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Teacher: Christine McCormick

Concept/Topic: Art Education/ Gesture drawing: The Human Figure

Unit Essential Students will learn that drawing is the foundation for visual communication.
Date/Time: 4th period Drawing 1, Purple days- 2 weeks every other day- total 5 days
Grade Level: 9th

Learning Objectives
LEQ (Lesson Essential

Sunshine State Standards

Students will be able to learn how to proportionally draw the human figure
and accurately site dimensions in proportion to their paper.
Students will also be able to gesturally draw the human figure and rational
how effective drawing and observation can produce life like quality

Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability throughout the innovation process

to focus and re-focus on an idea, deliberately delaying closure to promote
creative risk-taking.
VA.912.F.1.2: Manipulate or synthesize established techniques as a
foundation for individual style initiatives in two-, three-, and/or fourdimensional applications.
VA.912.C.2.1: Examine and revise artwork throughout the art-making
process to refine work and achieve artistic objective.
VA.912.F.3.4: Follow directions and use effective time-management skills to
complete the art-making process and show development of 21st-century

Student Activities &


1. First students will be introduced to the vocabulary associated with the

type of drawing we are about to complete. Application, how it is applied
to the paper (holding the pencil etc.,) technique, gesture, foreshortening,
rhythm, negative space, movement, and contour.
2. Next we will review proportions. The human body is the equivalence of
7-8 blocks long, with the head as one block. Male shoulders are 3 heads
wide and hips are 2. Females are opposite of males. Shoulders are 2
heads wide and hips are generally 3. The torso is 4 heads wide and the
pelvis is always near the 4-5 block. The knees always are near 6-7 and
the feet can vary between 7 and 8. For children however it is condensed.
Depending on the age of the child the block may be as small as 4. For
example an infant is 4 blocks, head is 1, torso is 2, knees is 3 and feet
fall at 4. (Examples of both are available at the end of the lesson plan.)
3. Next, students will be given instruction of how to gesture. Teacher will
give demonstration on various ways to hold a pencil and how to
approach drawing what is in front of the student. Students will then be
informed that they will do a series of drawings leading from 1 minute to
15 minutes.
4. Siting will then be discussed with the students. Informing them that the
only mark they have complete control over on their paper is the first line
or for figure drawing is the head. The first mark creates the size for their
entire image and to create a visual coherence for proportion, this is
essential to learn.
5. Gesture drawings will begin on day one and two with a skeleton. Day
three and four will have live models rotated by the students. Day 5 will
be split into groups of students. Meaning there will be anywhere from 34 students in one drawing, sitting, standing and laying down. Students
will have from 3-15 minutes to completely capture all models available.


Students will utilize their sketchbook for the understanding and for
copying the demonstration of the human figure.
Students will need to acquire a large pad of newsprint paper and
charcoal pencils. String will be given to each student for siting.


There will be two assessments formative will be an index card passed

to the students. They will be instructed on one side to complete the
sentences with their understanding. (Side 1) Based on our gesture
drawing studies, explain the big idea you understand. (Side 2) Identify
something about gesture drawing that you do not understand.
Summative of the assessment will be a series of drawings to show
progress. Minimum 20 gestured figures.


Extra time will be given to all students (If needed.)

Teacher will provide modeling and demonstration for all students.
Teacher will allow wait time and use open ended questions.
Students may sit or stand to complete assignments.
Other adaptions can be made at the teachers discretion based on students
Teacher will be checking for understanding during probing questions by
using open ended questions for students with special needs who may have
trouble explaining what they understand.

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