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Vishal Niranjan Panchal
Roll no 23


Organizational Background
About Motivation
Survey Outcome
De-Motivating Factors
Motivating Factors
Proposed Motivation Technique at my work
Annexure Survey example sample form

Organization Background
I work with the German multinational
conglomerate company. It is the largest engineering
company in Europe. The principal divisions of the
company are Industry, Energy, Healthcare and
Infrastructures & Cites. Company is more than 165 years
old with operation in more than 190 countries including
India. Company and its subsidiaries employ
approximately 362,000 people worldwide and reported
global revenue of around 71.9 billion in 2014 according
to their annual report.
I work in India in Energy - Power Generation
Division. My division offer solution to Power plant. Main
Product of my division is Utility Steam turbine & Steam
turbine for Power Generation. My company provides the
total solution to power plant from proposal start of the
activity till successful commissioning. After
commissioning also my company provided Services and
I work as Senior Executive in the Core Engineering
Department looking after the Steam turbine construction.
It is basically related to construction-steam turbine,
engineering, design of steam turbine and Engineering
support to shop, vendor, customer,etc. In my department
there are three division Calculation , Construction &
Condenser. There are total of 24 people in my
department. In Calculation 6 persons, Construction 14
persons and In Condenser 6 persons. I work in
Construction with 14 persons. Out of this 14 there is one

Engineering head, 4 Managers, 4 Senior Executive and

rest all executives.
People in my department all the time have a
negative self talk, Compensation, opportunities, etc. I
decided to carry out survey regarding motivating and
demotivating factor at my work place will try to explain
survey result and analysis in subsequent pages.

About Motivation
Motivation is the key factor for organizational success.
It is defined as willingness to exert high level of effort
towards organization goal, conditioned by the effort and
ability to satisfy some individual needs.
A need is a deficiency experience by an individual. It
means some internal state that makes certain outcomes
appealing attractive. An unsatisfied need creates tension
that stimulates drive within the individual. This need
motivates us to put effort to satisfy need.
Motivation process is continuous process. Individual
experience need in organization eg. Need for getting
recognized. Individual will try to find various way to how
he or she will get recognized? eg. 1) By doing some work
creatively, 2) By keeping extra effort at work, 3) By taking
less leave, 4) By participating in recreation &
extracurricular activity,etc . Individual make a choice of
behavior from any of the above to follow. Eg Individual
have make a choice By doing work creatively. Individual
follow and behave according to choice made. Eg
Individual has automated some work as a result less time
to complete the task which initially was taking more time.
Individual get reward or punishment based on his

behavior choice outcome. Eg. Individual is recognized for

his creative work of automization of work by his manager.
Individual assesses the extent to which his need of
getting recognized is fulfilled or not. Eg. Individual want a
recognition from Unit head and not manager.
The main objective of motivation for any
organization is obtain high performance level , low
employee turnover & absenteeism and acceptation of
organization. Motivation create environment of initiative,
curiosity & dynamism which is very important for any
organization success. Motivated people also have high job
satisfaction , high morale and contribute best to achieve
their personal and organizational objectives. It create
cooperation and discipline among the people working in
Motivation is of two type External and Internal.
External refer to when one is motivated by external force.
Eg bonus, incentive, etc. which is mainly related to
organization. Other is Internal which is also term as
motivation by self. In the discussion in subsequent pages
we will focus main on external type of motivation which is
related to employee and organization.

Survey Outcome
After conducting Survey I, came to know people are
working in third stage of process Motivation to Demotivation i.e. De-motivation Effective. Some people told
that they are de-motivated to because of lack of
opportunities. Some told that they are de- motivated
because they are paid less. Some told that they are not
appreciated for the good work done. Some told that they

are victim of partiality. To my personal experience,

towards my work place there is lack of opportunity for
me. I have list down main de-motivating factor at my
work place according to survey and impact.

Demotivating Factor
1. Lack of Appreciation
According to survey and to my personal opinion
managers at my work place are quiet immature
even though working in MNC. They never appreciate
any person for good work done. In fact they
represent the top management as if they have
completed that good work. Also people are not
introduced to top management easily. Also there are
more number of managers for less number of people.
Managers always try to pull legs of another manager
at my work place. All managers at my workplace are
selfish in nature they never appreciate any body. I
think role of managers is not suitable for them. They
can be a very good technical experts.
2. Lack of opportunities
According to survey and my opinion only two to three
persons get repeatedly opportunity. Opportunities
such as overseas training, technical training, New
development projects are taken by managers only.
No person from executive or senior executive are
involved. My personal experience I, have also not
received single good opportunities since last 4 year.
During last three years many people have left my
department due to lack of opportunities. Also good

opportunities are given to only 2 to 3 person. During

last 4 years these 2 to 3 person have been
repeatedly given overseas opportunities and all were
managers. These can be one of major de-motivating
factor among all.
3. Unfair treatment

and Favoritism to some specific

Manger at my work place humiliate executive and Sr.

executive in public major of times. People at my work
place feel like insulting. There is less bonding
between mangers and executive and senior
executive. Also Instead of taking responsibility for
any wrong work done by executive under managers
guidance they target executive. Favoritism is also
one of major criteria at my work place Sr. managers
give opportunities to only 2 people repeatedly. All
other feels there treated unfair.

4. Salary
According to survey to there are also person they are
not satisfied with the salary actually 70% in our
department are not satisfied with the salary. Yes I, also
feel that salary is too low according to MNC standard.
Majority feels that working with MNC and drawing salary
of Medium Scale industry. There are some in our
department whose salary is very low compare to other of
same experience. They feel that there is not rules in such
a big company.
There morale has also gone down
because of this.

5 . Poor Evaluation System

Poor Evaluation System at my workplace. People are
evaluated not on the bases of their performance. People
are judge on the base of HALO effect based on the single
characteristics which seems to unfair. Also manager
represents executive and Sr. executive works to the top
management at the time of evaluation. None of the top
management is directly involved with executive or Sr.
executive level as a result manger do manipulation. There
are number times it happen the performer are not
rewarded but non performer who is favorite to mangers
are rewarded which seem quite illogical.
6 . Lack of individual development plan
According to people and my opinion there is no
individual development plan available at my work place.
Even mangers are very immature of making individual
plan. People all the time thinks in which direction his or
her future is going. Many time people feels de-motivated
have a negative self talk because majority of people is
career conscious. People feel that they should have
individual development plan which manger should give
him and have a track that he is moving in right direction
or not. If not manager should be able to give feedback of

Motivating Factor
In survey none have mention about motivating factor.
They all feel that there is not motivational factor in
department. But according to me there are some

motivational factors which individual are unable to

identify it. I have listed all motivating factor below.
1. Recreation Activity
Company promotes the recreation activity. Means
every festival there is competition eg in diwali rangoli
completion, in navratri garba at company, etc . Again
individual are motivated or not it depend upon their
interest towards recreation activity.
2. Outdoor Sports
Company also promotes the Outdoor sport by
organizing various out tournament such as Cricket
competition, Football competition, Basket ball
competition, intercity cricket completion and even Global
football competition. Again individual are motivated or
not it depend upon their interest towards sports.
3. MNC Culture in terms of time and holiday
Yes I feel culture in term of opting leave in my
company is very good. You can have leave all the time
provided that you should have your leave available. Apart
from Casual, Sick and earned leave Company also
promote Voluntary leave which you can take for any good
cause for example working for earthquake victims, flood
victims, etc. Also company has provision for Paternity
leave which you can opt when your wife is pregnant. Also
regard to time it is unwritten flexi timing. Company is not
punctuality conscious company is work conscious.
4. Good facility by company in case of on site

Company provides good facility to for those working

on site or required to go onsite. Means company provides
flight, 4 star hotels, Car along with all this provide good
5. Empowerment to individual.
Individuals are given power to take decision
regarding the job by their manager without any
interference. I think this is the individual factor by which
people is getting motivated directly or indirectly because
people generally dont like any one inferring their
This are the some motivational factor which I, have
narrated according to me but this might not be
motivational factor for some another person. Since no
one in the survey mention about motivational I, have
mention all the motivating factors according to my

Proposed Motivation Technique at my work

According to survey It, seem people are working in third
stage of motivating to de-motivating process i.e. De
Motivated effective this could be very dangerous for any
department. During this stage people then to find another
suitable option i.e. new job, new profile, new business,
etc. which is loss to any company in term of trained
manpower. Employee turnover can go high. Also

productivity of any employee man go down if this stage

continues for prolonged period.
In order to avoid this I would like to recommend the
various motivation technique that can help organization
in there and employee progress as well. Below is the list
of motivational technique which I, would like to suggest.
1. Promoting appreciation culture
Mangers should learn to give appreciation to
their subordinate for good work done. This culture should
come from top management itself. Appreciation plays an
important role in employees motivation. It will help
department to create environment of initiative. Individual
will give their best to achieve organizational as well as
their personal goals.
2. Equal opportunities
Managers should also learn to impart
opportunities to their subordinate. This will increase
bonding between manager and their subordinate. Also
person will feel responsible. Also employee will feel
motivated by such opportunities
3. Top management interaction with lower hierarchy.
Top management should interact frequently with the
lower hierarchy thereby they will come to know capability
of individual at lower hierarchy. They will come to know
whether his or her manager are give wrong feedback or
not. This will boost employee morale and increase job

4. Fair evaluation system.

Evaluation system in our company is fairly based on
manager feedback. Top management should bring some
policy so that managers do not give any wrong feedback
or there should be multiple evaluating system means top
management should not rely only on manger feedback.
This will ensure that rewarding the performer only and
not the non performer. This can boost the performing
employee morale and they will feel highly motivated. One
will also take pride in their job.
5. Fair Salary structure
Salary structure should be compatible with the
surrounding market as well as within the department
according to education and experience. For e.g. Suppose
Two persons with 5 years experience one have salary
package of 5 lakhs and another having 8 lakhs. This is
very larger difference with same education and same
experience. This will create groupism. Individual cannot
be motivated even if the all other factors. I suggest
management to create policy in which salary structure
range is defined for education and experience. This will
help in minimize the difference between two individual
thereby creating environment of cooperation.
6. Individual development plan
Manger should have individual development and
training plan. This plan should be prepared by manager
with the help of top management in line with the interest
of employee. This will make employee much responsible

towards their job. Also employee will show dynamism and

curiosity. For the career conscious subordinate they will
able to track where there career path is going. They will
be able to monitor their milestone. Also it will also help
managers and management in term of decision making
regarding jobs.

Pamphlet Motivation.
Class notes.
Survey design with the help of net and

Annexure-Survey Sample form

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