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Lesson 3 Sale of Goods and Supply of

Services Act, Part 2

This lesson is designed to be delivered in 40 minutes. Slides can be
adjusted or amended as the teacher sees fit or feels appropriate for
the class.
Aims and Objectives
By the end of this class, students will be able to explain the
responsibilities of the retailer with regard to:
Selling goods and services
Providing redress to consumer who have a valid complaint
Resolving complaints and fulfilling their responsibilities

Student worksheet and sample role play (to be photocopied

prior to class)
Lesson 3 PowerPoint

Open Lesson 3 PowerPoint and provide an overview for the class of
the material to be covered in the lesson (Slides 1 & 2).
Slide 3: Although students have already examined the entitlements
of consumers under the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act
1980, they need to be aware that retailers have corresponding
responsibilities to ensure that goods are of merchantable quality,
Slides 4: Ask students what they think they should be entitled to in
the event of a fault occurring after they have bought an item.
Explain that the forms of redress are known as the Three Rs
refund, replacement and repair. The best solution for the consumer
is the refund. However, whether or not they receive a refund will
depend on a variety of factors, e.g. how long since the item was
purchased, the length of time they took to complain, the nature of
the fault and how easily it might be fixed etc.
Slides 5 - 7: The Three Rs are explained in detail. In slide 5, an
example of how big the issue is would be the on/off button falling

off a stereo the button is fundamental to the functioning of the

product, but a repair should be a simple matter and should be
Slide 8: Credit notes are often suggested by the retailer as a
resolution for complaints. However, if theres a fault with the goods,
a consumer does not have to accept a credit note and can look for a
refund (a refund allows you to take your custom elsewhere if you
wish). If there isnt a fault with the goods and the consumer simply
changes their mind about the item, then they have no rights to any
redress under the law. If a shop offers a credit note in this situation
they are doing so as a courtesy/shop policy.
Slide 9: The retailer has full responsibility for resolving complaints
they cannot pass the responsibility for faulty goods on to the
manufacturer. This is because a contract exists between the retailer
and the consumer not the manufacturer and the consumer. The
consumer can choose to return the goods to the manufacturer
directly if this is more convenient for them, if it could lead to a
quicker solution, or the shop has gone out of business, but the
retailer ultimately is responsible for resolving complaints.
Discussion could open up here about when it might be best to go to
manufacturer, and what happens if they wont deal with your issue.
If the manufacturer wont deal with the problem for whatever
reason, you can still go back to the shop to have the problem
resolved, and take it to Court if not resolved to your satisfaction. If
the seller (shop) has gone out of business, in some circumstances
you may still be able to follow up with the manufacturer.
Slide 10: Guarantees and warranties add to consumers rights, but
they do not remove responsibilities from the seller.
Slide 11: Signs/statements. Retailers may attempt to limit their
responsibilities to consumers by displaying misleading signs. It is
important that students can recognise that these signs are illegal.
Ask students for examples of signs that they may see in shops, and
then reveal the samples that are shown. Signs or statements that
indicate that the policy does not affect your consumer rights are
fine. An example of a verbal statement made by a seller that you
should also get in writing is if they say "Ill give you an extra six
months of warranty if you buy today".
Slide 12: Role play of common consumer problem. The scenario is
outlined on this slide and an introduction is given on the worksheet.
In pairs, the students should take turns of playing the role of the
consumer and the shopkeeper.

Slide 13: Summary of Lesson. Students to complete the questions

on the student worksheet for lesson 4.
Homework assignment
Students to go to and research how the
National Consumer Agency enforces consumer laws to ensure that
retailers take their responsibilities to consumers seriously. Ask them
to list the various types of enforcement actions the NCA can take
and give a brief synopsis of each. HINT: Look at Enforcement
under the Taking Action tab.

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