Religion Prayer

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Olivia Dellemonache

April 11, 2016

A) Theme: The Life Given to Us by God.
B) Reading: John 8:12 (NSRV)
Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will
not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
C) Reflection:
This passage stands out very boldly to me. Jesus is explaining that whoever follows Him
in their lives, they shall have eternal life with Jesus in Heaven. Jesus is explaining that He
is the light in all of our lives and will lead us to bigger and better things later on in life.
He is also saying that if you stand by Him, He will always be with you through life and
will never leave you.
D) Prayer:
Dear Lord,
You are my Heavenly Father,
Who is unconditionally loving to me through positives and negatives,
Into your hand,
I place my struggles, sorrows, cares, worries, and troubles.
Teach me to trust that you will lead me to the best in life,
That when unexpected times come,
I will expect peace in my life knowing you are with me,
Always hearing my cries,
And knowing you are with me and for me.
Into your wisdom and intelligence,
I place my direction, goal, and path,
Into Your care and love for me,
I place my life into Your hands forever.

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