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basic equations
dy So Sf
dx 1 Fr 2

Fr =

Q Tw
gA 3

nQ P 2 / 3
Sf =
5/ 3 =
Kn A

nq 1
for 2 d use
5/ 3
Kn Y

Sf found from roughness equations for uniform depth

Basic Profiles

NOTE : Yc is same depth for different slope types as long as channel shape is the same and the
flow is the same
Steep, Critical, Mild, Horizontal, Adverse (should include lines for Yc and Yo) is constant width
(S) Yo<Yc (M) Yo>Yc (C) Yo=Yc but unstable (A) Yc but no Yo (H) Yo at infinity
(1) for Y greater than either Yo or Yc
(2) Y between Yo and Yc
(3) Y less than either Yo and Yc
remember (2) is always between normal and critical, ie there is no C2 curve
remember (1) is always above Yo, ie there is no H1 or A1 curves
only for critical slope can lines cross Yc, otherwise hydraulic jump at Yc or rapidly varied flow
M1,M2,M3 (mild)
flow can approach Yc and can leave Yo, but it can not approach Yo or leave Yc, cant cross Yc
S1,S2,S3 (steep)
flow can approach Yo and can leave Yc, but it can not approach Yc or leave Yo, cant cross Yc
C1 and C2, lines approach Yc from below and leave Yc from above, can cross Yc !!
H2 and H3, lines can only approach Yc but not cross
A2 and A3, lines can only approach Yc but not cross
depth will cross Yc and be at Yc at changes in slope from drop offs, M to S, H to S, A to S
flow or depth approaching and leaving Yo is tangent to Yo
flow or depth approaching Yc is perpendicular (but doesnt cross) except for critical slope
depths approaching or leaving Yc for critical slopes are almost horizontal
mild slopes cant increase above Yo
horizontal slopes cant increase above Yc
Hydraulic Jump:
Steep - starts at Yo=Y1, jumps across Yc, stops at conj depth Y2, S1 curve from Y2 to
depth at transition (ie Yo of downstream mild slope is length is long enough for Yo to occur)
Mild - M3 GFV curve starts at transition at upstream Yo, jump ends at Y2= Yo of mild
slope, jump starts at conj depth Y1, jumps across Yc,

Standard step method to find length

x = x 2 x1 =
x =

So Sf avg

1 Fr 2

So Sf dy
E = y+

2 gA 2

= for 2 d use y +

2 gY 2

1. Find start of curve Y1 (Y start) and end of curve Y2 (Y stop)

2. Select step size )y, smaller the step, the more accurate
3. Let Y old = Y start and X = 0 = X old
4. Calculate Sf old and E old at Y old
5. Calculate Y new = Y old + )y
6. Calculate Sf new and E new at Y new
7. )E = E new - E old
8. Sf avg = (Sf new + Sf old) /2
9. )x = )E / ( So - Sf avg)
10. X new = X old + )x
11. Next step (new row) X old = previous X new Y old = etc Sf old = etc E old = etc
12. Repeat steps 5 thru 11 until Y new = Y stop
13. L = X new or sum of )xs

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