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To: People of america

From: Daniel Bowen
Date: 10/6/15
Subject: A proposal to improve animal abuse
This memorandum is being written to propose that animals are just as important as people,
animals should be treated just as good as people. animals should be helped because they give
people's lives purpose, animals also give their owners love and compassion.
one reason we should act now is that over time animal abuse has gotten worse, from 2005 to
2006 there was a 79% increase in animals reported being abused.
what I am trying to do with my proposal is to decrease the amount of animals that are abused
Animals are being abused all over the globe, each day animals are being hurt or even killed. this
is a problem because innocent animals are being beaten and killed. If we don't act on this
problem the rater that animals are abused yearly will increase a lot more. My solution will
provide safety for the animals thus making it so people have companionship.
My end goal is to decrease the amount of animal being abused. something I propose that should
be done is to create a hotline a rescue team and raise the consequences of animal abuse.
the hotline would be to call if you see or suspect animal abuse, the rescue team will go and check
it out and if the animal is being abused they will take the animal and call the police to come get
the people.

The point of proposing those recommendations is to hopefully decrease the total amount of
animals being abused yearly. pets and people will benefit from my proposals, animals will
benefit because they will be safer and have an owner that will take good care of them, people
will benefit because they will have a companion to love and give there life meaning.
My solutions will allow for animals to be happy and protected and people will gain
companionship and love.
Work cite
"Animal Experiments: Overview." PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.
"Pet Statistics." ASPCA. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.
"Stray Pet Advocacy." Stray Pet Advocacy. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.

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