘A patient with a pressure sore should consume & ‘diet High protein, high calorie unless contraindicated ‘After a 12 hour fast, the normal fasting blood glucose evel is w120 ‘A blood pressure cuff tat is oo narrow can cause a falsely elevated blood pressure reading. ‘Symptoms of digitalis toxicity are: | Bradycardia, nausea, vorniting, diplopia, blurred vision, light flashes and yellow-green halos | round images. ‘Ramrinistering high levels of oxygen to @ newborn can cause: Blindness secondary to retoiental | fbropiasias ‘When preparing regular and NPH insulin in the same syringe, draw | Regular, because itis Clear and up the insulin first ‘can be measured more accurately. Telers (0 a daily urine output below 100 mi TAnuria —___Tefers to a rumbling sound on lung auscuttation that [ Rrenesi ‘ieually clears with coughing. ‘efers to fofbed feeding through a tube [Gavage Risk of 's of greatest in the frst hours afer the | Fat embolism, 48, respiratory ‘fracture of @ fong bone and is manifested by { distress For the person in shock, the legs are elevated no more than = 145, head injury degrees and is contraindicated in the patient with ee ‘According to Masiow's hierarchy of needs, needs which | Physiologic. inciude____ have the highest priority Air, water, food, shelter, sex, activity, and comfort “The safest and surest way to check 6 patient's identity ‘Checking the dentification band ‘A patients. is the prioty of concem in developing & [safety ‘therapeutic environment. “The difference between the. and, ‘pulse when taken | Apical, radial simultaneously by 2 nurses in the pulse deficl. For a fractured femur, treatment begins with ‘and, Reduction, immobilization of the affected lea. Tefers 10 an alferation in thought processes characterized | Fight of eas | By skipping from one topic to another on unrelated topics. Than infant, 's the most significant sing of increasing Bulging fontanel intracranial pressure, With _____ anxiety, @ person's ably to perceive and concentrate | Moderate “The person is selectively inattentive and perceptual field | Decreases naTrOWS, ‘A patient with ___ disorder uses self-protective avowdance as the | Phobic | ego defense mechanism. Tina patient with anorexia nervosa, the highest prionty ‘Comection of nutitional and j electrolyte imbalances ‘A patients biood ihium level must be monitored once a ‘Month because of the narrow margin between therapeutic and toxic levels. | 0.5- 1.5 [Anommal lithium ievel is__to meg Valsalva maneuver [Aforosd extwiston agains ceed gots nd beaing down Early signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include. ‘Anxiety, anorexia, tremors, and ‘pressure falis below “These may begin up to_hours after the tast alcohol intake. ingomnnia. 8 is the support group for famiies of alcoholics ‘AvAnon Chlorpromazine hydrochloride is____and is contraindicated —| Thorazine ina patient who has ingested alcoho! because it may cause. Oversedation and respiratory and depression. ‘Vital organ perlision fs seriously affected when the systolic biood | 60 mm Fig ‘Lithium foxicty can occur when intake are insufficient, causing ithium retention and ‘Sodium, fluid intake ‘An aleoholic who achieves sobriety is called @ because no cure for alcoholism exists. Recovering alcoholic For a patient in carciac arrest, the fist priory i: Establishing ai "The universal sign for choking is T Clutching the hand to the firoat "A positive tuberculin skin testis an induration Of __mmor 70 at the injection site. ‘ventricle of the heart sustains the greatest damage Tete infraction. In bum victims, the leading cause of death is ‘andthe Respiratory compromise second leading cause is Infection Infections hepattis is called hepatiis_ and should have a diet that is Thbladier carcinoma, the mosi common finding ‘Drugs that Potenfiafes anticoaguiants mclude: A High in fat, carbohydrate and protein. Gross, painless hematuria “Aspitin, chloral hydrate, ‘glucagons, anabolic steroids, ‘choramphenico! ‘According to Enkson, the inferiority state of psychosocial devel Priorities of the burn patient include (in the oréier presented) Child is at the industy-versus- ‘School age chid 6 — 12 years Patent airway, corect fuid and electrolyte imbalance, controling pain. preventing infection. ‘Should always be applied i both legs. Elastic stockings ‘Tefers to antibody formation within the body in ‘Active immunization ‘Tesponse to vaccination or disease exposure. has a teratogenic effect on the fetus during the Arst omester | Rubella ‘The formuta for Ciark’s rule is: ‘Multiply the adult dose by the Child's weight in pounds and divide by 150 The trade name for digoxin is and the p.o. dosage is: Lanoxin, 0.125 — 0.25 mg daily Tesults from paralysis of the extensor muscles in the forearm ‘and Rand. ‘Waist drop “_—— Tess from excessive plantar fexion and is prevented by @ ‘foetbsard or high top tennis shoes. Foot drop in an emergency, consent for treatment can be obtained by- Fax, telephone or other | deprived of oxygen for more than. ‘telegraphic transmission. ____ ae individuals under the age of majority (16 or 21) | Emancipated minors ‘who arent under parental control is required for any invasive procedure, Tnformed consent ‘munity to rubella can be measured by 2 Rubella titer Irreversible brain damage may occur f the central nervous sysiem is | 4 minutes “= Method of injection seals medication deep into the muscle, ‘The needle must be at least _inch. Drugs that must be given by this route are and Zatrack, Tinch, Imferon (iron) which stains and Vistaril which stings “K Rpgar stare of to Tor the newborn indicaies Bo immediate distress, Feo “A patient wih acute renal falure should receive a diet tat High calorie, low protein, low potassium, low sodium ‘disease results from adrenal gland hypofunction and is “Andison’s disease ‘characterized by symptoms of. Fatigue, anemia, weightloss and | bronze skin pigmentation i [In the event of a fire: Rescue | Activate Alarm i | Contain fire Exinguish 4 Th caring for a depressed patient, the fist priariyis Safety, suciide 1 because of the risk of | ‘Hepann effect is monitored by the lab test ‘PTT, partial thromboplastin tme | ‘After removal of a urinary catheter, Thay occur [A patient with gastric ulcer is most likely fo report pain Frequency, incontinence. dribbling | ‘During or shortly after eating, ‘Assign of increased intracranial pressure is ‘Widened pulse pressure (distance | ands and suddenly but gently drop the neonate's head backward. | Normally this caused the neonate to abduct and extend all | extremities. between systolic and diastolic BP) ‘such as 120/80 to 160/60 For the bum vistim, the prionty of wound care iS Prevention of infection, “The parrot like repetition of another person's words or phrases is | Echolalia, ‘Aecording t fc theory, the ___ s the part of the ‘e90 tat controls internal demands. “The ____ is the part of the psyche that is composed of morals, superego values and ethics To elicit the __reflex, the nurse should hold the neonate in both -) Moro’s (ihe! is part ofthe psyche that contains instneawal drives 1D ~ for instinctual, d for dive Erikson — birth to 12 months is “Trust versus mistrust Positive signs of pregnancy include Ulirasound evidence, fetal heart tones, fetal movement fett by the ‘examiner — 4 months gestation. (rubeota) period, ‘ceases during preanangy. Owlaton is the number one danger sign in pregnancy. ‘Vaginal bleeding are small, irregular red spots with minute bluish whet | Kiplik's spots: ‘Centers that appear on the buccal mucosa of patients with measles ‘eters fo Ure output of 2,500 mi or more thing @ 24 hour Poiyuria | expect the physician to order “The therapeutic purpose of @ mist tent is fo increase: ‘and Hydration, secretions ‘The presenting sign of pleurtis iS ‘Chest pain that is unilateral and L related to respiratory movernent. (fa patient can’t void, the first nursing action should be, Palpate bladder for distention. ‘fa patient has gastic drainage tube in place to suction, you Should | Potassium chionide ‘An. is one of the frst indications of respiratory difficulty, Increased heart rate, | | Telers to the defense mechanism used by patient who Denial ‘doesn't acknowledge the realty of an event. |The patient who has a cane should camy it on the | advance it at the same time as the, i extemiy ‘side and, Unaffected, affected - State Board Review Bullets #2 - Adapted from Frye’s 2500 Nursing Bullets The patient with a leg injury should advance the. ‘side first ‘when climbing stairs end advance the leg first when descending stairs. Pregnant women should be advised that there is ____ safe level F ‘alcoho! intake. ‘Vitamin C deficiency is characterized by. ‘Clinical manifestations of pulmonary embolism are: t Ina psychiatric setting, is used fo reduce overwhelming | — stimulation, protect the patient from seffinjury orto others. This is | | only used for patients who don't respond to__ interventions. This controls bbetiavior unl the patient can assume setf.-control Ina patient who takes an MAO inhibitor, severe: may | ‘occur is the patient eats tyramine rich foods sucfi as: ‘and watched for ‘With monoamine oxidase inhibitors, the medication should be held ‘and the physician notfied i the folowing symptoms occur. To assess capillary refil, the procedure is ‘Capillary refil essesses___which decreases in___ A normal finding is less than seconds ‘Except for renal failure, low urine output signifies ‘and potential for, ‘Needle size for insulin injection i ‘gauge end length Tefers to urine that remains in the bladder after vording. The | momma! amount ranges from = mito ___ ml i “The most common fracture in the elderly 1S “The fives stages of the nursing process are; The, stage s out ofthe Psych Techs independent ‘scape of practice. Before angiography, ask tre patent f they are allergic to | "____. _. iS administered to the newborn to prevent hemormhagic fever “The cardinal signs of neonatal narcotic withdrawal Include. | noctumal, ‘indicate i [Ear poet kg Geiote te dist shoud be Rah ——T “Tracheal suctioning should be limited to__to_ Seconds land should make only __passes ‘Before tracheal suctioning. he psych tech should t ‘Signs and symptoms of pneumothorax include: t ‘A key sign of peptic ulcer is ig a common adverse reaction to aluminum hydroxide Frothy, blood-inged sputum suggests a Tmmune system suppression places the patient atrisk for these | ‘opportunistic infections: if the body doesn’t use glucose for energy, t metabolizes fat for ‘which results in production, ‘Separation from the mother evokes the most intense response in from age_to ‘With leukemia in chitdren, the most common causes of death are 1 and, (Signs of epee distress in an infant include: ‘are the most significant cinical | asesaons oF ‘hyperaldoseronism. Having and frequently speaking to an imaginary friend are normal behaviors in a chide age. ‘An infant with normal motor development should be able to lift and control the head by to months, ‘Common causes of child abuse are: “The most appropriate toy for a toddler, 18 months is one that helps de a ‘Any time an infant is being put down to siesp, the mother should Position the infant on the. to prevent sudden infant death | syndrome (SIDS) “The psychiatric technician should communicate at with: 2 chile “The best way fo reduce thick secretions with COPD isto: ina patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome, the most important focus is on. ‘as the disease progresses, ‘Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include: is.a classic sign of Alzheimers disease ‘Symptoms of prostate prablems include is the single best method for preventing spread of microorganisms. This shouid be done for__ after routine contact wih a patient after gloves are removed. In TPN or hyuperalimentation, the most reliable indicator of postive response to treatment is "To catheterize a female patient piace her in the or position, A postive ‘sign may indicate thrombophlebitis if] woman experiences signs of urinary tract infection, she should be instructed to : ‘may result from hypocalcemia secondary to | Fiypoparathyrocism ‘Alcohol is metaboized primarily in the is the accumulation of fiuid in the abdominal cavity and is most commonly caused by is a bleeding disorder tansmitied genetically. Usually only develop the disorder. This is treated by giving _____ __ is @ congenital hemolytic anemia that primarily afects, patients. "_____ fers to tiny purplish red spots that appear on the skin and ‘mucous membranes as a resutt of inradaermal ‘A buttery rash across the bridge of the nose is characteristic of e—— Ts an iesistible urge to perform an iatonal act such a5 ‘Walking ina clockwise circle before leaving a room or repeatedly | washing hands. [A patient with a fo commit suicide in the next to, | hours is at high isk for suicide, (The therapeutic serum level for fihium is____ to ‘gradually exposes a patient fo an anxiety-producing ‘Slimulus andi used to treat_disorder [__ ___ refers to the absence of grief or grief that is prolonged ‘Beyond he usual time. Z { ‘The term Tefers to the number of pregnancies regardless of their outoomes, ‘The term Tefers to the number of pregnancies that reached ‘Viability regardless off whether the fetus is delivered alive or sfibom. A fetus is considered viable at _ weeks gestation. a iS one that implants abnormaly, outside the uterus “The_most significant enzyme in the diagnosis of MIL During phase ___of the nursé-patient relationship, an inital history 9s obtained an a mutual contract is agreed upon ‘During phase ___ of the qurse-patient relationship, the nurse terminates the therapeutic relationship and gives the patient positive feedback on accomplishments. During phase ____ of the nurse-patient relaionship, the nurse discusses problems, behavioral changes occur, and self-defeating behavior is resolved or reduced. | ‘Excessive _ intake may antagonize the effects of warfarin 5 The patient should be cautioned against eating an excessive amount of ‘With standard precautions, needles should not be. because ___- ‘Genital stage for Freudis ages ___fo____ and the person Jeams: Erikson, ages 712 to 20 represent ______Tefers to the need for increasing amounts of @ substance ‘achieve an effect that formerly was achieved with lesser amounts. “The antidote for heparin overdose is —_ and May reduce & breastfeeding mothers ‘mile supply ___ "efers fo a unilateral facial weakness or paralysis ‘Caused by disturbance of the _ cranial ot_ nerve ‘When changing the ties on a tracheotomy tube, leave the ___ in place until the new ones are applied. ‘During an inital tuberculin skin test, lack of wheal affer injection indicates: ‘A tuberculin skin test Should be read __to hours after ‘administration [ina TV skin test enfthema without induration is (Cite most common biood transfusion reaction is: a cane is needed when a patient needs more stabiliy than a requiar cane can provide e State Board Review Bullets #2 Adapted from Five's 2500 Nursing Bullets “The patient with a leg injury should advance the Unaffected ] when cimbing stairs and advance the ‘egiaiwnen | anouted | descending stairs. | ‘Pregnant women should be advised that there is safe levelo | no ‘aloohol intake. Vitamin C deficiency is characteraed by. Britis bones, pinpoint peripheral hemorthages, friable gums and Joosened teeth Ciinical manifestations of pulmonary embolism are: increased respiratory rate, tachycardia, hemoptysis ina paychiatric setiing, is used to reduce overwhelming | Seclusion stimulation, protect the patient from self-injury orto others. This is | Less restictive only used for patients who don't respond to _ edema interventions. This contrls___betiavior uni he patient can assume set-contro ‘mn a patient who takes an MAO inhibitor, Severe Tray | Hypertension ‘occurs the patient eats tyramine rich foods such as: ‘Aged cheese, chicken liver, avocados, bananas, meat | 2 tenderzer, salami, bologna, | Chianti wine, beer | ‘K patent who takes MAO inhibitor should be weighed ‘and | Weekly | watched for Suicidal tendencies ‘With monoamine oxidase inhibitors, the medication should be held and the physician notified ifthe following symptoms occur. Headache, palpitations, orthostatic hypotension, “To assess capillary refil, the procedure is ‘Capillary | Press nail bed until blanching) refil assesses which decreases in Anormal | Perfusion j finding is less than seconds Shock, 3 ‘Except for renal failure, low urine output signifies and Dehydration potential for Shock ‘Needle size for insulin inj and 25, 578 inch, Tefers to urine that remains in the bladder after voi ual ‘normal amount ranges from -_mlto ml 50,to 100 ml “The most common fracture in the elderty 1s HD “The fives stages of the nursing process are: | Assessment, Diagnosis (nursing), The. ‘stage is out of the Psych Techs independent | Planning, Implementation | scope of practos. Evaluation ‘Nursing Diagnosis Before angiography, ask the patient they are allerpic to: Dye, shelfsh or iodine "_ iS administered to the newbom to prevent hemormagic fever. | Vitamin K ‘The cardinal signs of neonatal narcotic withdrawal include: Flapping remors, sleepiness, restlessness, persistent high- pitched cry, iitability Paroxysinal noctumal dyspnea may indicate: ‘Heart failure For the patient taking digitalis, the diet should be high in Potassium | [Tracheal suctioning should be limited to to seconds 10 to 15 seconds 1 | and should make onty. 2 | ‘Before tracheal suctioning, the psych tech should: Ventiiate and oxygenate the | patient 5 to 6 times with bagging | ‘Signs and sympioms of pneumathorax include: “Tachypnea, restlessness, hypotension, tracheal deviation ‘A key sign of peptic ulcers Hematemesis which can be bright red or dark red with coffee ground consistency. J ‘ 7g a common adverse reaction to aluminum hydroxide Frothy, blood-tinged sputum suggests sestnaton Puimonary edema Immune system suppression piaces the patient at risk for these: | Cytomegalovirus, pheumocysts nistc infections: carinii pneumonia, thrush te oy doesn use gissove for energy. metabolizes ator [ketone | energy which results in production, ‘Separation from the mother evokes the most infense response in | Trfants from age__to 6 to 12 months ‘With feukemia in children, the most common causes of death are ‘and ‘Hemorthage and infection ‘Signs of respiratory distress in an infant include: Nostri faring, substemal etractons, inspiratory gumting ‘are the most significant clinical Fanieaiens Typeraldoseronism. Hypertension, hypokalemia Having and frequently speaking to an imaginary friend are normal behaviors in a childe age 3 1 "An infant with normal motor development should be able to fifi and control the head by _ to months. see ‘Common causes of child abuse are: Poor impulse contol by parents “The most appropriate toy for a toddler, 76 months is one that helps _ | Motor coordination. develop ‘Any time an infantis being put down to sleep, the mother should | Back ison as the disease progresses. ‘position the infant on the ‘to prevent sudden infant death | Remember, “Back to Sleep” ‘syndrome (SIDS) “The psychiatric technician should communicate at with Eye level a child “The best way to reduce thick secretions with COPD is to: Therease fluid intake. in a patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome, the most important focus | Respiratory interventions ‘Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include: Rectal bleeding, change in bowel habits, intestinal obstruction. ‘develop the disorder. This is treated by giving 1 @ congenital hemolyic anemia that primarily affects [5 a classic sign of Aheimer's disease Memory disturbance ‘Symptoms of prostate problems include Frequent urination, dysuria is the single best method for preventing spread of Hand washing microorganisms. This should be done for. —_— after 10 seconds routine contact with a patient after gioves are removed | in TPN oF hyuperalimentation, the most reliable indicator of postive | Weight gain response to treatment is “To catheterize a female patient, piace her in the ‘or | Dorsal recumbent position. Lithotomy ‘A postive ____ sign may indicate thrombophiebits ‘Homan's fa woman experiences signs of urinary tract infection, she should | Drink six fo eight classes of water be instructed to per day. Thay result from hypocalcemia secondary f tetany hrypoperathyrodism ‘Alcohol is metabolized primaniy in the Tver is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity ands | Ascites most commonly caused by Cirthosis ‘Sa bleeding disorder bensmiied genetcally. Usually only | Hemophilia | Men | Factor 8 ‘Sickle cell Sete tai "felts to tiny purplish red spots that appear on the skin and ‘mucous membranes as a result of intradaermal Petechiae: A butterfly rash across the bridge of the nose is characterisic of ‘Systemic lupus erythmatossus L ‘eating an excessive amount of, [is an iresistbie urge fo perform an irational act such as] compulsion ‘walking in a clockwise circle before leaving a room or repeatedty washing hands. ‘A patient with a to commit suicide mthenext__fo___ | Pian hours is at high Fisk for suicide. 48 1072, ‘The therapeutic serum level forithium isto 05 to 15 meg "____ STadually exposes a patient to an anxiehy-producing | Desensitization therapy ‘Simmulus and is used to teat__ disorder | phobic Telers to the absence of grief of gref thats prolonged | Dysfunctional geving ‘Beyond the usual time. ‘The term —___ refers tothe number of pregnancies regardless of | Gravida their outeomes.—_ The term Telers tothe number of pregnancies thal reached | Pare, Viability regardiess off whether the fetus is delivered alive or 20 stilborn._A fetus is considered viable at__weeks gestation, ‘An is one that implants abnormally, outside the ‘Ectopic pregnancy uterus "The most significant enzyme in the diagnosis of WI. iS: Creatine Kinase MB isoenzyme. CPK-MB of CK-MB During phase ___ of the nurse-patient relationship, an inital Tor orientation phase. history 9s obtained an a mutual contract is agreed upon ‘During phase ____of the nurse-patient relationship, the nurse Tivor termination ‘terminates the therapeutic relationship end gives the patient positive feedback on accomplishments. During phase ___of the nursé-patient relationship, the nurse Tor working phase. discusses problems, behavioral changes occur, and self-defeating behavior is resolved or reduced. Excessive "intake may antagonize the effects of Vitamin K warfarin “The patient should be cautioned against | Coumadin (eae carmen vitamin K) With standard precautions, needles should not be. because__- Re Most needle sticks occur with | missed recapping. ‘Genital Stage for Freud is ages 1. leams: ‘and the person 12120 independence, increased interest in the opposite sex and i establishes an identity. (Erikson, ages 12 to 20 represent. Identity versus role confusion. "___—_Tefers to the need for increasing amounts of substance | Tolerance ioathieve an effect that formerly was achieved with lesser amounts. “The antidote for heparin overdose is, Brofamine sulfate =I an, Tay reduce @ breastfeeding mothers | Stress, dehydration, and fatigue nik Supp ___ Fefers to @ unilateral facial weakness or paralysis, Balrs pay ‘caused by disturbance of tie, __cranialor__nerve. 7° cranial or facial nerve ‘When changing the ties on a facheotomy tube, leave the | Oi ties, in place until the new ones are applied. ‘During an initial tuberculin skin test, lack of @ wheal after injection | The dose was injected too deeply. indicates: Must be intradermal. ‘A tuberculin skin test should be read __to___ hours after, 48-72 | administration } Ina TV skin test erythema without induration is: [Not significant (fie nos! connor es raise reason [ever a ‘ane is needed wien a patient nesds more stability) Four paint (quad) than a regular cane can provide

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