Journal Week 3

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Journal week 3 .

The teacher always help the students during the day, she always went
to bus barking to organize the students like: one by one entire the bus
then, when she saw all the students went to the bus she leave the bus
barking. Moreover, the teacher before she starts the lesson she asked
about the date and the name of the unit to remind them about the
date and the title of unite. In addition, the teacher mixed up the
students with different level to let the students help each other if
anyone face problem while they are do the activity or do the
worksheet. In my last semester during the TP and this semester there
is similar thing between the two teachers both of them mixed up the
students with different level to help the weakness students. I went
through stages to let them understand, first I greet them as usual,
seconds, I gave them the instruction of the lesson step by step,
according to: Hawks,p.(2010) Scaffolding provides an effective way to
reach potential levels of development, but only when different levels of
assistance are given when required( Theories of Cognitive
Development: Lev Vygotsky, (2010) .Help them if they face any
problem with worksheet, and if they dont know the answer I tried as
possible as I can to help them and give them the chance to try again
and again to know the answer. The most important thing is I always
praise them, as recommends Dwyer, C 2016 Offering praise for
students' work and efforts can alter this mindset so that students can
begin to view their own intelligence as something that can be
developed (Educational Testing Service, 2016) . The lesson was nice I
saw they felt enthusiasm while they are learned the lesson, and they
participate with me they gave me many sentences about the lesson.
The children interact with me like they are understood the lesson, they
did the activity in a good way, and they want to learn, Moreover after I
finished the lesson I asked them did you enjoy with the lesson they

said: yes I felt happy because the result of my work was work with
them, because they understood the lesson clearly as I want so I
achieve my goal to let them understand the lesson as what I panned
for. I learnt from my MST how I can manage my time to finish always
on the time because, she always finished her lesson on the time or if
.she has an activity she finished the activity on the time

Dwayer,C (2016). Educational Testing Service. Retrieved February 5,2016,

Hawks,p. (2010). Theories of Cognitive Development: Lev Vygotsky..

Retrieved 21 February 2016, from vygotsky/

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