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Gangster Squad Review

What did I expect before watching Gangster Squad? Well, considering all
I knew prior to watching the movie was its title, my expectations for the
movie were open. Although, the image I had constructed in my head was
a storyline close to The Godfather, with the typical expectancy of an
action-thriller, which included guns, explosion and a lot of violence.
Though the movie did use the usual stereotypes that included shoot outs,
car chases and gruesome murders (especially within the first scene of the
Gangster Squad tells the loosely based story of Los Angeles in the 1940s,
and mob ruler Micky Cohen (Sean Penn) whose hold over the city runs
deep in its industry and its people, instigating fear in those who work for
or fight him, with dire consequences for any who fail him. The gangster
lords empire is so high that the police cannot touch him, and so the deed
falls to Sargent John OMara (Josh Brolin), an ex-army veteran who is
tasked to leave his badge behind to do what needs to be done to save the
city by Chief Parker (Nick Nolte). The sergeant then recruits a small squad
of men with the same ideals as himself and who will not fall to the mobs
corruption. One of which is a close friend and partner of OMara, Sergeant
Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling).
The period style the movie was filmed in was executed well, including the
costumes, settings and props. The cinematography could be considered
typical, but the movie uses conventions such as dark lighting and
silhouetted shot types that automatically show the audience the genre of
the film and what to expect. That includes dark lighting, foreboding music,
shot guns and a whole lot of other stereotypes. These help convey the
1920s atmosphere and the danger of the city.
Obviously with the title Gangster Squad you can be guaranteed an action
packed movie, with car chases and shoot outs designed to thrill the
audience. Although criticised by many as the typical Hollywood action
movie, and for its predictable storyline, Gangster Squad in my opinion is
an easy watch, with critically acclaimed actors from whom it is easy to see
the chemistry especially between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. All of
which contribute to an captivating movie that makes you laugh, gasp and
leaves you with a message, although the movie may not leave you
contemplating some deep emotional moral, it leaves you with the
message in Josh Brolins final monologue of justice, family and that good
trumps evil no matter the sacrifice.

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