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Árbol de la Famila - Family Tree Project

50 pts (worth half a test)

Front of Poster: 20 points
 10 family members (you create your own crazy family of cartoons/celebs)
o Picture (magazine cut out / drawing / computer print out)
o Label – “Mi _______” Ejemplo: Mi madre

Back of Poster: 20 points

 Description of each family member

o Introduce the family member
 Ejemplo: Yo tengo un esposo

o ¿Cómo se llama? – What is their name?

 Ejemplo: Mi esposo se llama Hugh

o ¿Cómo es? – What are they like? At least 1 adjective

 Ejemplo: Hugh es alto.

o Answer at least1 of the following questions (answer more as a challenge)

 ¿Cuántos años tiene? – How old are they?

• Mi hermano tiene nueve años

 Where do you go with them?

• Yo voy a la diskoteca con mi hermano

 What do they like to do?

• A mis hermano, le gusta bailar.

Presentation: 10 points
- Stand in front of the class with poster & describe your made up family
- You should look at the descriptions you’ve written on the back to help you but
DO NOT just read it – you should have some memorized
0 – refuses to present
3 – minimal completion of the task, content difficult to understand, inadequate use of vocab
5 – partial completion of the task, content difficult to understand, some vocab & grammar mistakes
7 – completion of the task, understandable, some vocab & grammar mistakes, long pauses
8 – completion, understandable, some vocab & grammar mistakes, some pronunciation mistakes
9-10 – superior completion of task, understandable, little to no mistakes

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