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Education for a career

There are 3 levels of Hungarian education system:

1. Primary school
2. Secondary school: different types:
a. Grammar school (Mostly those students choose secondary grammar schools
who plan to go on to higher education.)
b. Technical school (Students who would like to learn a trade or profession
besides passing their school-leaving exam go to secondary technical schools.)
c. Vocational school (train skilled workers, such as plumbers, joiners and
hairdressers. The training lasts three years in these schools)
The secondary school ends with two-level school-leaving exam. These are A (advanced)
and O (ordinary) level. The A level is more difficult, than O level exam. (GCSE- General
Certificate of Secondary Education). After the exam, students can choose they study further at
university or college, or they continue enter the world of work.
3. Students collect points to university or college. There are 3 systems: BSc (means
Bachelor of Science), MSc (Master of Science), Doctorate (doktorit).
From the financial aspects are 2 types: state founded and private founded. The last mentioned
means that students have to pay tuition fee (tjuisn f).
We distinguish full-time students attend school on weekdays and correspondence students
go to classes mainly on Fridays and Saturday. (I went to college on each Saturdays and
sometimes on Fridays, so I could stay at home with my children.). If students passed their
final exam, they will get their degree. At colleges and universities students are motivated by
grants. The better they learn the higher grants they will get.
Other facility of continuing professional education the OKJ (O_kj_dzsj) (National
Register) trainings, where you can get for example a Further Education advanced level
Nowadays most young people want to become economists, lawyers or deal with some field of
computer science. Many of them think that it will be easy to find well-paying jobs with these
The program of student barter is a very good thing. Students can meet foreign people,
countries and cultures, and during they learn foreign languages. I think it has only advantages.
Highly demanded trade

nagyon keresett szakma (elmlet nlkli)

Less brilliant students

kevsb ragyog dikok

During their studies they collect kredits

tanulmnyaik alatt krediteket gyjtenek

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