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Ian Nelson

Quick #1: Learning Changing

To observe the learning process I will teach my friend Drake to change
a set of guitar strings. For the longest time Drake and I have been playing
guitar on the same two guitars. As long as we have been playing together it
never occurred to us to change the guitar strings. We decided to take a step
toward becoming pro and decided to change our strings when two days ago
Drake approached me with his guitar and asked me to teach him to change
the strings. I had already learned to change my strings from a mentor I had
as a child. I found this an amazing opportunity to complete my quick
assignment as well as help a buddy out so I jumped on the opportunity at
first recognition.
There are six strings on the guitar which all have the same process of
installation. There are several sub steps to teach but this gives me six
sequential chances to get Drake from an observer to a competent in
changing guitar strings. The steps I was taught by my mentor in the
beginning are as follows.

Wind the guitar string through the saddle and over the bridge
Thread the string through the tuner and rest it securely over the nut.
Measure the amount of slack needed on the string to wind.
Wind the string around the tuner using the key while carefully

controlling the winding.

5. Clip the excess string and tune.

Ian Nelson

Upon winding the first string I will demonstrate to Drake how it will be done
as I explain what it is I will be doing to introduce him to the task. The second
and third strings we will do together sharing the responsibility of keeping the
string steady and in place whilst still completing the task to introduce him to
the performing the task on his own. Strings four and five will done by Drake
alone. Upon the forth I will both offer words of encouragement and praise to
reinforce his learning process all the while answering any questions he might
have to help clarify the process for him. Upon the fifth I will only answer any
questions he might have to prepare him for doing it on his own. The sixth
string will be changed by Drake alone to test his understanding. Upon
successful completion Drake and I will both play our guitars together as a
reward for a job well done solidifying the memory in the mind.
Upon finishing my lesson I was excited to see that Drake had
performed spectacularly in picking up the new task. The next day I asked him
to help change my strings in an effort to see what he retained and observed
that he retained tall he information I taught him yesterday phenomenally
well proving to me that the process of learning and teaching I picked in
chapter 7 of our book Introducing Psychology, 3rd edition by Schacter, Gilbert,
Wegner and Nook really has real world applications!

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