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29th April 2010

Dear Parents/Caregivers

As part of our term one unit ‘discovery’ unit all year 7 students will be visiting the Orokonui Ecosanctuary. Our focus
during this visit will be to ‘discover’ and learn more about our local plants and wildlife and to capture our interests
through photography.

All students attended a small learning session on digital photography with Kerry Kelk from Kelk photography last
Friday. We hope to use these tips to take some great digital photographs. The best of our photographs will be entered
into the Otago Museum photography competition. These photographs will also be available for viewing on class blog
pages and at school.

Rooms 26 and 13 will visit the Ecosanctuary on Monday 10th May. We will leave school at 9am to be at Orokonui by
10am. We will be travelling by bus. Students will need to wear their correct PE gear to school and be prepared for a
range of weather conditions. They also need to bring a packed lunch as we won’t be returning to school until
approximately 1pm.

We require parent help to walk around the Ecosanctuary with the groups and to ensure safety expectations are met.
There is no cost for parent helpers. If you are able to join us for the trip, please indicate on the return form.

The cost for each student is $10 ($5 for bus and $5 for Ecosanctuary).

All students will also need a digital camera. We have a small few available to use from school, but it will be much
easier for students to have their own. We will have a discussion about safety and looking after the cameras as I’m
sure you will at home too.

Please complete the permission slip below and return asap.

Kind regards

Deb Tasi-Cordtz and Andrew Sloan

I give permission for ____________________________ to visit The Orokonui Ecosanctuary.

I am able/unable (circle) to join you on the trip as parent help.

SIGNED: __________________________________

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