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Ef f ect s on Heal t h

Immune system damaged

Physical growth rate
Lowered mental
Dry skin
Bleeding gums
Decaying teeth
Slow reactions
Muscle weakness
(TeenHealth, n.d.)

Ref erences

Bush, B., Welsh, H. (2015). Hidden hunger:
America?s growing malnutrition epidemic.
Retrieved from
http:/ / sBbiue
Economist. (2012). The Nutrition Puzzle.
Retrieved from
http:/ / BJUKpZ
[Hunger games]. Retrieved from
http:/ / C8sJoW
John Hopkins Children?s Center. (n.d.).
Malnutrition. Retrieved from
http:/ / 31kBZd

Shif t ing Basel ines

We were not dependent on fast
foods. When our dietary habits
became mostly fast food, global
issues, such as malnutrition

A decrease of our standards

on the reference point, in
which there was no harm
made (Olson, n.d.)
Changes usually go
unnoticed due to how
gradual they are and we
accept the change as the

[Six nutrient chart]. Retrieved from

https:/ / MhKjB9
TeensHealth. (n.d.). Hunger and
Malnutrition. Retrieved from
http:/ / vMj2Zh

For more information and references,

please feel free to visit our website:

By: An n ik a Rawer s, Ju l ian Vaca,

Nan cy Th ai & Nor win M on tesa

What is Mal nut rit ion?

Causes of Mal nut rit ion
Mal nut rit ion is f ail ing t o get t he
essent ial nut rient s t o grow and
st ay heal t hy (John Hopkins Heal t h
Cent er, n.d.).
Mal nut rit ion epidemics occur
because communit ies are not
being inf ormed of t he necessit y t o
have nut rient s in t heir diet
(TeensHeal t h, n.d.).

Lack of proper nutrient

Not having enough to eat
Not eating enough of the
right things, which is
hidden hunger
Unable to use the food one
does eat when there are
problems in the digestion
process, such as intestines
malfunction, which
decreases the amount of
nutrients that would be
absorbed for the body
Decrease of diversity and
quality of our diets
(Schiavi, 2014)

Sol ut ions

Food fortification,
enriching food with
micro nutrients (Bush and Welsh, 2015)
Focus on distributing
food with more
nutrients instead of
more calories
Schools could
implement food
Better sanitation could
help increase the
amount of nutrients
that gets absorbed in
the intestines
(Economist, 2012)

Ef f ect s Local l y
and Gl obal l y
Decreases economic
Lowers country?s GDP
through the amount
of money for health
care that has to spent
on those who suffer
from malnutrition
85% of Americans do
not consume the US
Food and Drug
recommended daily
intakes (Bush and
Welsh, 2015)





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