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Socratic Discussion:

Inside: BR, BN, AP, TD, KB

Tried to capture him so he strips and runs away
Dragged Marvel back
Escaped the Inn
Gets shot
Goes to Kemps
Blood everywhere! There for 3 hours before he was noticed

Outside: BB, AS, SaS, AH, SyS

BB: Thinks its good
AS: Theyre good
SaS: His name came out!
AH: Missed nothing!
SyS: Nothing
Oh yeah, Port Stowe

How do you feel about Griffin now that you know about his life and his father?
No limits on how he steals/who he steals from
Rob whoever you can then leave town
Wheres his mom

SyS: want to wait to end to decide, good with help

AH: Some good in him
SaS: Hes bad, but has potential
AS: Seems bad, really a decent guy
JB: Betrayed! Kemp is the real Kemp
BB: Bad, just bad

Why does the invisible man steal everything?

TD: Lifelong thief

How are Cuss and Bunting going to affect anything in the future?
SyS: Probably
Whats so important about the book and who is the voice?
BN: all his science stuff
Why does Marvel continue to work with the Invisible Man?
BR: scared to leave
What are the men hoping to find while looking in his room?
TD: more information
Books again:
JB: more than science
Is the Invisible Man ever going to become good?
SyS: No
AP: Maybe Kemp will conform him
JB: worse
BN: poor IM, misunderstood
BR: killed his father, its a set up

What is the point of Mr. Marvel?

BR: transporter of books
JB: Oh!

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