The Intervened

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Vivid cheers of crowd circled the air of the basketball stadium.

They were witnessing something drawing and forcing that it made

them reluctant to miss the sight. The National champion, Duke
the ace of their A string team was challenged by a total new guy
who was thought to be an amatuer foreigner. The referee made
the tip off and the ball was in Duke's hands immediately.
Instantaneously the crowd showed off the challenger as an over
confident enthusiast. Duke slowly dribbled towards his opponent
and lowered his hips going suddenly into a drive thinking he
outsmarted the other guy. But as he paused he sensed a
menacing smirk from his opponent. As Duke took a 2 point shot
confident that he's gonna land the challenger took a swift leap
and drove the shot back towards the centre line of the field.
Before Duke could figure anything out his opponent reached the
ball and jumped with it placed rigid between his palms. He
released the ball gently which seemed as a forceful throw. To
everyone the shot semed fast but extremely slow at the apex.
They thought such a vague shot with vivid form has any chance
to go in. Without any threat from Duke who was unable to reach
for the ball in time, the shot went in perfectly through the basket.
The ace lost.... Impossible! - the crowd admonished. The
challenger put forward his hand and introduced himself, "My
name is Silver Indian. I'm from Orlan a south eastern country
below the Great south line. Nice to meet you". Duke shook hands
with him and said, "That was ridiculous!". The crowd cheered the
challenger who beat their ace and his name is Indian. The crowd
gathered around him and asked all kinds of questions
continuously, this irritated indian. He asked the crowd a minute
pretending as if received a call then took a run for it. Some of the
crowd followed him but indian wasn't easy on them he changed
gears and in a minute the crowd lost indian, ofcourse their
university is that big afterall. He ran towards the university's main
entrance and once again read the name of his new home for the
next 4 years. University of Horizon. As he jogged slowly past the
name board he dashed someone and fell back, it was the same
for the other person. He lift himself up and gave a hand to the

person he tripped. His eyes got fixated for a second, a beautiful

blond with blue eyes, almost white skin colour, long hair that ran
below her hips and rosy lips. Indian was unable to take his eyes
off her for a second but him held himself back helped her to get
up. The girl blushed and asked, "Why did you tripped me, was it
purposeful? Anyone can see others on this wide path". Her voce
was between faint and loud but perfect and sweet. The girl's
companion asked her, "Are you ok, Isabell? Did you hurt some
where? Let's go to the infirmary we need to attend our culinary
class in an hour". Isabell comforted her friend that she's fine and
turned to notice that Indian was looking just at her all the time.
Before she could protest any further the curious crowd caught
Indian from behind and surrounded him. He exclaimed, "Hey! I
didn't bought you the world cup or something, I just beat your ace
in a one-on-one but for only once. Why you guys are making a
fuss over it?". "Who is that guy he seems popular? I didn't saw
him anywhere", said Isabell's companion. Isabella flushed and
took her friend to head to their class. Indian thought
isabell of culinary section, huh!
He got out from the crowd and went to his class, Astrophysics and
Cosmology. It was his first day at the University and he like almost
everything. His new friends, professors, the staff everything.
Especially, he was onto something that whole afternoon. Not
something but someone Isabell. Classes finished and everone
head to their respective residences. Indian went to the basketball
club to meet the players. There was a senior practicing tbere with
duke. Indian went to greet him.
"Hello! Silver Indian. Nice to meet you!"
The senior noticed Indian and gave a firm shakehand, "Barridge
kent from philosophy and symbology, third year. Nice to meet you
too indian". Saying he took out a cube from this box and handed
over to Indian. Indian was puzzled, he didn't understood what
Kent was trying to say.
Then Kent said, "Indian I want you to complete this rubix cube for
me". "Why now kent is it urgently needed?" Asked puzzled Indian.
Duke interrupted, "Kent is always like that he tests everybody he

meets and respects them based on the result and character. He

even tested his girlfriend on the first day they met, just like this".
"Well that's a strange taste", exclaimed Indian with a chuckle.
Indian never played a rubix cube before he examined the object
and cracked a joke, "Can I break it? That way I can examine it
well" with a confusing face. Then kent smiled malaciously and
indirectly warned indian to cpmplete his task first. Indian
completed the rubix cube in the next 2 minutes. Duke's jaw fell
down, "I wasn't able to finish it until 2 days during my first trial.
But you did it in 2 minutes that's crazy. What are you, an
analyzing machine?"
Kent had a smile this time, it was genuine nothing out of ordinary
he can't help but appreciate the work of the new rookie qho
seemed first to everyone like a worthless brat. He asked Indian of
his hobbies and other interests. As they apoke more and more of
each other they became great friends. They played basketball for
an hour with other members who came late after Indian. Duke
asked indian what were his plans for later that day. Indian told
him that he will go to the park before dinner to watch the stars
with his telescope and play guitar on the way. Kent told him to
have a private day since they all will be doing everything together
from the next day. Duke and kent wanted indian to experience the
beauty of their country on his own. Indian went to the university
dorm and took his guitar and telescope. It was almost dinner time
when he headed out and thought that he might return late. He
slowly walked towards a big park known as the Isac's Den whicj os
famous for its symmetric area and uneven design with many
slopes is perfect for viewing stars. Just as he sat on a tall slope
and took out his equipment. He wanted to just in case see the
surroundings and turned to his right. Then he saw Isabell staring
at him with an awkward expression. "What the hell are you doing
here? Are you stalking me?"
Confused, indian took a moment to recover and replied to her that
it's a coincidence. Without knowing what

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