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Therapeutic Use of Reminiscence

Program Protocol for Major Depressive Disorder

I. Treatment Modality
Therapeutic Use of Reminiscence
II. Rationale
Although all individuals are capable to learn at some level, some are not able to store and
retrieve memories, as they desire. With the use of reminiscence, patients with Major Depressive
Disorder symptoms can facilitate social interactions, reconstruct memories, and build coping
mechanisms (Datillo & McKenney, 2011). Patients with Major Depressive Disorder suffer from
depressed mood, diminished interest or pleasure, significant weight loss or gain, sleep
disturbance, fatigue, and feeling worthless (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). These
symptoms can be improved by using reminiscence because it can be used as a continued
development and correlate with a psychological well being and interesting activity participation
(Datillo & McKenney, 2011).
When using reminiscence as an intervention, one needs merely to just listen to another person.
According to Bluck and Levine, the main goal of reminiscence is encourage personality
reorganization or self-change. During a 3-week reminiscence intervention, Jones studied elderly
women with depression. The study used structured nurse initiated reminiscence approach for the
experimental group, while the control group received the customary reminiscence interventions,
On the Geriatric Depression Scale, both groups had similar levels of depression. Post-study
results indicated that the experimental group showed lower levels of depression. The study
supports following a structured approach to facilitating reminiscence (Jones, 2003).
III. Referral Criteria
Any patient that show symptoms of major depressive disorder can be referred to this program
as long as they do not show disruptive behavior that can interfere with group session, If patient is
disruptive, provide one-to-one reminiscence sessions.
IV. Risk Management
There are no risks that could affect the program in any way.
V. Criteria
Structure Criteria

Process Criteria

The Therapeutic Use of

Reminiscence program will meet
for 6-12 session for 30-45
minutes. There are 4 modules
and in each module the therapist
will provide awareness of time
and give adequate warning
before a session ends.

The recreational therapist will

assure that all patients are as
comfortable as possible and to
always sit/stand face-to-face
level and make initial eye
contact with patients

Outcome Criteria

Modules include:

The therapist will:

The patient will:

1. Provide patients with

reminiscence activities for
individuals based on their
personal life histories, such as
table preparation, office work,
and apron storage.

1. Be able to actively
participate in
reminiscence activity
to bring memories of
personal past activities,
which patients enjoyed.

2. One-to-one Verbal

2. Verbally ask patients

questions based on their setting
of living, such as the bathroom
they had growing up, where the
bathtub was located, how the
water was used in the patient's
home and what soap they used.

2. Be able to focus
their memory on small
details about their past
and work on long-term
memory as well.

3. Group Verbal

3. Provided current events from

magazines, newspaper,
snapshots, or objects to serve as
visual cues. Then and Now with
the topics is a successful format
to use.

3. Be able to compare
past events with current
events that have
occurred in their

4. Written Reminiscence

4. Provide materials for patients.

Help patients z find a topic write
about. Patient can write
about autobiographies to
fictional stories, any topic the
patient desires.

4. Be able
express thoughts and
reminiscence about
past and future events.
After if patient desire,
they can bury or burn
what they wrote.

1. Sensory Reminiscence

VI. Credentialing
The recreational therapist will have to prove a minimum of a Certified Therapeutic
Recreational Specialist (CTRS) credential from the National Council of Therapeutic Recreation
Certification. It is preferred if recreational therapist has training and competence is reminiscence.
VII. Bibliography
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders:
DSM-5. Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association.
Datillo, J., & McKenney, A. (2011). Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation (2nd
ed.). State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
Jones, E. D. (2003). Reminiscence Therapy for Older Women with Depression: Effects of
Nursing Intervention Classification in Assisted-Living Long-Term Care. Journal of
Gerontological Nursing, 29(7), 26-33. Retrieved February 20, 2016.

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