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C a r e e r O p p o rt u n i t i e s

Our Recruitment Process
Take a look at the stages of our recruitment process so you know what to expect.
First Steps

Start exploring future internship or career possibilities early, even if youre

a freshman or sophomore.

Ask your schools career services center for information about Ernst & Young
events at your campus.

Events can range from informal information sessions to career fairs.

They are useful for:
Learning about future internship positions
Finding out about career path possibilities
Meeting our people
Getting a feel for what its like to work at Ernst & Young.

Initial Selection

Our on-campus recruitment process starts with a review of your resume

and qualifications.

Well select students for an initial interview based on academic background,

extra-curricular activities, and work experience.

First Interview

The first interview, usually a one-on-one session on campus, is a great way for
us to get to know you, understand your career interests and qualifications, and
evaluate your potential fit with Ernst & Young.

Check out Interview Insiders Prep Zone for sample questions and advice.

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Second Interview

Top candidates from the initial interviews are invited for a second round of
interviews, which typically takes place in the office location where you hope
to ultimately start your full-time career.

Youll want to read up on Ernst & Young to prepare, so have a look at the
EY Info-To-Go and News Feed sections in Interview Insider.

Hiring Decision

We usually make hiring decisions within two weeks of the second interview.

We know that waiting can be the toughest part of a job search so, rest assured,
well let you know as soon as we can.

Ongoing Support

Our recruiters and professional staff will stay in touch with you throughout
the recruitment process.

Please feel free to ask questions or request additional information.

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