Lesson Plan - 1 - : Introduction: (5 Mins)

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Lesson Plan

Subject: SNC 2P

-1Strand: Biology

Developed by: Courtney Bear

Development Date: February 29,


Overall Expectations:
B3: Demonstrate an understanding of the hierarchical organization of cells, from
tissues, to organs, to systems in animals, including humans
Specific Expectations:
B3.1: describe the cell cycle in animals, and explain its importance for the growth
of cells and repair of tissues
Learning Goals:

By the end of this lesson students will be able to:

o Understand the different stages of the cell cycle
o Understand the steps of mitosis and how the cell looks during those
set steps

Prior Knowledge required:

Prior knowledge on cell division and chromosomes

Assessment Tasks:
Formative assessment

Assessment Tools/Instrument:
- Non graded oreo
assignment in

Teaching/Learning Strategies and Planning Notes:

TIME: 76 min

Blank paper

Step by Step Instructions:

Introduction: (5 mins)
Learning goals
Quick video on mitosis to get the started (2 min)

Lesson Plan


Lesson (40 mins)

PowerPoint on The Cell Cycle
Pass out the fill in the blank note
Inform students that all information that needs to be copied appears in red
Show the steps in picture form (first with the picture from the book and
have them open their text books to that page) then through the use of
other diagrams

Consolidation (20mins)
In groups of 3-4 create the stages of mitosis on Oreos
Explain task before handing out the prepared bags and pieces of paper
Students will be opening up the oreos and using tooth picks and sprinkles
to draw out the different stages
Once completed they have to raise their hand and allow me to see the
different stages and make sure they are correct before they can eat the
Once done they are allowed to eat the oreos and start on their homework
Remind students of their lab the next day
Hand back labs
Next Lesson:

Mitosis microviewer lab

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