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Topics in the Cold War Project (200 points)

The Modern Era

Part I: Research Paper Due __________________________________________________ (100

This paper, along with the correctly formatted works cited page attached, should be
turned into your teacher in class on the due date. If you are absent, email the paper
that day or it will be considered late. Late papers will lose 5 points per day.

-The introduction to your paper should identify what the Cold War was, when and
why it happened. Your thesis should introduce your specific topic.
-Analyze the significance of your topic in the context of the Cold War.
-What role did this event play in the grand scheme of the Cold Wars course (19451991)?

--How did this affect fears, foreign policy, future conflicts, proxy wars, or the citizens
of the USA, Europe, or whatever country is directly or indirectly involved in your
-Explain WHY this event was important

-No more than three pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font with
one-inch margins
-Proper in-text citations and correct MLA format with a Works Cited page
-A MINIMUM of four sources
-Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a zero for the project which will
significantly alter your grade for the term

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