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Your name: Maia Gibson Grade Level: 11

Content Area: English Technology Tool(s): Thinglink

iTeach Project Template (TPACK)

Summary (What is your overall intent with this lesson? Describe how you will use techn
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to analyze the characters in Flannery O
Man is Hard to Find. Students will read the story first (
Then they will be broken up into five small groups to perform an in-depth analysis of a
group will analyze the characteristics of a good man according to the characters, the o
analyze the Grandmother, the Mistfit, John Wesley/June Star, and Bailey. Using Thinglin
a photo that best represents their assigned character and tag characteristics of that ch
then share their photo and tags with the class.

6 points
Standard/Indicators (Which standards/indicators are addressed in my lesson? Choose 1
vs. coverage, Indiana standards, ISTE standards)
Indiana Standards:
ISTE standards:

11-12.RL.2.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what a text says explicitly as w
interpretations drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
11-12.SL.2.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in group
grade-appropriate topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing personal ideas clearly and
1a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
2a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environmen
2b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and forma
2d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
3d. Process data and report results.
4c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
4d. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.

4 points
Learning Targets (What will I be able to do when I've finished this lesson? What idea, to
important for me to learn and understand so that I can do this? How will I show that I c
well will have to do it?)
From a student standpoint:
I will be able to effectively analyze the characters in Flannery OConnors A Good Man
Because I can analyze the characters in this short story, I will also be able to analyze th
other works of literature. I will be able to evaluate the different characteristics of OCo
and assemble them into a Thinglink. I will be able to support my analysis with evidenc
Finally, I will be able to explain my character and his/her traits to the rest of the class.

4 points
Artifact (Show us how you would use selected technology tool(s) in this lesson? This co

you would use as an instructor. You can also create a mock student project to demonst
use selected technology tool(s) to in their learning. Include a URL link of the artifact or
in ACE forums).
By using Thinglink, students will be able to connect a visual depiction/representation of
with his/her traits and characteristics. By linking these two things together, students w
understanding of who the characters are.
For my example, I analyzed the characteristics of a good man according to the charact
is Hard to Find. I chose a picture of Abraham Lincoln because he has a longstanding r
good, honest man. The characteristics I tagged were based off of traits the characters,
Grandmother, listed throughout the story.
The only thing I didnt like about Thinglink was the fact that I had a bit of difficulty gett
implement this in the classroom, I might have to help the students through the process
account and getting familiar with it. However, I think it would be worth taking the time
Thinglink provides a fairly easy (after you learn it) and quick way to connect visual elem
8 points

TPACK Connections (How does the use of technology in this lesson fit the TPACK framew
know that technology is not an add-on, instead demonstrates effective integration of
think your Content, instructional strategies and technology fit together strongly within
plan, explain it!)
By using Thinglink as a way to analyze a Good Man is Hard to Find, students will have
understanding of the characters in the story. They will be able to choose a picture that
represents the character and tag it with characteristics and traits the character has. Th
technology and content areas of TPACK. My pedagogical strategy with this lesson is to
collaborate with and teach each other. Each group will be responsible for analyzing a c
working together in groups, they will get different perspectives and interpretations of t
his/her actions throughout the story. This will allow the students to see characters from
views. After collaborating, the group will present their visual analysis to the class. This
varied and more detailed perspective of the characters to the other students. By teach
collaborating with each other, the students will soak in more of the information then th
lecture about the characters.
8 points

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