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1. Statue of Liberty
a. New York
b. Liberty Island, New York, NY 10004
c. The Statue of Liberty is United States symbol of freedom and
democracy. Built In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was also called
The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World. Incorporating the
Statue of Liberty into a social studies lesson is a very simple
because it has such an impact on the United States that it would
be easy for students to see the importance of the figure. The
Statue of Liberty could be taught at any grade level, how far in
detail you go into its history depends on the grade level.
2. National September 11 Memorial & Museum
a. New York
b. 180 Greenwich St, New York, NY 10007
c. Even though Pre K through Grade 4 students werent around
when this event happened, it is still an event in history that
needs to be remembered. For the lower level of students, it is
not wise to show the graphics of the even; however, you can tell
the students that there were terrorist who flew a plain into two
buildings in New York that killed almost 3,000 people. There is
no need to show these students pictures of the falling people
from the building, but you could show them pictures of the
aftermath of the building and a picture of what is in the place of
the buildings currently. When you get to higher grades more

detailed descriptions and pictures can be shown. As someone

who has actually been to this memorial, it is very heart
wrenching and definitely something that needs to be seen in life
to get an even better understanding for what has happened
along with the appreciation of the officers who risked their lives
to help in this tragedy.
3. Alamo
a. Texas
b. 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
c. When finding the site for the Alamo of Texas I was able to find a
virtual tour. This would be great to teach the students the history
of the Alamo and then taking a virtual field trip through the
virtual tour that includes a map of the Alamo in 1836 versus
the Alamo today. On the map, wherever you click a text box
comes up full of information. This would be a fun way for the
students to learn the information.
4. Grand Canyon National Park
a. Arizona
b. Visiting the Grand Canyon is a point of interest during the topic
of geography. While visiting the Grand Canyon the students can
see the different landforms. While having my unit plan about
geography at the Kindergarten level there is actually a standard
regarding landforms, so this trip would also be good at the
Kindergarten level.
5. White House
a. Washington, DC

b. At the White House the students can view what runs our country.
This may be a little too much for the younger students but I
believe any fourth grader and above would benefit from a trip to
the White House. Surprised, through the website I found out that
there are tours throughout where the students can see the wide
variety of things that go on in the big house.
6. Niagara Falls
a. New York
b. Viewing Niagara Falls is a great way for the students to view
various landforms. Just like Ive stated in #4, there is even a
landforms standard at the kindergarten level. Viewing the falls is
a breath taking experience. This trip would be exciting for the
7. Pearl

students and keep them entertained for a majority of the time.

Harbor Museum
1 Arizona Memorial Rd, Honolulu, HI 96818
At the Pearl Harbor Museum later elementary students can visit
this monument of where World War II began. Visiting this

museum would help the learn the history behind World War II.
8. Johnson Space Center
a. Texas
b. 2101 NASA Road 1, Houston, TX 77058
c. Even though thinking about space may be more of a science
background, students could greatly benefit from a trip to Johnson
Space Center to learn about the first man on the moon and many
other historical events through space and rockets.
9. Great Smoky Mountains
a. North Carolina

b. As a boarder to North Carolina and Tennessee students of all

ages can visit the Great Smoky Mountains to view the variety of


landforms, such as streams, rivers, and waterfalls.

Yellowstone National Park
a. Wyoming
b. Yellowstone National Park is a place a student of any grade level
can go to to view various landforms, which is even as low as a
Kindergarten standard. When visiting Yellowstone National Park,
the students will have the opportunity to view canyons, alpine
rivers, forests, hot springs, geysers, and Old Faithful.

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