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Elementary Lesson Plan

UNLV Student:
Lesson Plan Title:
Grade Level

Megan Wright
What a Plant Needs

PSMT Name:
Lesson Plan Topic:
Estimated Time:
School Site:

Leigh Chanin
Plant Needs
60 min.
Rex Bell Elementary

1. State Standard(s):
RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in
a text.
RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
2. Teaching Model(s): Direct Method
3. Objective(s):
SWBAT learn about the essentials of plant growth and WBAT observe plants in the school
4. Materials and Technology Resources:
What a Plant Needs book
School garden
Science notebooks
Cup of water
iPhone (Use flashlight to mimic sunlight)
5. Instructional Procedures:

TW begin lesson by asking S what they think a plant needs in order to grow. TW
listen to S responses. TW read What a Plant Needs book to S. TW also need to
explain vocabulary to S (Ex: plant, leaves, roots, soil). After reading book, TW show
S houseplant. TW ask S what they think the plant needs in order to grow. Based on S
response, TW follow what S say that the plants need in order to grow (Ex: If S raises
hand and says plant needs water, TW pour water on plant, etc.).

Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

1. TW have S pull out their Science notebooks.
2. TW take S outside to school garden in order to observe and draw what they see.
3. TW have S use sentence frames, I see.I feelI smell and write it in their
science journals.

4. TW have S observe in school garden for 20 min.

5. After 20 min., TW have S go inside the classroom to complete their worksheet.
c Closure: TW ask S to tell their partner what they learned from their observations.
d Extension: TW have S share their observations with their partner.
6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:
Teacher will help S if they are not able to see by placing them in locations in which they can see.
TW circulate to see if any S need help or have any questions.
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
a. Formative: TW ask S what they think plants need in order to grow.
b. Summative: TW give S worksheet.
8. Homework Assignment
There will be no homework for this lesson.

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