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Polymethius and The History

of The Cyclopes
By: Camden Lamberg
• The Cyclopes started out being born from Gaia,
Uranus was the father
• Uranus was displeased by the ugly creatures
that he had created.
• So he shoved them back into Gaia’s womb
• This caused Gaia great pain, enough pain that
she asked her titan children to help her
• Cronus was the only child out of her 12 that
helped his mother
Overview cont.
• Gaia crafted a sickle (scythe) for Cronus to use
against his father
• While Uranus was sleeping Cronus cut off his
• They fell to the earth and landed in the ocean
• From them Aphrodite, the Giants, Nymphs, and
Ermines were all born
• Then the Cyclopes were free from their mothers
• They went down to Greece and found an island
called Lemnos where they lived
Cyclops Info.
• Cyclops only have 1 eye, the Cyclopes are related to the
giants. The Cyclops built Zeus’s thunderbolts, Hade’s
helmet of invisibility, and Poseidon's Trident.
Polymethius was the son of Poseidon and the brother of
the sea nymphs (768, Cyclops)
• The Cyclops were locked in the underworld by there
father, in a place called Tartarus where the bad souls
• Zeus freed the Cyclops from there prison and in return
for saving them the Cyclops gave Zeus his lightning
bolts, and some began to work for him and craft lightning
Family Tree

Uranus Gaia

Hades Poseidon Zeus

Works Cited
Britannica, Mircopaedia, 3rd edition,
Enclopedia Britannica, inc.
Gods and Myths of Ancient Greece, Mary
Barnett, smithmark publishers inc. 1996

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