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Melissa Matichuk

Rogers 1st hour

Snowden Essay paper

Even though Edward Snowden showed every one that the NSA was looking at our
private phone info, BUT he violated the espionage act(the penalty for violating it could serve:
up to thirty years in jail or even death) . Edward Snowden is a traitor because he revealed
details about classified government programs, and because he flew to Hong Kong, then Russia.

First, Edward Snowden is a traitor because he revealed classified government programs. On

Thursday, the Washington post reported that the NSA and the FBI's have also been tapping into
the servers of nine majorU.S. servers
Gave reporters that revealed that the NSA collects massive amounts of data about e-mails,
phones, and internet use of americans as well as people in other countries. Snowden revealed a
top secret program that is meant to stop terrorist attacks. Now people are getting upset about
the NSA invading our privacy.

Second, Snowden is a traitor because he flew to hong kong, then Russia. By then he had
traveled to china, a country that doesnt extradite American fugitives. In late June he flew to
Russia, which also refused to extradite him. If he didnt do anything wrong, then he wouldnt be
hiding. Senator Dianne Feinstein, a democrat from California, calls what Snowden did, "an act
of treason."

In conclusion, Edward Snowden is a traitor because he gave reporters that revealed that the
NSA collects massive amounts of data, and he had traveled to china, a country that doesn't
Espionage Act: a crime for anyone disclosing info that could interfere with military operations
or that promotes success of the nations enemies
Fugitives: A person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding, especially to avoid
arrest or persecution.
Treason: the crime of betraying one's country
Extradite: hand over a person wanted b the legal authorities
Information from:

Hero or Traitor by: Barton Gellman

Top Secret? By: Suzanne Zimbler and Stephanie Kraus with TIME and and AP reporting

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