BBPT Summerlin Fin

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Name: Nissa Summerlin

Grade Level: 3rd
Content Area: Social Studies
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tool Used: Inspiration
Standards Addressed: SS3E1 The student will describe the four types of productive resources:
a. Natural (land)
b. Human (labor)
c. Capital (capital goods)
d. Entrepreneurship (used to create goods and services)
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:






Description of how to implement in the class: Students will be using Inspiration to create a flow
chart of the four types of productive resources. Students will first research the information in teams
using the textbook and teacher provided resources. The teacher will provide differentiation and
support as needed to individual students or small groups as needed. Then the students will create
their flow chart, and find at least two examples (images) of that type of good. The groups will share
their flow charts with the class to compare the different examples of these resources.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): LoTi Level 3 because students are leading the
learning/investigating and creating a product with the information.
Description of the sample BBPT file provided *: Viewers will see a colorful flowchart with the four
different productive resources, and examples of them.
Other comments about your proposed BBPT Activity: Anything else you want to say. If you are
using/adapting another persons lesson, cite the original source.

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