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Teacher Candidate:

Alyssa Coughlin

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:


Subject or Topic:

Coop. Initials

Allotted Time

45 minutes

Rainforest Environment Comparisons

Grade Level 2nd grade


Standard - 7.1.2.B Describe regions in geographic reference using physical features
Standard - 7.2.2.A Identify the physical characteristics of places.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

A. The second grade students will be able to identify various characteristics of
the rainforest and Pennsylvania and compare the two regions by listening to a
storybook and filling out the T-chart.
B. The second grade students will be able to recognize the importance of
identifying environmental differences by actively participating in a whole
group discussion.
II. Instructional Materials
A. The Rainforest Grew All Around by Susan K. Mitchell
B. Marker
C. Lined poster paper
D. Pictures of the rainforest and Pennsylvania handed out on tables
E. Characteristics Comparison T-Chart worksheet
F. Pencil
G. Rainforest Reflection worksheet
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
1. Cooperative skills
2. Writing fluency
3. Critical thinking skills

4. Characteristics of the rainforest learned in previous lessons

B. Key Vocabulary
1. Environment- surrounding where living things live
2. Environmental differences- surrounding areas that change from place
to place
3. Characteristics- something that describes a person place or thing
4. Culturally diverse- knowing the difference places in the world and
how they differ from where one lives.
C. Big Idea
1. What is the difference between the rainforest and PA and why is that
D. Content
1. Characteristics of the rainforest
2. Characteristics of PA
3. Why differences between regions are important
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. The teacher will have the students come sit on the rug as a whole
2. The teacher will explain that they will be read a story aloud.
3. The teacher will hold up the book and show the cover to the
a. The Rainforest Grew All Around by Susan K. Mitchell
B. Development
1. The teacher will ask the students what they think they will learn after
reading the book based on the previous lessons they have had
regarding the rainforest.
2. The teacher will read through the book and point out different
rainforest characteristics, especially if there are some things in the
book that the students have already learned about in the unit.
3. After the book is finished, the teacher will close the book and put it
to the side, but still displayed where the students can see it.
4. The teacher will ask the students if they saw any differences in the
environment of the rainforest from where they live, here in
5. The teacher will write the students answers in marker on a lined
piece of poster board hung up near the circle rug area.
6. After the students have given approximately 56 answers, the
teacher will then ask the students if they can think of, based on the
book, any differences between the rainforest environment and the
environment we live in.
7. If the students struggle when it comes to thinking of differences, the
teacher should prompt their answers.

8. Once the T-chart is filled out, the teacher will direct the students
back to their desks.
9. The teacher will then hand out pictures of the rainforest and
Pennsylvania on the tables.
10. Once all pictures are passed out, the teacher will then hand out the
Characteristics Comparison T-Chart worksheet (see attached).
11. Once all worksheets are handed out, the teacher will direct the
students to take a look at the different pictures with their group and
come up with and write down some characteristics of each on their
12. As the students are working, the teacher will walk around monitoring
student progress and making sure they keep on task.
13. The teacher will give the students 10 minutes to work on the task.
14. After the 10 minutes, the teacher will bring the students back
15. The teacher will then ask each table to pick1 characteristic from each
side of the T-chart to share with the class.
a. Each table will share their information and the teacher will
elaborate on that particular characteristic.
16. Once all tables have shared, the teacher will tell collect the pictures
and tell the students to hand in their worksheets.
17. Once everything is put away and the students are at their desks, the
teacher will lead a teacher directed discussion.
18. The teacher will explain that there are many places in the world that
are different from where we live, here in PA.
19. The teacher will then discuss the importance of knowing the other
places in the world and being about the compare them to one
20. The teacher will ask the students if they know what environmental
differences are.
21. The teacher will explain that the rainforest has major environmental
differences from where we live because our environment is different
than the rainforest.
a. The rainforest is wet and rainy all the time while here in PA it
does not rain everyday.
b. The rainforest is close to the equator so therefore its hotter than
PA because in PA the temperature changes.
22. The teacher will then discuss that it is very important for us to
understand the different environments so that we are culturally
23. The teacher will ask the students if they know what culturally
diverse means.
24. The teacher will explain that its important for us to understand and
know the differences between different regions of the world.
25. The teacher will then ask if there are any questions.

26. Then the teacher will tell the students to pack up and take out a
C. Closure
1. The teacher will hand out the The Rainforest Reflection worksheet
(see attached).
2. The teacher will tell the students to write a well thought out
paragraph (4-5 sentences) relaying what they have learned about the
rainforest and what they enjoyed most about the unit.
3. Once done, the students will hand in their reflections.
4. The teacher will tell them they will have a unit test that following
Monday and they should use their notes as a guide for them.
a. The teacher will hand back all notes that were collected
throughout the unit along with a study guide (see attached).
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. For Sam, a student with a learning disability, the teacher can modify
the reflection to be either less sentences or to bullet points.
2. For Sam, who also has difficulty seeing due to vision problems, the
teacher can have her sit closer to her while reading the book.
3. To differentiate instruction for struggling students, the teacher can
change the picture activity by grouping students based on ability.
The teacher can group those students who are struggling with those
students who excel in these types of activities so that the struggling
student can benefit.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
a. The teacher will assess the students understanding of the
material through collection of both worksheets.
2. Summative
a. The following Tuesday of the next week, the students will be
given a unit exam covering all of the material in the unit. The
students will be given a study guide to complete by Monday
and the teacher will do a review game with the students to
prepare them for the next day.

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)

Are there things that you think would be beneficial to add to this lesson?


Is there anything you would like to change about the lesson?


After this lesson is complete, do the students show a good understanding of the

VI. Resources (in APA format)

A. Mitchell, S. K. (2007). A Rainforest Grew All Around. Arbodale Publishing.

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