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1. How many of these words do you know? Match the words with their meanings.

a. Crucifixion ..
c. Palm ..
c. Ash ..
d. Resurrection ..
e. Commemorate ..
f. Parade ..
g. Tomb ..
h. Cross ..
i. Holy ..
j. Fasting ..

Here are some important days connected with Easter

Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Ash Wednesday

Easter Sunday Easter Eve Shrove Tuesday

2. Read the text below about important days and customs connected with Easter. Match each day from
the box with the correct paragraph (a-g)
a. ___________________________

This day commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. On this day the British Queen
attends a special service and offers money to poor people.

b. ___________________________

This day comes before the beginning of Lent. Pancakes are the
favourite food on this day so it is also called Pancake Day. Both
eggs and meat are forbidden throughout Lent, so the tradition is
to eat all meat on Monday and all eggs on Tuesday.
One of the main customs in England and the USA is the pancake
race, where people run holding frying pans and tossing pancakes.
According to the legend, the tradition comes from a housewife in
1445, who was so busy making pancakes that she forgot the
time. When she heard the church bells she ran to the church still
holding her frying pan.

c. ____________________________

Jesus rose from the dead on this day. Families gather for Easter dinner, which traditionally consists of hard-
boiled eggs, lamb and cakes. After dinner children play games such as egg hunt. Another custom in
America is watching the Easter Parade in New York.

Easter Days -

d. ___________________________

Lent begins with this day - 40 days of fasting and penance. People attend churches
and mark their foreheads with ash in the shape of a cross. This reminds them that
they too will become ash one day.

e. ___________________________

Holy Week begins with this day. It commemorates Christs ride into Jerusalem,
where people greeted Him with branches. People make crosses using palm leaves.

f. ___________________________

This day is a public holiday commemorating the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His
death on the cross. In Britain people make hot cross buns: sweet buns made
with spices and raisins with a cross on the top.

g. _________________________

This is the day after Good Friday, when Christ lay in the tomb. It is the day when Christians await for
Christs Resurrection.

3. Now put the paragraphs into chronological order. The first one has been done for you

1 b 2 . 3 . 4 5 . 6 . 7 .

4. How much do you remember?

Easter Days -

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