Mirota For Buy Some Snack. Then, I Sleep Until The Middle Night

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Daily activity

On the Sunday, i always wake up early for pray tahajjud. And then i go to
GSP with my friends for jogging and run around there. Ussually, we drop in
sunmor for breakfast or search some accessory. In the noon, i and all my
friends clean up the house together. Then, i tidy up my room. After i clean all the
room and take a bath. In the afternoon, i watch tv or have a chat with my friend.
In the night, i prepare for university lecture.
On the Monday, i always wake up at 03.00 am. Ussually, i pray tahajud
and then eat for fast on the day. After that, i run around for a bit. Then, i take a
bath and clean up my chamber. Next, i go to the campus with my bicycle. At
07.00 am until 12.00 am i study, and ussually i pray duha on the empty space. At
12.30 pm, i go to the center library for seacrh some books. I come back to my
house at 03.00 pm. Then, i take a bath and wash my clothes. At 04.30 pm i take
a rest while chat with my friends. Sometimes, at the same time i bike a little to
GSP with my friend roomate and enjoy the atmosphere there. At the night, i do
assigment and prepare for university lecture.
On the Tuesday, i always wake up early. I prepare my self for university
lecture at 07.00 am. Then, i return home to take a nap for a bit. In the afternoon i
drop in home my friend for do assigment together. In the night, ussually i watch
tv together with my friend. Then, do assigment until soluble night. And dont
forget to prepare for university lecture.
On Wednesday, i ussually wake up early and jogging for a moment. Then i
take a breakfast. After that i clean up my room and take a bath before go to
campus. Sometimes, i drop in to GSP before go home to enjoy the atmosphere
there. I like to look around the milieu and enjoy it. I go home before maghrib and
i do my activity like usual.
On the Thursday, i ussually wake up early to eat for fast on the day. i pray
subuh together with my friends and read the al-quran then. After that i clen up
my room and preapare for university lecture, search through the assigment on
the day. i take a nap in the noon and wash my clothes in the afternoon before
take a bath. Sometimes, i go to majid kampus to pray magrib together there.
Then in the evening i check the assigment and do it, study for next day if i want.
On the Friday, i always wake up early to prepare university lecture
morning on the day. in the noon, i gether with my group of aai for routine studies.
There, i get some knowledge of islam and i can share my life problem. I go home
in the afternoon. And in the evening, i wacth movie with my friends or go to the
Mirota for buy some snack. Then, i sleep until the middle night.
On the Saturday, ussually i do my assigment on that week, or i go to some
event until the noon. After that, i take a nap for a bit. Next, i go to the GSP for
run around with my friend. Then, i rivet GSP with bicycle until evening. I pray
magrib and isya together with my friends before we go to bed.

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